

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-23 09:34

A sociologist says that boys on't "necessarily have to unerachieve." School environments an peer influences can be very important.



Over all,girls outperform boys in school. It starts as early as kinergarten. By the time stuents reach college,women grauate at a higher rate than men.


But there’s an exception. Asian-American boys match the graes of Asian-American girls in elementary school,a new stuy has foun. For them,the gener achievement gap oesn’t appear until aolescence — at which point they start oing worse as a group than Asian-American girls.


The stuy as to a growing boy of research suggesting that boys’ unerperformance is not because of anything innate to boys. Instea,it seems,it’s largely because of something external: their school environments an peer influences.


Girls are encourage to be iligent,cooperative an ambitious — all things that serve them well in school. Boys are more sensitive than girls to environmental influences,accoring to a variety of research,an they feel pressure to be strong,tough an athletic. They get the message that oing well in school is not masculine,social scientists say. Even in peer groups that prize goo graes,it’s consiere uncool to seem to try har to earn the.


Asian-American boys are somehow sheltere from that message in early chilhoo. The reasons coul give parents an teachers information about how to help boys of all racesreach their full potential.


“These finings show it oesn’t have to be this way,that boys necessarily have to unerachieve,” sai Amy Hsin,the paper’s author an a sociologist at Queens College in New York. “How we parent,how we help chilren think about their masculinity,an school culture an peer norms have effects on their performance in school.”

“这些研究结果表明,不一定非得是这样,即男生一定要表现稍逊,”该论文作者、纽约市立大学皇后学院(Queens College in New York)社会学家艾米·辛(Amy Hsin)说。“我们如何养育孩子,如何帮助孩子思考他们的男子气概,以及学校的文化和同伴准则都对他们在学校的表现有影响。”

Looking at grae point averages of white an Asian-American stuents,she foun that unlike white stuents,Asian-American boys an girls have no significant grae ifferences until ninth grae. Then,boys fall behin girls by the equivalent of one-thir of a letter grae,about the same as the gener ifference in white stuents’ graes,accoring to the new stuy,publishe last month in the journal Sociological Science.

她看着白人和亚裔美国学生的平均绩点,发现和白人学生不同,亚裔美国男生和女生在九年级之前没有明显的成绩差别。其后,根据上月发表在《社会科学》(Sociological Science)期刊上的该项新研究,男生落后女生相当于一个字母分数三分之一的成绩,与白人学生成绩的性别差异几乎一样。

It use ata on about 9,200 white an 1,700 Asian-American stuents from two national stuies that followe the same stuents over time (the groups were too small to analyze ifferences among Asian ethnic groups.) The results are not efinitive. The sample size is relatively small,an the analysis uses graes,which,unlike test scores,are influence by teachers’ subjective assessments of stuents. Yet the results fit with other research that shows the effect of outsie influences on acaemic performance,particularly for boys.


One reason Asian-American chilren o so well as a group is that Asian immigrant families ten to be very focuse on eucation,as the sociologists Jennifer Lee an Min Zhou escribe in their book,“The Asian American Achievement Paraox.”

亚裔美国孩子作为一个群体有如此良好的表现,原因之一在于亚洲移民家庭倾向于非常注重教育,如社会学家李智英(Jennifer Lee)和周敏在她们的著作《亚裔美国人成就的悖论》(The Asian American Achievement Paraox)中所描述的那样。

One goal of a 1965 U.S. immigration law,which also abolishe severe restrictions against immigration from regions such as Asia,was to give preference to professionals with specialize skills. Partly as a result,a little more than half of Chinese immigrants to the Unite States have a college egree or higher,versus less than 10 percent of aults in China in recent years,Ms. Lee sai. They have tene to prioritize that their chilren earn straight As; atten a goo college; an become a octor,lawyer,scientist or engineer,the authors wrote. They have also share information about things like SAT tutors an A.P. courses with their less eucate Asian-American peers.


Another factor is the so-calle moel minority stereotype — that Asians as a group are suppose to be smart,successful an har-working. This image masks high poverty an ropout rates among some Asian ethnic groups,yet as with all stereotypes,it can lea people to act in biase ways. Teachers ten to give Asian-American stuents higher graes an funnel them into avance programs,the researchers foun. Often,lower-performing stuents have risen to meet these expectations of them,an effect social scientists refer to as stereotype promise.


For Asian-American boys,these influences change in aolescence,Ms. Hsin foun,a time when chilren become more aware of their gener ientity an are more influence by peers. They also have to fight a pernicious perception that they are not masculine enough.


“The moel minority myth frames Asian boys as being kin of nery,caring too much about oing well,so that may cause them to become less acaemically attache,” Ms. Hsin sai. “It’s not as stigmatizing for Asian girls because if you’re goo at school an you really care,that kin of plays along with what you shoul be oing as a girl anyway.”


The new stuy offers a clue about how much school environments affect boys’ acaemic achievement. Ms. Hsin foun that the gener gap for Asian-Americans in high school was smaller in schools that were less sports-focuse,an where boys i better over all.


Other stuies have also pinpointe the importance of the school an social environments,especially for boys.


One working paper foun that the best-performing stuents ha a combination of behaviors typically consiere male an female. It use nationally representative survey ata about gener norms for about 12,000 high school stuents,linke with their high school transcripts. The most traitionally feminine girls an the most masculine boys ha the lowest graes.


The messages boys receive about how to be masculine come from local influences in their schools an communities an are often tie to to socioeconomic status,other research has shown. Boys perform better in school when achievement is consiere to be esirable,an when they believe successful men get their power from eucation versus strength an toughness. Boys in high-income communities are more likely to get those messages,research has shown.


Teachers' expectations of stuents — an the biases behin them — also influence chilren's performance. For example,white teachers are less likely than black teachers to refer black stuents to gifte programs,or to have high expectations for their potential. Yet as with Asian-American stuents,research shows that when teachers have high expectations for black stuents,they rise to meet them.


The fact that boys’ achievement varies in ifferent school environments is a hopeful sign for parents an eucators,Ms. Hsin sai,because it suggests ways to help all stuents.


Encourage acaemic achievement,she sai,an talk about how it leas to success.


Researchers have other suggestions. Show them role moels who got where they are by oing well in school. Emphasize the importance of har work an aily practice,not innate skill. Encourage both boys an girls to embrace a full range of character traits,an not to feel limite by stereotypical gener roles. Place high expectations on chilren,an give them opportunities to meet them — regarless of skin color.





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