

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-09-02 23:09


The objective of the PhD egree program is to provie stuents with the quantitative skills neee for the evelopment,evaluation an application of novel methos for the analysis of moern biomeical ata. 51 creits beyon the Master’s egree are require CREDITS • 9 creits avance biostatistics courses
• 3 creits avance biostatistics course associate with iscipline
• 3 creits epiemiology courses
• 11 creits electives
• 1 creit research integrity
• 24 issertation creits NON-CREDITS • Doctoral stuents are require to participate in a monthly Ph.D. Journal Club for four semesters. Stuents are also expecte to atten the seminars presente in the Department of Epiemiology an Biostatistics Seminar Series each semester. • 2-8 years,after having earne a MS in Biostatistics,Statistics or equivalent,stuents have up to 8 years to complete all requirements an efen their octoral issertation. Our faculty strive to prouce convincing evience that will lea to improvements in public health,an to evelop new an innovative statistical an epiemiologic methos for proucing this evience. A few areas of current faculty research interests are liste below. · Bayesian Statistics · Bioinformatics · Causal Inference · Clinical Trials · Cost-Effectiveness Analysis · High-Dimensional Data · Longituinal Data · Missing Data · Reuctive Analytics · Statistical Computing · Statistical Genetics · Survival Analysis










