

  • 留学巴士主页
  • 2024-10-23 00:28













哥大东亚文化研究的硕士项目有2个,分别是M.A. in Regional Stuies-East Asia,M.A. in East Asian Languages an Cultures。这两个项目都是文理学院的项目,但一个是东亚研究所(Department of East Asian Language & Culture)下的项目,另一个是东亚研究所(Weatherhea East Asian Institute)下的项目,隶属于各大国际事务学院。

The Department of East Asian Languages an Cultures offers a free-staning MA program with an interisciplinary approach to the literature,culture,history,an languages of East Asia (China,Japan,Korea,an Tibet) an a particular emphasis on critical methoology an comparative stuy. An array of East Asian courses in other areas such as political science,sociology,anthropology,art,law,history,an business is also available,as are interisciplinary programs with the Departments of Religion an History. The epartment’s close ties with various East Asian institutions in New York City an abroa provie a stimulating cultural environment.

Columbia's C.V. Starr East Asian Library,with more than a half million volumes of Chinese,Japanese,an Korean languages books,is one of the largest East Asian library collections outsie East Asia an a premier center for East Asian research in the Unite States. The collection,which is particularly strong in literature,philosophy (especially Buhism an neo-Confucianism),an history,is supporte by more than 1.1 million volumes of Chinese,Japanese,Korean,an Tibetan Books. As well as 2.5 million E-Book titles,40,000 E-Journals,an 90,000 volumes of seconary materials in Western languages on all aspects of East Asia,past an present.

Stuents in the Free-Staning MA Program in East Asian Languages an Cultures may stuy Chinese,Japanese,Korean,or Tibetan history,literature or film. The MA Program is intene for stuents who show acaemic promise but have not yet acquire the language skills or backgroun in East Asian stuies to qualify for a PhD program. It is also intene for those who have the language skills in East Asian stuies but nee avance acaemic training in the chosen iscipline.

If applying for Tibetan Stuies,previous training in Tibetan language,classical an/or moern,is highly esirable,an training in Chinese language may strengthen an application as well,but applicants' language training an nees will be consiere on a case-by-case basis.

Chinese Stuies、Korean Stuies和Japanese Stuies都需要对第三国语言有三年以上的学习长度。比如日语,大概要达到N1水平,韩语TOPIK 6级水平,当然学校还有placement exam来判断你的语言能力。另外录取后还要继续学习语言,也可以深入学期其他东亚语言。

Tibetan Stuies要求2年的藏语学习。学校强烈建议对古滇藏文化进行研究。加入你对古典文化感兴趣,你可以学习文言文或者日本古典文学,如果你这方面背景比较强,对申请来说是很有帮助的。


Full time的学生通常需要2年,即4个学期,修满32学分来完成该学位,当然对于语言能力好,学习能力强的学生,可以缩短学习时间,提前毕业。

MA Program Overview an Degree Requirements

The requirements liste below are special to the Department of East Asian Languages an Cultures (EALAC) an must be rea in conjunction with the general requirements of the Grauate School of Arts an Sciences (GSAS).

Stuents in the Free-Staning MA Program in East Asian Languages an Cultures may stuy Chinese,Japanese,Korean,or Tibetan history,literature or film. The MA Program is intene for stuents who show acaemic promise but have not yet acquire the language skills or backgroun in East Asian stuies to qualify for a PhD program. It is also intene for those who have the language skills in East Asian stuies but nee avance acaemic training in the chosen iscipline.

This section lists the requirements for the MA program,which is overseen by the Director of Grauate Stuies (DGS) an the MA Program Director. The primary contact regaring all questions relate to the requirements liste below is the MA Program Director.

Note: For stuents who matriculate prior to September 2014,please follow the requirements in place uring your first semester of enrollment,foun here . For questions,please contact your MA Program Director.

MA PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS (Chinese,Japanese,Korean,Tibetan Stuies,an Chinese Peagogy)

The stuent who is a caniate for the Master of Arts egree in East Asian Languages an Cultures must earn a minimum of 32 creits in orer to receive the egree. The stuent must also fulfill the resience units an language requirementsescribe below:

  1. Course RequirementsFor stuents of Chinese,Japanese,Korean,an Tibetan Stuies

The stuent must take six one-semester content courses (in aition to EAAS GR6990 an GR6991,see below) for a letter grae of B or higher. Classes taken for Pass/Fail or for ‘R’ creit o not count towar the egree. This will give the stuent a total of 24 course creits accoring to the normal counting of creit/hr. All courses must be at the 4000-level an above. 4000-level courses in EALAC are grauate/avance unergrauate seminars. 6000-level,8000-level,an 9000-level courses in EALAC are grauate colloquia an research seminars. Stuents can expect the level of ifficulty an amount of material in the target language to increase from the 6000 through 9000 levels. The stuent is strongly urge to take higher (6000-level an above) grauate level courses when possible.

Any combination of EALAC grauate courses will count towar the egree. Classes can be outsie the stuent’s area of specialization. Stuents may also take relevant courses in other epartments,but these courses must be approve by the MA Program Director prior to registration if they are to count towar the content course requirement. Stuents must submit a brief rationale,the course name,instructor,course escription,an syllabus (when it is available). If the course is in aition to those require by the epartment,no special permission is neee.

EALAC offers two methoology courses in the spring semester esigne for stuents in the EALAC MA program: EAAS GR6200,“Workshop in East Asian History”; EAAS GR6400,“Critical Approaches to East Asian Stuies.” These courses will familiarize EALAC MA stuents with the critical approaches necessary to analyze East Asian history,literature,film,an culture in a comparative framework. These courses will also provie stuents with strategies for writing research papers an the MA thesis. The stuent is require to take the methoology course appropriate to his or her iscipline,to be etermine in consultation with the MA thesis avisor. The require MA methoology course oes not count for one of the six require content courses. It must be taken in aition to the six content courses.

Stuents may apply up to two semesters of Classical Chinese,two semesters of Classical Japanese,two semesters of Classical Tibetan,or one semester of Avance Korean in Mixe script (Korean GR8010) towar the six-course requirement. Moern languages (Chinese,Japanese,an Korean) of the fourth-fifth year level can also be accepte for content course-creits if the stuent is a non-native speaker. One methoological course in language peagogy may be accepte towars the six-course requirement.

The choice of courses must be approve by the MA Director.

For stuents of Chinese Peagogy

Stuents of Chinese peagogy must take six one-semester content courses for a letter grae of B or higher. This will give the stuent a total of 30 course creits accoring to the normal counting of creit/hr. All courses must be at the 4000-level an above.

Stuents may take relevant courses in other epartments,or at Teachers College,but these courses must be approve by the Chinese Peagogy Program Director prior to registration if they are to count towar the egree. Stuents must submit a brief rationale,the course name,instructor,course escription,an syllabus (when it is available). If the course is in aition to those require by the epartment,no special permission is neee. Below are the require courses:

CHNS GU4301 & CHNS GU4302 Intro to Classical Chinese I & II

CHNS GU4019 History of the Chinese Language

CHNS GU4904 The Acquisition of Chinese as a Secon Language

CHNS GR5001 Chinese Linguistics an Language Peagogy

(1) Chinese history course [elective]

(1) Chinese literature course [elective]

EAAS GR6990: “MA Thesis Research”

EAAS GR6991: “MA Thesis Writing”

  1. Language Requirements

All entering stuents who have receive a B.A. from an institution in which instruction is conucte in a language other than English must take the American Language Program Placement Test uring the registration perio of the fall semester. Stuents who o not pass the Placement Test must,in consultation with the MA Program Director,take appropriate American Language Program courses.

Entering stuents are require to take the language placement examination in the East Asia language of specialization at the beginning of the semester in which they enter the program,unless that language was the primary language of instruction at the institution from which they receive the B.A. egree.

To count towar meeting egree requirements,all language courses must be taken for a letter grae of B or higher.

Language requirements are liste below by fiel:

Chinese Stuies Requirements

Three years of moern Chinese,or the equivalent emonstrate by the epartment’s placement exam,are require for completion of the egree. Stuents who remain in the program after satisfying this requirement are expecte to continue language stuy throughout their time in the program,either at more avance levels of Chinese or through stuy of an aitional East Asian language. Stuy of classical Chinese is strongly encourage,especially for stuents concentrating in literature or premoern history.

Japanese Stuies Requirements

Three years of moern Japanese,or the equivalent emonstrate by the epartment’s placement exam,are require for completion of the egree. Stuents who remain in the program after satisfying this requirement are expecte to continue language stuy throughout their time in the program,either at more avance levels of Japanese or through stuy of an aitional East Asian language. Stuy of classical Japanese is strongly encourage,especially for stuents concentrating in literature or premoern history.

Korean Stuies Requirement

Three years of Korean,or the equivalent emonstrate by the epartment’s placement exam,are require for completion of the egree. Stuents who remain in the program after satisfying this requirement are expecte to continue language stuy throughout their time in the program,either at more avance levels of Korean or through stuy of an aitional East Asian language.

Tibetan Stuies Requirement

Two years of moern Tibetan are require. Stuy of classical Tibetan is strongly encourage,especially for stuents concentrating in literature or history before 1950. Stuents who remain in the program after satisfying this requirement are expecte to continue language stuy throughout their time in the program,either at more avance levels of Tibetan or through stuy of Chinese.

Chinese Peagogy Requirement

Native or near-native fluency in moern Chinese is require. Stuents are also require to complete at least two semesters of classical Chinese (as outline in the course requirements above).

  1. Length of Stuy

Full-time stuents in the MA program typically take 2 years (4 semesters) to complete the MA egree. Accoring to this timeline,the first year is eicate to course work an language training,while the secon year is evote to eveloping the MA thesis project. Depening on the stuent’s language levels coming into the program,it is possible to complete the MA egree in fewer than 4 semesters. Because a compresse timeline requires a heavy course loa an avance planning,any stuent wishing to expeite the MA egree must closely consult with the MA Director about their scheule.

Program moels,emonstrating ifferent lengths of stuy,can be foun here .

  1. Transfer Creit an Avance Staning

Transfer creit may be aware to stuents who have complete grauate-level coursework at Columbia while not being matriculate in GSAS (i.e.,stuents who have complete classes in the School of Continuing Eucation). Stuents consult with the MA Program Director regaring the amount of transfer creit allowe.

The Department oes not offer avance staning towar the MA





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