

  • 小英话留学
  • 2024-09-03 13:19

乔治城大学(Georgetown University)创建于1789年,世界顶尖高等学府,美国最古老的大学之一。乔治城大学位于美国首都华盛顿特区,是一所顶尖综合性私立大学,位列2017-18年度US NEWS美国大学本科排名第20名。



乔治城大学沃尔什外交学院 (Walsh School of Foreign Service,简称SFS) 与哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院,约翰·霍普金斯大学保罗·尼采高级国际研究学院(SAIS),哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院(SIPA)齐名,为美国及世界各国政府机构,政策智库输送大量杰出的领导人与著名学者。



学校官网: https://www.georgetown.eu/




All first-year applicants,incluing international applicants,are require to have an interview with an alumnus as part of the amissions process unless it is geographically impossible. Interviews for transfer stuents are optional. No interviews are available for Special Stuent Program applicants.

Please note that no interviews take place here on campus an we o not ask (or expect) stuents to travel to other cities/countries for the interview. If you live in a city/country where no alumni interviewers are available,the interview will be waive. Rest assure that in such situations,the lack of an interview will not negatively impact the final ecisions renere on applications.


截止日期: https://uamissions.georgetown.eu/first-year/application

·Submit Early Action ApplicationsNovember 1

·Early Action Results Date
December 15

·Submit Regular Decision Applications
January 10

·Submit CSS Profile an FAFSA
February 1

·Regular Decision Results Date
April 1

·Reply Date for Amitte First-Year StuentsMay 1

EA:12.15 RD:1.10


·Georgetown Application

·Application Supplement

·Seconary School Report

·Teacher's Recommenation

·Application Fee$75.00

·SAT/ACT Results

·SAT Subject Tests Scores

·SAT- Georgetown's SAT coe is5244. Georgetown only consiers the critical reaing an math portions of the SAT,not the writing section. If an applicant takes the SAT more than once,the amissions committees will consier the highest critical reaing score an the highest math score from multiple test sessions when reviewing the application.

·ACT- Georgetown's ACT coe is0668. Georgetown accepts the ACT in lieu of the SAT. Applicants who take the ACT more than once will have their highest composite score consiere in the evaluation process. The optional writing section on the ACT is not require,nor is the writing subscore use in the application review process.

·SAT Subject Tests- It is strongly recommene that all caniates,whether they have taken the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT,submit three SAT Subject Tests scores. The scores from writing portion on the SAT Reasoning Test an the optional writing portion of the ACT will not be use in place of a Subject Test.

·TOEFL- Georgetown's TOEFL coe is5244. TOEFL is recommene for caniates stuying in non-U.S. eucational systems an whose native language is not English. Georgetown also oes accept results from the IELTS. Please contactIELTS USAfor etails about this exam.



GEORGETOWN APPLICATION (Dealine to submit: Immeiately)

APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT (Dealine to submit: Early Action - November 1,2018; Regular Decision - January 10,2019)

SEConDARY SCHOOL REPORT - Dealine to submit: November 1,2018 for Early Action or January 10,2019 for Regular Decision

TEACHER'S REPORT - Dealine to submit: November 1,2018 for Early Action or January 10,2019 for Regular Decision

MIDYEAR SCHOOL REPORT - Dealine to submit: February 10,2019 for Early Action an Regular Decision






