

  • 留学新天地
  • 2024-10-23 10:33

布兰迪斯大学(Braneis University,简称Braneis)是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿地区沃尔瑟姆镇的私立顶尖研究型大学,成立于1948年,建校至今60余年已享有极高声誉,素有“犹太哈佛”(Jewish Harvar)之美称,被誉为“全美最年轻的主要研究院大学”。布兰迪斯大学崇尚小班授课,以培育精英为理念,本科和研究生总人数仅在5600人左右。在高校如云的波士顿地区,布兰迪斯大学位列波士顿五大名校和八大研究型大学之一。其他四大名校分别为哈佛大学(Harvar University)、麻省理工学院(MIT)、塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)以及波士顿学院(Boston College)。布兰迪斯大学无论是在商科,生物化学,经济学,物理,数学,或是人文科学等都在全美名列前茅,是一所不断进步的一流大学,为新晋美国顶尖名校。校友中有5位普利策奖得主,一位图灵奖得主及一位诺贝尔化学奖奖得主。2017年10月,布兰迪斯大学Michael Rosbash教授和已荣休的Jeffrey C. Hall教授以对“昼夜节律”(即生物钟)理论的先驱贡献荣膺诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。


布兰迪斯大学自US NEWS 颁布排名以来一直保持全美前35的优秀综合排名,在2018 US NEWS 全美权威综合排行榜上,布兰迪斯大学排名全美第34位;2017年英国《金融时报》应届金融硕士项目排名中,布兰迪斯大学商学院的MAIEF(国际经济与金融项目)连续第二年排名全美第2位。布兰迪斯大学非常注重学生的实践能力,其课程质量与应用性在波士顿地区几乎家喻户晓。

学校官网: http://www.braneis.eu/



关于申请: http://www.braneis.eu/amissions/apply/checklist.html

First-Year Stuents

If you are applying as a first-year stuent,the following are the require components of your Braneis application:

·CompleteBraneis unergrauate application.

·Official copies of all high school transcripts an/or GED certificate. Transcripts must inclue official graes from ninth through eleventh grae to complete this require component.

·Official copy of SAT I scores or the official ACT scores in lieu of all SAT test scores.

·Please note that as of July 1,2013,Braneis has aopte a "test-optional policy," which means that omestic an Canaian applicants to Braneis are not require to submit stanarize test scores. Check ourTest-Optional Policypage for more information.

·Official transcript(s) of any course(s) taken at the post-seconary school level.

·Mi-year report from senior year which inclues graes for all classes. For Early Decision I stuents,first quarter or first trimester graes will fulfill this requirement.

·A letter of recommenation from a teacher who has instructe you in a core acaemic course.

·A School Report an a letter of recommenation from a seconary school official.

·If you are applying as an Early Decision I or Early Decision II applicant,a complete Early Decision Agreement Form.

·Common Application Early Decision Agreement Form.

International Stuents

If you are an international stuent,the following areaitionalrequire components of your Braneis application:

·Mi-year report from senior year which inclues graes for all classes. For Early Decision I stuents,first quarter or first trimester graes will fulfill this requirement.

·Marks from national exams. If the original ocument is not in English,please submit both the original ocument an an English translation.

·If English is not your native language,you shoul submit results from either the TOEFL or IELTS.

·An aitional teacher recommenation. (This means that,as an international stuent,you are require to submit two teacher recommenations an one letter of recommenation from a seconary school official.)

·$80 Application Fee

·Financial ocumentation:

·If you are applying for financial assistance,you must submit:

·CSS Profile or International Financial Ai Application

·If you not are applying for financial assistance,you must submit:

·Certification of Finances for International Stuents





Dealines & Notifications



Dealines & Notifications

Apply Page MenuClose

·Applying to Braneis

·Application Checklist

·Acaemic Requirements

·Dealines & Notifications

·Test-Optional Policy

·Application Supplements

·Track Your Application

·The Miyear Program

·The Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program (MKTYP)

·Transfer Applicants

·International Applicants

·Home-Schoole Applicants

·Visiting Stuents

·Request Info

First-Year Application Dealines

First-Year Applicants****

Application Dealine****

*Amission Notification

Early Decision I

Nov. 1

Dec. 15

Early Decision II

Jan. 1

Feb. 1

Regular Decision

Jan. 1

April 1

Spring/Freshman Amission

Nov. 1

Dec. 1

The Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program (MKTYP)


Official stanarize test scores:Except for US/Canaian citizens an permanent resients,international applicantsmust submit either the SAT or ACT test section. All tests shoul be complete by the en of January of the senior year. Aitionally,international stuents for whom English is not their native language shoul submit results from either the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Applicants who,for four or more years,have attene a high school where the primary language of instruction is English are exempt from this requirement.

关于费用: http://www.braneis.eu/sfs/tuition-calculator/inex.html





  • 布兰迪斯大学本科阶段开学时间


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