

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 02:43

How o I approach a potential supervisor?

You can then approach your selecte potential supervisor (or several,if you're still eciing) with a tailore,well-written an passionate email. Make a positive first impression by:


  • attaching youracaemic CV
  • avoiing overstatements or vague generalisations,while keeping your message clear an concise
  • conveying your skills an knowlege by introucing your acaemic backgroun an the fiel you inten to research
  • referring to the acaemic by their correct title
  • showing your familiarity with an interest in the acaemic's work.

Conclue your message by asking whether you coul visit them in person,or at the very least speak over the telephone or via Skype. If you receive no response within two weeks,sen a follow-up email.

Don't take any rejection personally. The acaemic may simply be too busy,alreay supervising several PhD stuents,or unsure whether your project is suitable.

How o I make a goo impression?

If an acaemic agrees to meet you,they'll be aiming to iscover whether you have the passion,tenacity an acaemic potential to complete a PhD. This means that conveying your etermination to complete such an aruous research project is an absolute necessity.

You can also isplay your enthusiasm by asking your supervisor relevant questions,such as:

  • How far o you see your responsibilities towars me extening?
  • How much time woul you have for me,an how often woul we meet?
  • What arrangements,if any,woul be in place for a secon supervisor?
  • What characteristics o you feel successful PhD stuents have?
  • What o you expect from the stuents you supervise?
  • What funing an aitional support is available at this institution?
  • What is your opinion of my research topic an propose methoology?
  • What things shoul I o to supplement my PhD?
  • What qualities oes a goo supervisor possess?

    Before eciing which PhD supervisor is right for you an applying to your chosen institution,you shoul be certain that the iniviual is:

    • not intening to leave the institution permanently or go on sabbatical uring your PhD
    • of a similar personality an working style to you
    • reliable an approachable,with a strong track recor of supervising PhD stuents
    • someone you're inspire by an prou to associate with
    • sufficiently intereste in an enthusiastic about your project to commit three or four years of their guiance,support an encouragement
    • up-to-ate in their knowlege of the latest finings an publications within your fiel,an has strong connections within acaemia.

    How o I evelop a goo relationship with my supervisor?

    Your PhD supervisor will become your primary referee once you've grauate. Forging a strong relationship with them can greatly improve your chances ofsecuring a postoctoral job.

    You can make a positive impression simply by performing many of the extra tasks expecte of you - for example,teaching unergrauates,mentoring other postgrauates an representing the university at research conferences. The University of Leicester recommens that you also shoul:

    • be open an honest
    • isplay inepenence an an ability to manage problems
    • maintain regular contact
    • meet agree ealines
    • show a positive an professional attitue
    • unerstan your mutual responsibilities an expectations
    • use your supervisor's avice an feeback.

    What can my PhD supervisor help me with?

    Unlike at Bachelors anMasters egreelevel,your supervisor isn't necessarily an expert in your specific fiel of stuy. You'll quickly know more about your research topic than they o - so you must appreciate that they may not have the answer to all of your problems.

    Inee,your relationship with your supervisor will evolve as you become less epenent on their support. They will initially focus on helping you to prouce quality research,but quickly shift their attention to reviewing your finings an assisting your professional evelopment.

    Can I change my supervisor?

    Some supervisors eicate far more time to stuents than they're require to,while some prefer not to become too involve in their stuents' research. However,you shouln't stay silent if you feel like things aren't working out - especially if you're stuying a STEM subject,where your supervisor is often effectively your research collaborator.

    It's for this reason you shoul spen plenty of time fining the right acaemic before enrolling; changing your supervisor shoul be the last resort,unless your topic has significantly shifte in the initial months of stuy.




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