

  • 留学新天地
  • 2024-10-23 07:15





Defining College Deferrals

首先,什么是College Deferrals? Deferral通常是指你的申请还没结束,学校在EA/ED的环节觉得你的申请材料不错,但是提前申请的名额有限,因此把你的申请文件推送至一般申请环节重新审阅,这时候将会把12年级的成绩与额外的课外活动一并考量进去。通常将会在三月或四月时取得最后录取通知。

如果你是Early Decision (ED)申请被推送,那你的资格将会被从BiningCommitment限制条约中被解除。


Making a Goo Impression


1.详细阅读Deferral Letter内的说明

请详细的阅读信件上的说明,遵守信上的规定与步骤。请记住,如有些学校要求“ you shoul not sen in any aitional information”时,请就不要再寄送任何新文件。




a. 期中与期末考试成绩,标准化考试成绩

b. 额外学术竞赛,研究报告

c. 参与大学学术活动


a. 社团竞赛表现

b. 社会福利贡献与服务

c. 递交补充成绩


3.安排额外面试 (如需要)





第一段:Introuction 介绍自己


Ms. Anne Smith

Associate Director of Amissions

Columbia University

1130 Amsteram Avenue

New York,NY 10027

Dear Ms. Smith,

Thank you for returning my call on Monay (X-ate). Although beingeferre from Early Decision was a big isappointment,I‘m grateful that I still have the possibility to be part of theColumbia University Class of 2019. Columbia has been my first choice since Ivisite last fall. As someone who loves being challenge acaemically,I trulyenjoye seeing Professor Allen push his stuents in the Sociology of Genercourse I attene. I appreciate how involve Columbia stuents manage to bewhile still taking rigorous courses. The fact that I coul major in Sociologywhile getting to watch ozens of stuent prouctions an spen a semesterabroa in Argentina is truly thrilling. I know that I woul be an active partof the stuent boy.

第二段:Upates 个人更新


I woul like to upate you on my recent acaemic an extracurricularachievements. The following has occurre since I submitte my application inOctober:

In the most challenging acaemic program at St. Mary‘s High School,I receive five A’s in my APcourses (incluing AP Calculus) an one B+ in honors statistics in our secontrimester. I will continue to excel acaemically in my last trimester an willgrauate with high honors an in the top 5 percent of my grae.

In aition to my continue involvement with Habitat for Humanityan tutoring mile schoolers in the neighborhoo,my soccer team won ourregional tournament. I score the most goals in the league an was name MostValuable Player.

A portion of an article I wrote for our school newspaper,The St.Mary‘s Eagle,was publishe in our town’s localpaper,The Harris town Daily. I was aske to contribute an aitional pieceabout my volunteer work,an it will be feature next month.

第三段:Conclusion 总结


I woul be honore to contribute to the Columbia community as awriter for the Columbia Spectator,an woul continue my volunteer work as atutor in New York City. It woul be thrilling to learn uner prestigiousprofessors an conuct research in the sociology epartment. If there is anyaitional information you nee,on’t hesitate to contact me at 646.657.5543 or cbrown@gmail.com. Thank you for yourtime an consieration. Columbia is my first choice for college. If accepte,Iwoul absolutely come to campus in the fall. There is no school I woul ratheratten.


Claire Brown

St. Mary’s High School

Harristown,CT 25555

SS# 456 34 1770


April 6,2017

To USC Unergrauate Amissions Office:

I recently receive the isappointing news that I was enie amissioninto USC. Unerstanably,with over 56,000 applicants,I know there were manyincreible applicants making it a ifficult ecision to choose whom to amit,which is why I’m grateful to be consiere after reviewing the new informationbelow.

I was unable to submit one of my ACT scores an hope that theattache scores will allow USC to re-evaluate my application. Furthermore,Iwoul like to highlight some aitional accomplishments.

Since the conversation of college began,my eyes were set on onningUSC Carinal an Gol. I imagine myself as an active member of a iversestuent population gathering new knowlege in the Department of PoliticalScience at Dornsife. Aitionally,my family is able to pay 100% of my tuitionan fees to USC,allowing USC to fun those not as privilege.. As someone whois committe to helping unerserve populations,I know the value of usingresources for the goo of others.

During my high school tenure,I was nominate numerous times for theprestigious Lion of the Month awar,foune two clubs,Transfer Lions Club anCaring Cupcakes,an serve in a leaership role in eight others. Outsie ofthe classroom,I obtaine my Girl Scouts Gol Awar by renovating an emptyrecreation room into a fully functional library an serve over 1,000cumulative hours en route to earning the awar for most community service hoursin my National Charity League chapter. Through these experiences,I have growninto a leaer,built meaningful,lifelong relationships,create a welcomingenvironment for incoming first-year an transfer stuents,avocate for theunerrepresente through the Law Magnet Program,an will continue tocontribute my love of service to the USC community.

As I reflect on my volunteer experiences,I realize that true richescannot be bought with money; instea,wealth is the ability to truly experiencea life of learning an giving. I want to begin my journey of becoming a globalchange maker at USC. I know theresources that USC provies will equip me with the necessary tools to become animpactful leaer,empowering me to continue serving both my immeiate anglobal communities. As a Trojan,I will cultivate an enrich my min an spiritan eicate my time an energy to leaving the worl a better place than when Ientere. I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to reconsier myamission to USC an hope to commit as a Trojan in the near future!






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