

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-10-23 19:24



东北大学(Northeastern University),简称NEU,成立于1898年,坐落富有历史底蕴,古老与现代并存的波士顿市中心,是位于美国东北部马萨诸塞州州府波士顿市的一所美国的私立研究型大学,在全球具有很高的声誉。学校一共汇聚了来自全世界53个国家的精英,在实践性学习、跨学科研究以及社区参与方面都处于世界领先地位。东北大学由8个学院组成,设有65个本科专业和125个研究生专业,授予硕士、博士和职业教育学位。2014年东北大学收到的捐赠达到了7亿美金。

学校官网: http://www.northeastern.eu/#_ga=2.53507818.397078839.1533372226-428036149.1533372226



关于申请: https://www.northeastern.eu/amissions/application-information/apply/

Application Materials

·Complete Common Application or Coalition Application两套申请系统

·Application fee of $75

·Guiance counselor an teacher recommenations

·Seconary school transcripts with final junior year graes. First-semester or first-trimester graes shoul be submitte when they are available; first-quarter graes are not require. If you have been out of high school for more than one year,you must sen the most up to ate version of your transcript. Transcripts shoul be evaluate by a recognize creentialing agency (For transfer applicants who have earne creits at an international institution,please visit The Center for Eucational documentation).

·Early Action an Early Decision caniates shoul sen their first-term graes as soon as they are available.

·Testing:Please note,it is your responsibility to ensure that any test scores are submitte irectly to Northeastern University by the testing service.

oHigh Schools in the US: Official SAT or ACT results. Northeastern’s CEEB College Coe is 3667 / ACT College Coe is 1880. Test scores must be sent to Northeastern irectly from the testing agency.

oHigh Schools outsie of the US: SAT or ACT scores arenot require an will not be consierefor amission if submitte. Applicants are encourage to submit results from nationally accreite exams that signify completion of seconary eucation an are require for entry into universities in their home country.

·English Proficiency:If your first language an/or language spoken at home is not English,you will be require to emonstrateEnglish language proficiency,by submitting vali results irectly from the testing agency for one of the following exams:

oTOEFL iBT (Composite 92+; Reaing,Writing,an Listening subscores 22+; an,Speaking 24+)

oIELTS Acaemic (6.5 Overall Ban Score,with no subscore ban below 6.0)

oPTE Acaemic (62+)

oC1 Avance or C2 Proficiency (Cambrige English Scale 176+

TOEL:92 IELTS:6.5 单项有要求,如上标黄的

关于截止日期: https://www.northeastern.eu/amissions/application-information/ealines/

关于费用: https://www.northeastern.eu/amissions/cost/


For the 2018-2019 acaemic year:

$50,450 Tuition*
$1,072 Fees**
$16,270 Room an Boar***




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