

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 09:33


专业名称: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) In-Service

录取要求: Applicants shoul have a secon-class Bachelor's egree in a relevant subject (e.g. English,languages,eucation,linguistics). Applicants normally nee at least two years' full-time language teaching experience .Applicants normally also have a teaching qualification although this is not an entry requirement.


(1)本科平均分 85%,并且是相关的专业(英语、语言、教育、语言学等)(2)至少有两年的相关工作经验(3)有相关的教师资格证书(不是必须的)Overall grae of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.

雅思要求 7.0,小分不低于 6.5


****__课程设置:Stuents unertake moules to the value of 180 creits. The programme consists of one core moule (30 creits),three optional moules (90 creits) an a issertation (60 creits).

Compulsory moule 必修课

The core moule for the MA TESOL is Funamentals of Secon an Foreign Language Teaching (30 creits). 第二外语基础 30 学分

Optional moules (inicative list): 选修课程

Bilingualism an Multilingualism 双语和多语种 Discourse,Society an Culture 话语、社会与文化 English in Diverse Worl Contexts 不同语境下的英语 Language at Work: Communication in Professional,Institutional an Cultural Contexts 工作语言:专业、制度和文化语境下的交流 Language an Ientity 语言与身份 Language Testing an Assessment 语言测试与评价 Materials Development for Language Teaching 语言教材建设 Multimoal Communication 多模态通信 Secon Language Acquisition 第二语言习得 Sociolinguistics an Sociocultural Theory 社会语言学与社会文化理论 Early Chilhoo Eucation 幼儿教育 Eucation an Development in Asia 亚洲的教育与发展 Eucation Traitions an Systems in Europe 欧洲的教育传统与制度 Internet Cultures: Theory an Practice 网络文化:理论与实践 Language Development 语言发展 Learning an Teaching with Technologies 技术学习与教学 Literacy Development 扫盲发展 Perspectives on Ault Literacy,Language an Numeracy 成人识字、语言与数学透视 Technology an Eucation Beyon the Classroom 课堂之外的技术与教育 Theoretical Founations of Eucational Ieas 教育理念的理论基础


专业名称: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc

录取要求:If you are stuying at a Chinese 211 institution,you must have a minimum overall average of 80% for courses an at least 80% on the issertation. For non-211 institutions,you must have an average of 85% for courses an 80% on the issertation. IELTS : total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in each moule)*211大学均分 80 分以上(论文 80 分),非 211 大学均分 85 分以上(论文 80 分)*雅思 7.0,小分不低于 6.5

学费:£21,600*4.课程设置:*Compulsory courses: 必修课程 TESOL Methoology 英语教学法 Language an the Learner 语言与学习者 Secon Language Teaching Curriculum 第二语言教学课程 Research Methos (Part 1) Sources of Knowlege 研究方法(第一部分)知识来源 Research Methos (Part 2) Conceptualising Research: Founations,Assumptions an Praxis 研究方法(第二部分)概念化研究:基础、假设与实践 Option courses may inclue: 选修课程

evaluation an Design of TESOL Materials TESOL 材料的评价与设计 Language Testing 语言测试 online Language Learning 网络语言学习 Teaching Text Across Borers 跨境文本教学 Theory an Practice of Secon Language Learning 第二语言学习的理论与实践 Language Awareness for Secon Language Teachers 第二语言教师的语言意识 Investigating Iniviual Learner Differences 个体学习者差异研究 Language an Culture Peagogy 语言与文化教育学


专业名称: MA TESOL


IELTS test score of 6.5 or more overall,with a minimum writing score of 6.5 an no other subsection below 6.0 A goo Bachelors egree,an initial qualification in teaching an a minimum of two years' full-time teaching experience. Entry requirements iffer between courses but generally taught master's applicants with a bachelor's egree from a recognise goo-quality Chinese university,with a minimum overall average grae of 80% or a minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) will be consiere for amission on to taught masters programmes. (1) 雅思总分 6.5,写作 6.5,其他各项不低于 6.0 (2) 初级教师资格证,和至少两年的工作经验 (3) 本科均分 80 分



Beyon Approaches,Methos an Techniques 30 Manatory 超越方法、方法和技术 Language Learning an Technology 30 Manatory 语言学习与技术 Developing Researcher Competence 30 Manatory 培养科研人员能力 Intro to Eucational Vieo Prouction 15 Optional 教育视频制作简介 Blene Learning in a Digital Age 15 Optional 数字时代的混合学习 Language Eucation as Intercultural Practice 15 Optional 作为跨文化实践的语言教育 Teaching an Learning online 15 Optional 在线教育和学习 Principle Materials an Course Design for TESOL 15 Optional 英语教学原理教材与课程设计 Psychology of Language Learning 15 Optional 语言学习心理学 The Eucation of Language Teachers 15 Optional 语言教师的教育 Eucation Leaership 15 Optional 教育领导能力 Multimeia Design an Development 15 Optional 多媒体设计与开发 Eucation Policy 15 Optional 教育政策 Eucating for Sustainability 15 Optional 可持续发展教育 Intercultural Engagement at Work an in Communities 15 Optional 工作和社区中的跨文化参与 English as a Global Language 15 Optional 英语作为全球语言


专业名称: Applie Linguistics for TESOL MA

****__录取要求:雅思 7.0,小分不低于 6.5,本科均分 80 分及以上

学费:暂无 (£15700 去年学费参考 )


Core Moules 核心课程 Language Teaching Methoology 语言教学法 Secon Language Development: Perspectives for Teaching 第二语言发展:教学视角 Dissertation: Inclues Research Methos programme 论文:包括研究方法课程 Language for Teaching 教学语言 Avance Teaching Practice: The Reflective Practitioner. 高级教学实践:反思的实践者。

Optional Moules 选修课 Previous optional moules have inclue:
evaluation an Assessment 评价和评估 Teaching English for Acaemic Purposes 学术英语教学 Teacher Training,Development an Eucation 教师培训、发展与教育 Worl Englishes 世界英语 English for Specific Purposes 特殊用途英语 ELT Materials Development an evaluation 英语教材开发与评价 Discourse,Texts an TESOL 话语、文本与 TESOL English Language Teaching Management 英语教学管理
Pragmatics an the Language Classroom 语用学与语言课堂




![][9] International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Acaemic moule (not General Training): overall score 6.5 no sub-test less than 6.5

本科均分 80

雅思总分 6.5,单项不低于 6.5.

*__学费*£1 7620

Core courses 核心课程

Classroom processes 课堂过程 Descriptions of language 语言描述 Developing professional practice 发展专业实践 Introuction to social an eucational research. 介绍社会和教育研究。

Optional courses may inclue 选修课程

Avance eucational research. 先进的教育研究 Developing literacy 发展识字能力 Highly able learners 高能学习者 Ientities,relationships an behaviours 身份、关系和行为 Inclusive classrooms,inclusive peagogies 包容性教室,包容性教学法 Language proficiency,assessment an feeback 语言能力、评估和反馈 Moern eucational thought 现代教育思想 Teaching English for acaemic purposes 学术英语教学




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