

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 10:25

To Whom It May Concern,


As an associate professor of Qingao University of Technology,I woul like to provie my help for every stuent who has ambition an capability to make more achievements,not to mention that Miss Cui Hang stans out from others with her acaemic potential an pleasing character. Therefore,I write this letter for this promising lay to support her application for enrolling into your grauate school.

I became familiar with Miss Cui Hang when she attene my courses ofBasic Art IanBasic Art IIin her freshman year.In every class,she aopte a serious attitue with agile min. Whenever I threw a question to the class,Miss Cui took initiative to make response. Besies,this young girl was capable of an creative in ealing with professional issues. What’s more,this girl was enowe with intelligence an a spirit of research. From her homework,I saw her soli theoretical founation in art an her creative thinking. Meanwhile,serving as Miss Cui Hang’s class teacher,I also knew well about her excellent performance outsie class.

Knowing that Miss Cui has mae up her min to continue her stuy at your esteeme university,I am very please an I think that her great potential nees to be further explore. As I have highly regar for her merits,I len her my enthusiastic support for her efforts in pursuing of grauate stuy an recommen her without reservation. Shoul you nee any further information,please feel free to contact me.




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