

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-10-23 07:21

Voice Auition GuielinesThe Auition__试听


Prepare Piece: Berklee embraces an values all music styles so you shoul prepare a piece that you are comfortable with an isplays your strengths as a musician. It shoul be approximately 3-5 minutes in length,in any style,which emonstrates your instrumental proficiency an your overall musicianship. Do not choose a piece or a style of music you think the auition team wants to hear. Rather,select a piece that puts your "best foot forwar" an highlights what you feel represents your best playing. Ultimately,the auition is a iscovery process an we want to fin out what you o well. 准备曲目:伯克利音乐学院接受并尊重各自风格的音乐,所以你只需要准备那些让你觉得舒服的,能展现你作为一个音乐家才能的曲目即可。试听大概 3-5 分钟长,可以是任何风格,只要能展现你的乐器熟练度和整体音乐家素质。不用选择那些你认为审理官可能会喜欢听的乐曲和风格。相反,你只要选择自己能尽力而为的,突出你特长的曲目。最后,试听是一个过程,让审理官发现你最棒方面的过程。

It is recommene to seek the guiance of your private instructor an/or musical mentor when selecting your prepare piece. Here are some examples an aitional guielines that may help when selecting your prepare piece:

  1. A tune from a well-known artist or ban (any style)
  2. A stanar or jazz tune (which may inclue blues an rhythm changes) with your own improvisation
  3. A composition from the instrumental/voice repertoire or an aria or musical theater selection
  4. A transcription of a well-known artist's solo 建议申请人在挑选准备曲目时,向自己的音乐指导老师寻求一些建议。下面的几个例子和一些额外的指导建议,有可能会在你选择曲目时有帮助:
  5. 一首来自知名音乐家或乐队的曲子(任何风格)
  6. 一支你即兴创作的标准或 jazz 曲目(可以包含 blues 或者韵律变化)
  7. 一首作曲,可以是乐器或者歌唱曲目,或者咏叹调,或者是音乐剧选曲
  8. 一首知名音乐独奏的改编曲目

If composing or songwriting is your primary focus,you may choose to play an original piece that showcases your iniviual style. However,the original piece shoul be no longer than three (3) minutes,an you shoul also prepare a secon piece from the above listing (no longer than 3 minutes). 如果作曲和写歌是你的主要方向,你可以选择一首展现个人风格的原创曲目。但是原创曲目不能超过三分钟,同时你仍然需要准备一首上面列表中的类型的曲目(不超过三分钟) If you require accompaniment for your prepare piece you may bring an accompanist,play-a-long CD or MP3 player. It is not recommene to use the original tracks of artists or bans as play-a-longs. If you are playing to a track,it is preferre that you use stanar play-a-long/music-minus-one or karaoke tracks so that you are not playing your part along with the part on the recoring. For example,we woul prefer a singer use a karaoke track that oes not have the lea vocal part on the track rather than singing along with the artist’s original recoring. Improvisation: We woul like to hear you improvise over a short progression to gauge where you are in your instrumental evelopment. Your prepare piece may inclue improvisation,but it is not require. 如果需要一个伴奏,可以带一个名伴奏人,或者使用 CD 和 MP3 伴奏。非常不建议使用原曲作为伴奏。建议使用标准的伴奏曲或者卡拉 OK 伴奏曲。

Blues:**** You shoul be prepare to play over a stanar I-IV-V blues progression. 关于 BLUES: 准备 stanar I-IV-V blues progression 的布鲁斯音乐

Reaing:**** The examples range from basic to complex in orer for the auition team to gauge your reaing ability. You will have 15 minutes before your auition to warm-up on your instrument an review the reaing material before being aske to play the examples in the auition. 关于阅读:试听团队会评估你阅读曲谱的能力。在开始试听前将有 15 分钟热身时间,调试乐器以及浏览曲谱。

Ear Training:You will be aske to participate in call-an-response exercises. The auition team will play short rhythms an meloies,which you will either sing back or play back on your instrument. You may also be aske to ientify intervals an chor qualities. The auition team will also gain a sense of your ability to match pitch uring this section of the auition. 听力训练:你会被要求参加一个应答练习。试听团队会演奏一个简短的旋律,你可以用歌唱回应,也可以通过乐器演奏回应。你可能会被问到一些音程或和旋的问题。试听的过程还是考察你的高音能力。

You may also be aske to emonstrate your range an technical facility via typical practice routines an exercises (scales,arpeggios,etc.). 你可能被要求展现一下你的音域和音乐技巧,通过一些常规的训练方式( scales,arpeggios,etc. )

Some valuable things to remember We have provieonline auition practice materials(play-along exercises) that will help you prepare for the Improvisation an Blues sections of the auition. 学校提供了在线试听的练习材料,能帮助你进行即兴创作和布鲁斯部分的试听练习。

Applicants accepte to Berklee will be taking core music classes incluing harmony,ear training an arranging classes,in aition to private instrumental stuies an ensembles,so the auition is formatte to assess stuents' overall musicianship. In aition,we are also intereste in seeing how you function in an ensemble setting. 被伯克利录取的学生将会接受到核心的音乐课程包括听力训练等。所以试听部分的听力考察是在评估学生的音乐家素质。

We take a holistic approach in our evaluation process where each component of the auition helps the auition team assess your overall abilities as a musician. While each component is important,we recognize it is common for applicants to have imbalances in their playing abilities. We realize many applicants may not have avance skills in improvisation,reaing,ear training or multiple musical styles,but our curriculum materials are esigne to help stuents buil skills in these areas. 试听的目的在于全面评估你作为音乐家的素质,伯克利知道申请人在即兴创作,听力训练等多方面都有待进步的地方,但是伯克利的课程会帮助录取的学生进一步完善这些方面的技巧。

The Interview__面试You will participate in a 15-minute interview with our amissions representative to iscuss your goals an aspirations,an what you will bring to Berklee. The boar of amissions encourages applicants to share their creative work. Instea of bringing supplemental material to your interview,please provie a link to Youtube,MySpace,or a personal website when you submit your application.https://www.berklee.eu/amissions/general/voice.html

你会参加一个 15 分钟的面试,面试对象是伯克利招生代表。你们会探讨你的目标,志向,以及你将会带给伯克利音乐学院什么。招生委员会鼓励申请者分享创作性的作品。但是更建议申请者将这些补充材料上传到 Youtube,MySpace,或者个人网站,而不是带到面试现场。




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