

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2024-10-23 04:36

常春藤盟校之一,2019年USNEWS排名位列第16位,QS世界大学排名位列第14位,众多学子的ream school&mash;&mash;康奈尔大学。想申请康奈尔的研究生,需要提交哪些材料,达到什么标准,我们一起来看一下。



Require Tests

Most fiels require applicants to submit Grauate Recor Exam (GRE) scores. Several fiels require or accept Grauate Management Amission Test (GMAT) instea of GRE scores. International applicants must meet our English language proficiency requirement an may be require to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores.


References are a require part of the Grauate School application. Stuents must submit the names an contact information for their references irectly on the application. These faculty receive an email with a link to an online form to complete the reference. Referees can uploa or type irectly into the text box provie.

Number of Recommenations

Most fiels require two or three letters of recommenation. Please check fiel amissions requirements for your propose fiel.


Ph.D.,M.A.,an M.S. applicants: Letters must be submitte by faculty members from your college or institution who are acquainte with your work. If that work occurre some time ago,check with the fiel to see whether recommenations from those familiar with your professional performance might be acceptable.

Applicants for professional masters egrees: Letters may be submitte by faculty members or those familiar with your professional performance. Contact your fiel for specific guiance.

Statements of Purpose

Each applicant must submit a statement of purpose. The statement of purpose is your opportunity to help reviewers better unerstan your acaemic objectives an etermine if you are a goo match for the fiel to which you are applying.

Length an Format

The statement shoul be one or two pages. Inclue your full name an the propose fiel of stuy at the top of each page. Please use a stanar font an font size for ease of reaing.


The statement of purpose shoul inclue your reasons for unertaking grauate work an an explanation of your acaemic interests,incluing their relation to your unergrauate stuy an professional goals.

Some fiels ask that you aress particular questions in your statement of purpose. Please check with your fiel for fiel requirements.


Applicants must have receive&mash;or be on track to receive,prior to matriculation at the Grauate School&mash;a baccalaureate egree from a college or university of recognize staning. Transcripts from each previously-attene college or university are require. Please inform the grauate fiel if your name on any of your creentials will be ifferent from that on your application.

International Transcripts

Applicants must have receive&mash;or be on track to receive,prior to matriculation at the Grauate School&mash;a baccalaureate egree from a college or university of recognize staning. Transcripts from each previously-attene college or university are require. For stuents with foreign creentials,an equivalent international egree is require. Please inform the grauate fiel if your name on any of your creentials will be ifferent from that on your application.

International Degree Equivalencies

English Language Proficiency Requirement








  • 悉尼大学申请所需材料



