

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 04:57

利兹大学 - 2019年开学语言课程更新的通知


Applicants wishing to take a pre-sessional an agents applying on their behalf must apply by submitting a pre-sessional application irectly through the portal. Stuents will no longer be automatically referre for a pre-sessional as part of their conitional offer.

Applicants going on to stuy a taught Masters course must hol their Masters offer from the University of Lees before they can be issue an offer for a pre-sessional. If an applicant has not receive an amissions ecision for their Masters application,their pre-sessional application is put on hol an the applicant is notifie.
学生在申请语言课程前,需持有大学研究生Offer; 如果没有研究生offer,语言课程申请不会被处理

Offer holers may fin it easier to pay the pre-sessional fees upfront in orer to receive their CAS,instea of paying the £1,500 eposit first an making a secon payment to cover the outstaning fee amount before the start of the course. However,the option to make two payments is still available.
申请人需支付语言费用后 (而不是第一步支付1500镑预付费,第二步支付学费余款),才会收到CAS

Dealines an answers to frequently aske questions can be foun on our website: www.lees.ac.uk/presessional. We encourage applicants an agents to refer to this site before contacting us with questions. Any questions shoul be aske via the portal as this will spee up response times.
截止日和其他问题可登陆网站查询 www.lees.ac.uk/presessional




  • 利兹大学今日院校信息


  • 利兹大学院校信息

    MA TESOL Stuies鉴于申请量巨大且课程名额有限,MA TESOL Stuies对2019年入学的申请...


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