

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 15:24

南加利福尼亚大学(University of Southern California),又译南加州大学,简称南加大(USC),是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,1880年由监理会创立,是美国大学协会(AAU)成员、环太平洋大学联盟成员。





官网: https://www.usc.eu/



stuent profile



We look for those stuents we believe will thrive at USC. Our application process is esigne to iscover your iniviual story,so that we might see how you woul take avantage of the many opportunities available at USC. Like many highly selective universities,we conuct a comprehensive,holistic review of your application to consier acaemic an personal characteristics. We will review your performance in school,the rigor of your program,writing skills an test scores. We also consier personal qualities,as reveale in community involvement,leaership an achievements.

Successful USC Stuents

USC stuents pursue ambitious intellectual an professional goals by stuying across isciplines an taking avantage of the iversity of programs available. They are willing to venture outsie their comfort zones. They are intereste in the worl,in other peoples an cultures,an enjoy examining important issues from a global perspective. USC stuents are unafrai to speak up in class to make others think or fight for a cause. They get involve by participating in stuent organizations an connecting with others. They seek to grow to their fullest potential,an they seek to serve others in the community along the way.

Accessibility an Financial Ai

USC is nee-blin in its amission process—a stuent’s financial nee will never influence an amission ecision. In fact,nearly two-thirs of unergrauate stuents at USC receive financial ai .

“Let your passions shine through in the application! Numbers o not tell the whole story; rather we really want to get to know the person behin the application,an writing about what is important to you will really allow us to o just that.”

—Sam Williams,Assistant Director of Amission

“Remember,there’s a person on the other en of your application; we’re just trying to get to know you.”

—Becky Chassin,Assistant Dean of Amission






协助留学小白, 圆赴日留学梦!
