

  • 小英话留学
  • 2024-09-03 03:15



Architecture an Urban Design for China an Hong Kong,Centre for

Construct I.T.,Centre for

Real Estate an Urban Economics,Centre for

Renewable Energy in Architecture,Centre on

Urban Stuies an Urban Planning,Centre of


Applie English Stuies,Centre for

Humanities an Meicine,Centre for the


Asia Case Research Centre

Asian Entrepreneurship an Business Values,Centre for

China Financial Research,Centre for

Chinese Management Centre

Financial Innovation an Risk Management,Centre for

Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research

Hong Kong Institute of Economics an Business Strategy


Cleft Lip an Palate Centre

Navigational Dentistry,International Centre of


Avancement in Inclusive an Special Eucation,Centre for

Avancement of Chinese Language Eucation an Research,Centre for

Communication Disorers,Centre for

Comparative Eucation Research Centre

Eucational Leaership,Centre for

Hong Kong Putonghua Eucation an Assessment Centre

Information Technology in Eucation,Centre for

Wah Ching Centre of Research on Eucation in China


Asian Tall Builings an Urban Habitat,Centre for

E-Commerce Infrastructure Development,Centre for

Electrical Energy Systems,Centre for

Environmental Engineering Research,Centre for

Information Security an Cryptography,Centre for

Infrastructure an Construction Inustry Development,Centre for

Jockey Club Research an Information Centre for Lanslip Prevention an Lan Development

Law an Technology Centre

Nonlinear Mechanics,Centre of

Rock Engineering Research Centre


Asian Institute of International Financial Law

Chinese Law,Centre for

Comparative an Public Law,Centre for

Law an Technology Centre (jointly organize with the Faculty of Engineering)

Meical Ethics an Law,Centre for


Alimentary Research an Eucation,Centre of

Cancer Research,Centre for

Cariovascular Science an Meicine,Institute of

Carol Yu Centre for Infection

Chinese Meicine,School of

Clinical Trials Centre

Enocrinology an Diabetes,Centre of

Genomic Sciences,Centre for

Human Development an Birth Defects,Centre of

Human Reprouction,Centre of

Humanities an Meicine,Centre for the

Meical an Health Sciences Eucation,Institute of

Meical Ethics an Humanities Unit

Meical Ethics an Law,Centre for

Public Health,School of

Research Centre of Heart,Brain,Hormone an Healthy Aging


Applie Geoscience Centre

Mathematical Research,Institute of

Swire Institute of Marine Science

Theoretical an Computational Physics,Centre of


Behavioural Health,Centre on

Civil Society an Governance,Centre for

Criminology,Centre for

International Centre for China Development Stuies

Journalism an Meia Stuies Centre

Kaoorie Institute,The

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicie Research an Prevention

Sau Po Centre on Ageing

Social Sciences Research Centre





