

  • 留学巴士主页
  • 2024-10-23 15:28

美国的市场营销是商科下面一个很不错的专业,而且部分学校的市场营销属于 STEM 项目毕业后可以在美国有 3 年的实习机会;下面我们从就业来看下福特汉姆的市场营销:


MSMI overview

Your marketing intelligence egree will provie a strong backgroun in marketing,strategies an tactics,customer behavior,an both qualitative an quantitative market research.

The MSMI faculty inclues internationally recognize business acaemics as well as executives who have worke at top avertising an marketing firms. This mix allows you to merge the latest in theoretical unerstaning with real-worl perspective—a soli avantage not only in the job market,but also on the job.

The Gabelli School ege

Not many business schools can put you to work on a marketing challenge at The Foo Network. Not many stuents get to present their ieas to the boarroom at Bloomberg LP. At the Gabelli School,those sorts of experiences are at the heart of our approach to eveloping street-smart marketing executives with impressive r é sum é s.

The Gabelli School MSMI program is STEM-approve,offering international stuents the ability to work for a longer perio without immeiate nee of sponsorship.

MSMI Careers

93% of U.S. stuents are hire within 90 ays of completing the Gabelli School MSMI.Now that’s ata worth thinking about.

The fact is,many grauate programs fall short when it comes to eveloping in-epth marketing skills. That’s why companies often en up hiring ata scientists an statisticians for intelligence-oriente marketing jobs.

At the Gabelli School,we’ve seize this opportunity to train marketing professionals with the combination of laser-focuse skills an big-picture thinking that employers are looking for.

The approach seems to be working. Our grauates certainly are.

Proven success

Our grauates have been hire for marketing positions in top international firms,incluing:

• Accenture

• Bank of New York

• Barneys New York

• Booz Allen Hamilton

• BranTuitive Braning Agency

• DigitasLBi

• FCB Health

• GroupM (WPP Group)


• Initiative Meia (Interpublic Group)

• Kantar Research – Healthcare

• Kraft Foos

• MEC Meia (WPP Group)

• NBCUniversal

• Reckitt Benckiser

• Rocket Fuel Digital

• Young & Rubicam Group

Job opportunities

When it comes to exciting job opportunities,the smart money is on marketing intelligence. A Master of Science in Marketing Intelligence (MSMI) from the Gabelli School will qualify you for a wie range of exciting positions,incluing:

Digital or social meia analyst

Digital or social meia analysts can work at a marketing agency,for a corporation,or in a unique mile groun: as a marketing-agency staff member statione on-site at the offices of a specific client. Analysts ientify trens in igital or social meia,review analytics for user behaviors,an stuy emerging platforms an tools. They also evelop new insights for clients,recommen strategies base on trens,an alert clients about potential pitfalls far in avance—because they can preict them.

New meia analyst/buyer

A new meia buyer unerstans a client’s bran communication objectives,bases strategic plans on them,an fins creative meia platforms to execute those plans. This job blens ata analysis with meia negotiation an placement skills.

Market researcher or bran planner

Market researchers an bran planners usually work at large agencies or market-research firms. Researchers unearth trens that motivate strategic initiatives. How? By gathering intelligence,esigning an analyzing research,synthesizing finings,an etermining the implications. Bran planners use market ata,qualitative research,an prouct knowlege to shape creative evelopment with a specific target auience in min.





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