

  • 留学新天地
  • 2024-09-03 15:05

University of Rochester-Simon Business School

# UR是一所私立研究性大学,U.S. News 2018综合排名#34。


# Location: Rochester,NY,学生口中的“罗村”,位于纽约州西北部,纽约州第三大城市,被誉为“世界影像中心”、“面粉城”、”花城”。
# 学校最大的图书馆Rush Rhees Library,建筑为新古典主义风格,曾被评为全美最佳大学图书馆之一。
# Simon商学院于1966年通过AASCB(国际商学院协会)认证。
# Simon的学生数量维持在Full-time MBA 学生约150人,MS学生约250人,EMBA学生约40人。
# Simon设有为学生提供就业咨询服务的Career Management Center,简称CMC,不定期开设各类就业讲座和活动,如Job Search Essentials,Job Search English,Resume Clinic等。
# Simon有30+的学生社团与组织,帮助学生提高领导能力与团队合作能力。
# Simon的微博:美国罗切斯特大学Simon商学院

Bloomberg Businessweek,November2017
· Full-Time MBA program ranke No. 33 among US businessschools
· No. 7 among US business schools for job placement threemonths post grauation
· No. 19 among US business schools for Alumni Survey Rank
U.S. News & Worl Report,March 2017
· No. 43 among the top business schools
· No. 9 for Placement three months post-grauation amongranke business schools
· No. 24 for Placement at grauation among ranke businessschools
· No. 13 in Finance
The Princeton Review,December2015
· No. 22 among the nation’s top 25 grauate schools forentrepreneurial stuies
The Economist – Which MBA?,October 2016
· No. 34 in the US
· No. 50 in the Worl
Financial Times of Lonon
· No. 2 in the worl for Finance (Jan. 2017)
· No. 5 in the worl for Economics (Jan. 2017)
· No. 6 in the US for pre-experience MS in Finance programs(Jun. 2017)
América Economía
· No. 30 among the worl's top MBA programs (2015)
· No. 15 among the top MBA programs in the US
Entrepreneur Magazine
StuentOpinion Honors for Business Schools
· Simon was ranke among the top 15 grauate schoolsin the area of Finance.


