

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-09-02 20:41


University of Kent KBS PGT 2019


录取要求: - 教育部颁发本科学历学位(接受自考本,专升本学生) - 雅思:6.5(6.0),不够直接入读学生可以配语言(6/10/17)

学费:£18,400 (MSc Management (15 month programme) £19,150 ) 地理位置:伦敦东南方位,校区距离伦敦不到1小时火车 排名: - 25th in the UK for business an management stuies on our ‘research intensity’ in the most recent Research Excellence framework - 8th for grauate prospects in Accounting & Finance (The Guarian University Guie 2018) - 9th for Marketing (The Complete University Guie 2018) - 11th for grauate prospects in business an management (The Times Goo University Guie 2018) - 12th for course satisfaction in business an management (The Guarian University Guie 2018)


坎特伯雷校区 Canterbury Campus: • MSc International Business an Management 接受转专业 • MSc International Business an Management with Foreign languages 接受转专业 • MSc Marketing 接受转专业,the Chartere Institute of Marketing (CIM)专业认证 • MSc Human Resource Management CIPD专业认证 • MSc Business Analytics 接受工科背景或数学统计背景 • MSc Logistics an Supply Chain Management 接受工科背景或数学统计背景,the Chartere Institute of Logistics an Transport (CILT)专业认证 • MSc Finance (Financial Markets) the Global Association of Risk Professional (GARP) an PRMIA (Professional Risk Managers’International Association)专业认证 • MSc Finance (Finance an Management) • MSc Finance (Finance,Investment & Risk) • MSc Finance (International Banking an Finance) • MSc Finance (International Accounting) ACCA专业认证

梅德韦校区 Meway Campus: • MSc Management (15 month programme) 接受转专业,此课程有14周实习机会,the CMI Level 7 Certificate in Professional Consulting 和 the CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management an Leaership 专业认证 • MSc Digital Marketing & Analytics the Chartere Institute of Marketing (CIM)专业认证

奖学金: PGT Early Bir – 10% reuction in Tuition Fees (2019年3月底之前申请并且在2019年4月底之前缴纳押金) PGT Scholarships & Bursaries: from £1,000 to £5,000. 每月在申请人中选择优秀学生给予1千镑至5千镑不等奖学金)



