

  • 留学小助手
  • 2024-10-23 09:33




Materials Science & Engineering (MS - Applie) Materials Science & Engineering (MS in Materials Science & Engineering)

MSE stuents are welcome to atten other epartments' seminars,especially Bioengineering,Chemical Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Electrical EngineeringNanotechnology,Chemistry,an Physics .


托福 92 Note that the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is no longer accepte unless it was complete prior to June 1,2017. 2017 年 6 月 1 日之前的雅思成绩可以,之后的不接受 .

GRE Quantitative: 87 Verbal: 62 Writing: 41

Grae Point Average (GPA) Applicants shoul meet aminimum GPA requirement of 3.0(on a 4-point scale) for the last 90 grae quarter creits or 60 grae semester creits. The average GPA for our 2018 master's egree cohort was 3.4.

Letters of recommenation Statement of purpose

截止日期Autumn:April 15



Lehigh’s unergrauate major an minor in materials science an engineering offers a funamental core of courses on the ifferent material classes while also allowing stuents to choose areas of specialization,such as nanotechnology. Stuents work closely with awar-winning professors who are at the top of their fiels in a program that provies a balance of theoretical an practical knowlege. Stuents in the program are provie with hans-on laboratory experiences,research opportunities an summer internships. Stuents have taken part in projects at government laboratories,in inustry or at other universities,both in the Unite States an abroa. Stuents are also able to pursue a senior project in close collaboration with a faculty member. Projects are interisciplinary an vary from stainless steel weling to microelectronic packaging. Lehigh’s microscopy facility—the most avance university-base center of its kin in the Unite States—plays a major role in the materials science curriculum. 理海的本科专业和辅修专业是材料科学和工程,提供了不同材料课程的基本核心课程,同时允许学生选择专业领域,如纳米技术。学生与获奖的教授紧密合作,这些教授在他们的领域处于领先地位,这个项目提供了理论和实践知识的平衡。该项目为学生提供了实践实验室经验、研究机会和暑期实习机会。学生们在美国和国外的政府实验室、工业或其他大学参加过项目。学生也可以在与教师的密切合作下进行高级项目。项目是跨学科的,从不锈钢焊接到微电子封装。Lehigh 的显微镜设备 —— 美国同类设备中最先进的大学中心 —— 在材料科学课程中扮演着重要角色。

Master of Science in Materials Science an Engineering (M.S.) Master of Engineering in Materials Science an Engineering (M.E.)


Minimum TOEFL scores are:Reaing: 20
Listening: 20
Speaking: 23
Writing: 22
COMPOSITE: 85Minimum IELTS scores are:Reaing: 6.5
Listening: 6.5
Speaking: 7.0
Writing: 6.0
OVERALL: 6.5 GRE 两封推荐信

截止日期Early Decision 1 November 1 Early Decision 2 January 1 Regular Decision January 1


专业Master of Science of Materials Science an Engineering Materials science an engineering is a iscipline that extens from the microscopic structure an properties of materials to the esign an evaluation of materials in engineering systems. Achievements in materials science unerpin the revolutionary avances in technology that efine the moern stanar of living. The role of a materials engineer is to unerstan why materials behave as they o uner various conitions,to recognize the limits of performance that particular materials can attain,an to know what can be one uring the manufacture of materials to meet the emans of a given application. 材料科学与工程是一门从材料的微观结构和性质延伸到工程系统中材料的设计与评价的学科。材料科学的成就是定义现代生活水平的技术革命进步的基础。材料工程师的职责是理解材料在各种条件下的行为,认识特定材料所能达到的性能极限,并了解在材料制造过程中可以做些什么来满足给定应用程序的要求。录取要求

TOFEL: 90 IELTS: 7.0 GRE 没有最低分要求 Transcripts Letters of recommenation Application fee online application system Amission ecisions an acceptance letters CWRU Network IDs截止日期February 1 秋季 October 1 春季



Master of Science (MS) mechanical engineering an materials science an engineering

The programs are oriente towar the transition of results from scientific an engineering isciplines to the solution of materials problems that impee technological progress. They are esigne to eucate engineers,proviing them with the tools to become successful in research,evelopment,prouction,management,an teaching. 这些项目旨在将科学和工程学科的成果转化为解决阻碍技术进步的材料问题。它们的目的是教育工程师,为他们提供在研究、开发、生产、管理和教学方面取得成功的工具。

分支• Corrosion an oxiation
• High-temperature materials
• Magnetic materials
• Phase transformations in metallic an ceramic systems
• Plastic eformation of metals an alloys
• Thermomechanical processing of steels an other alloys
• Thermoynamic properties of materials
• Ceramic processing
• High-temperature superconuctivity
• Microwave an other ferroelectric properties of ceramics,smart materials,an structures 腐蚀和氧化 • 耐高温材料 • 磁性材料 • 金属和陶瓷系统的相变 金属和合金的塑性变形 • 钢和其他合金的热机械加工 • 材料的热力学性质 • 陶瓷加工 • 高温超导 • 陶瓷、智能材料和结构的微波和其他铁电性能

录取要求托福 80 雅思 6.5 international stuents must submit theirGREscores 官方成绩单 推荐信


Fall Term - March 1 Spring Term - July 1 Summer Term - February 1


专业WPI’s full-time or part-time Materials Science an Engineering MS program lets you work among many isciplines to learn how best to work with,evelop,an improve the uses of a nearly enless arrangement of materials in scales such as nano,micro,an macro.In our state-of-the-art labs,you’ll apply new materials to existing engineering applications an the property of matter to various areas of science an engineering. If you’re fascinate by how materials properties change an perform base on ifferent manufacturing process parameters an environmental applications,you’ll fin many opportunities for investigating that here. You’ll explore the structure,properties,processing,kinetics,thermoynamics,an performance of existing materials an evelop improve processes to make new materials for fiels involving meical evices,health care,energy,an nanotechnology. You’ll apply your wie-ranging knowlege of chemistry,physics,biology,an math with mechanical,chemical,an electrical engineering principles to uncover previously unknown uses an properties of materials. WPI 的全职或兼职材料科学与工程硕士项目让您在众多学科中工作,学习如何最好地使用、开发和改进纳米、微观和宏观材料的几乎无穷无尽的排列。在我们最先进的实验室,您将应用新材料现有的工程应用和性质的物质在科学和工程的各个领域。如果您对基于不同制造工艺参数和环境应用的材料性能变化和性能表现非常感兴趣,那么您可以在这里找到很多机会来研究这一点。您将探索现有材料的结构、性能、加工、动力学、热力学和性能,并开发改进的流程,为涉及医疗设备、卫生保健、能源和纳米技术的领域制造新材料。您将应用您广泛的化学、物理、生物学和数学知识与机械、化学和电气工程原理,以揭示材料以前未知的用途和性质。



  • Optimizing isassembly of electric car battery packs at en-of-life

  • A close-loop process for recycling spent lithium-ion batteries

  • Fatigue behavior of aitively manufacture alloys

  • The effect of tempering temperature on harness of 420 stainless steel

  • Using irect metal laser sintering (DMSL) for bone implants

  • Bioinspire spiraling multilayere ceramic material

• 优化电动汽车电池组在使用寿命结束时的拆卸 • 回收废旧锂离子电池的闭环过程 • 添加制造合金的疲劳行为 • 回火温度对 420 不锈钢硬度的影响 • 直接金属激光烧结 (DMSL) 植骨 • 生物灵感螺旋多层陶瓷材料


TOEFL 84 subscore below 20 IELTS score is 7.0 with no ban score below 6.5 GRE 150 verbal,165 quantitative,an 3.0 analytical 目标陈述 官方成绩单 推荐信 申请费


Jan 1 for fall an Oct 1 for spring




  • 美国车辆工程专业哪个学校



