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  • 2024-10-18 16:51

Project Management专业介绍STEM范畴,36个月OPT,就业热门


项目管理,简称 (PM),就是项目的管理者,在有限的资源约束下,运用系统的观点、方法和理论,对项目涉及的全部工作进行有效地管理。即从项目的投资决策开始到项目结束的全过程进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和评价,以实现项目的目标。In September of 2009,theMaster of Science in Project Management receive accreitation by theProject Management Institute's Global Accreitation Center (GAC),the worl's leaing association for project management professionals. Accreitation is achieve by meeting the GAC’s rigorous stanars,which inclue an assessment of program objectives an outcomes,a review of onsite an online resources,evaluations of faculty an stuents,an proof of continuous improvements in the area of project management.

1、学分; 45

2、总学费: 3 万美金左右

3、课程目标Companies succee or fail base on their ability to bring quality proucts an services to market in a timely manner (如何有限时间内将高品质产品和服务推进市场) . Without skille project managers in place,companies are challenge to eliver projects on time,on buget,an accoring to specifications. From inception to completion,project managers are responsible for every step in the process: project efinition,cost an risk estimation,scheule planning an monitoring,buget management,negotiation an conflict resolution,project leaership,an project presentation an evaluation. 项目管理者深入到各个环节:项目定义,成本,风险预估,排期计划,监控,预算管理,协商,冲突的解决,项目领导力,项目呈现和评估 The Master of Science in Project Management is esigne to provie you the practical skills an theoretical concepts you nee to lea complex projects. (理论 + 实践)。Featuring real-worl case stuies,this project management egree presents techniques an tools for managing long- an short-term projects 管理短期和长期项目和成本的技术和工具,successfully an cost effectively. Augmenting the core project management courses are concentrations that provie you with content-specific expertise—enabling you to eepen your knowlege in your fiel of interest. •Effectively manage multiple,sometimes interrelate,complex projects 能够有效管理多个,关联的,复杂的项目。•Implement enterprise-level project portfolio management (PPM) base upon an organization’s strategic business goals 依据组织的战略目标,实施公司层面的项目组合管理 •Avoi common project management pitfalls 避免掉普遍的项目管理风险 •Develop metrics for etermining an reporting project performance 开发决定或者汇报项目效果的指标


  1. Effectively lea an manage multiple,sometimes interrelate,complex projects while avoiing common project management pitfalls.
  2. Manage project risk,quality,an performance while effectively communicating with all project stakeholers. 能够管理项目风险,质量和结果,并与相关利益者做高效的沟通。
  3. Implement an enterprise-level project portfolio management (PPM) program base upon an organization’s strategic business goals 根据组织的战略目标,实施项目组合管理方案
  4. Unerstan the nee for ethics an social responsibility in the practice of project management as outline in the PMI Coe of Ethics.
  5. 5、就业前景Career Outlook Accoring to PMI,through the ecae ening in 2020,15.7 million new project management roles will be create. The profession is expecte to grow by US$6.61 trillion. Now is the time for professionals an job-seekers to buil project management skills,as eman for these skills outstrips supply. In the Unite States,this growth will mean: · Rising salaries · Growth in the project-intensive sectors of manufacturing,business services,finance an insurance,oil an gas,information services,construction an utilities In 10 countries (Australia,Brazil,Canaa,China,Germany,Inia,Japan,Saui Arabia,Unite Arab Emirates an the Unite Kingom) with establishe or quickly eveloping project-intensive sectors,project management roles are expecte to grow by 13.4 million through 2020. .The Project Management Institute Global Accreitation Center认证****Ø *2020* 年 15.7million 项目管理职位的增长 -PMI Ø 美国项目管理师 平均年薪 $101,505 –PMI Ø 包括中国在内的 10 个国家到 2020 年该专业的就业增长达 13.4million Ø 就业方向:涉及的行业遍布 IT 、电子、商业,通信、工程、金融、建筑,制造业,能源,房产、石化、数据管理等几乎涵盖所有,适用于大部分的跨国项目型企业或本土企业中的项目管理者、领导执行者和项目组成员人群。

PMP ( Project Management Professional )指项目管理专业人士(人事)资格认证。美国项目管理协会( PMI )举办的项目管理专业人员( PMP )认证考试在全球 190 多个国家和地区推广,是目前项目管理领域含金量最高的认证。获取 PMP 证书,不仅提升项目经理的项目管理水平,也直接体现项目经理的个人竞争力,是项目管理专业人士身份的象征。国内自 1999 年开始推行 PMP 认证,由国际监考机构普尔文进行监考及考试组织! PMP 作为项目管理资格认证考试,已在国际上树立了其权威性:

1. PMP 为美国培养了一大批项目管理专业人才,项目管理职业已成为美国的“黄金职业”。在中国媒体已把 PMP 称为继 MBA,MPA 之后的三大金字招牌之一;

2. PMP 认证已成为了一个国际性的认证标准,用英语、德语、法语、日语、韩语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和中文等九种语言进行认证考试;

3. 到目前为止,全球有 50 多万名 PMP,中国大陆地区获得“ PMP ”头衔的已有 7 万多人,并逐年增长;

4 .各国纷纷效仿美国的项目管理认证制度,推动了世界项目管理的发展; 要想获得 PMP 专业认证,考生须达到美国项目管理协会( PMI )规定,对项目管理专业知识的掌握程度及其相应的工作经验和要求;另一方面,获得 PMP 证书的专业人员应继续从事项目工作,以不断适应项目管理发展的要求 .

6、课程设置Require Courses (24-25 q.h.) 必修学分 24-25 PJM 5900Founations of Project Management (This course is require for stuents who o not have at least two years of professional experience working on projects. This course is only intene for those who are not familiar with professional project work. Stuents with two years or more of professional project experience shoul nottake this course.)4 q.h. PJM 6000Project Management Practices(prerequisite) 3 q.h. PJM 6005Project Scope Management3 q.h.
PJM 6015Risk Management 3 q.h.
PJM 6025Project Scheuling an Cost Planning 3 q.h.
PJM 6135Project Quality Management3 q.h.
PJM 6910Capstone (recommene as last course)3 q.h. Choose two* of the following courses: 选择其中两门 PJM 6125Project evaluation an Assessment 3 q.h. PJM 6140Managing Trouble Projects 3 q.h. PJM 6145Global Project Management 3 q.h. PJM 6705Portfolio Management in the Enterprise Environment3 q.h.
*Stuents who take PJM 5900 are only require to take one course in this section.
Elective Courses (6-7 q.h.) 选修 6-7 学分 Choose two of the following courses:
CMN 6060Negotiation,Meiation,an Facilitation 3 q.h. CMN 6090Organizational Culture,Climate,an Communication3 q.h.
CMN 6110Group Dynamics an Interpersonal Conflict: Meeting Management 3 q.h. LDR 6135Ethical Leaership 3 q.h. COP 6940Personal an Career Development (enrollment into this course requires participation in the cooperative eucation program) 3 q.h. INT 6943Integrative Experiential Learning 3 q.h. PJM 6205Leaing an Managing Technical Projects 3 q.h.
PJM 6210Communication Skills for Project Managers 3 q.h. PJM 6215Leaing Remote Project Teams 3 q.h.

Concentrations (15-16 q.h.) 分支方向 15-16 学分申请时不用选分支方向

Organizational Communication Concentration公司运营传播方向CMN 6000/ INT 6000Introuction to Organizational Communication/Writing Lab 3/1 q.h. Choose four of the following courses: CMN 6020Ethical Issues in Organizational Communication 3 q.h. CMN 6050Crisis Communication 3 q.h. CMN 6060Negotiation,Meiation,an Facilitation3 q.h.
CMN 6080Intercultural Communication3 q.h.
CMN 6090Organizational Culture,Climate,an Communication 3 q.h. CMN 6110Group Dynamics an Interpersonal Conflict 3 q.h.

Leaership Concentration管理方向LDR 6100Developing Your Leaership Capability (prerequisite) 3 q.h. LDR 6110Leaing Teams 3 q.h. LDR 6120Organizational Leaership 3 q.h. LDR 6150Transforming Organizations 3 q.h.Choose one of the following courses: LDR 6125Managing Organizational Culture3 q.h.
LDR 6135Ethical Leaership 3 q.h. LDR 6140Strategic Leaership 3 q.h.

Clinical Trial Design Concentration*临床试验设计BTC 6211Valiation an Auiting of Clinical Trial Information4 q.h. BTC 6213Clinical Trial Design Optimization an Problem Solving 4 q.h. PMC 6212Clinical Drug Development Data Analysis: Concepts4 q.h. RGA 6210Strategic Planning an Project Management for Regulatory Affairs 4 q.h.

Leaing & Managing Technical Projects Concentration*领导和管理项目方向PJM 6205Leaing an Managing Technical Projects 3 q.h. PJM 6210Communication Skills for Project Managers 3 q.h. PJM 6215Leaing Remote Project Teams 3 q.h.
PJM 6220Planning an Scheuling Technical Projects 3 q.h. ITC 6035Information Technology Project Management3 q.h.

Information Security Management Concentration*信息安全管理方向ITC 6300Founations of Information Security 3 q.h. ITC 6315Information Security Risk Management 3 q.h. ITC 6310Information Security Governance3 q.h. ITC 6320Information Security Technology 3 q.h.Choose one of the following courses: ITC 6020Information Systems Design & Development 3 q.h.
ITC 6305IT Infrastructure (Systems,Networks,Telecom) 3 q.h. ITC 6335Data Warehousing an Data Mining 3 q.h.
ITC 6345Systems an Network Aministration 3 q.h.

Construction Management Concentration*施工管理方向CMG 6400Introuction to Construction Management (prerequisite) 4 q.h. CMG 6402Alternative Project Delivery Methos an Project Controls 4 q.h. CMG 6403Safety,Project Risk,an Quality Management 4 q.h. CMG 6405Construction Law 4 q.h.





