

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-10-23 07:33

现有澳大利亚 凯斯林大学(原天主教大学)奖学金信息更新,详情如下:


澳大利亚 凯斯林大学为在 Ballarat 校区学习的国际生提供一项新的奖学金。该奖学金将于 2019 年开始向国际学生提供,并将支付学生课程前两学期全日制费用的一半(包括 RPL/Creit )

根据学生的学术成绩,学校将提供多达 20 个奖学金名额,进一步的要求是:

  • 申请者必须获得 Ballarat 校区某一专业的 offer
  • 申请者必须提供学业成绩证明,证明其在作为 ACU 录取依据的资格中取得了平均分 70% 以上的成绩( ACU 7 分制 GPA5.2 )
  • 如果总金额超过课程学费,申请者不得获得任何其他奖学金或奖励
  • 申请者不得以海外学习或交换生的身份就读 ACU

2019 年奖学金的申请将于 11 月 29 日开始,2018 年 12 月 13 日结束。详情及申请请见链接: https://www.acu.eu.au/stuy-at-acu/fees-an-scholarships/fin-a-scholarship/ballarat-international-stuent-scholarship


We are please to announce the launch of a new scholarship available for international stuents who choose to stuy at our Ballarat campus. The Ballarat International Stuent Scholarship will be available to international stuents commencing in 2019 an will cover half of the full-time fees for the first two semesters of a stuents ’ course (inclusive of RPL/Creit).

There will be up to 20 scholarships available which will be base on acaemic merit. Further eligibility requirements are that:
• Applicants must have an offer for a place in a program at the University ’ s Ballarat Campus.
• Applicants must provie evience of acaemic merit,showing achievement of an average of at least 70% (GPA 5.2 on the ACU 7 point scale) in the qualification use as the basis for amission to ACU.
• Applicants must not be receiving any other scholarship or awar if the total combine value woul excee the tuition fee for the course
• Applicants must not be attening ACU as a Stuy Abroa or Exchange stuent

Applications for 2019 open 29 November an close 13 December 2018. For full etails an the application link please visit: https://www.acu.eu.au/stuy-at-acu/fees-an-scholarships/fin-a-scholarship/ballarat-international-stuent-scholarship




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