

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-23 10:18




新政将于今年 11 月 26 日开始实施

8月8日下午4点,新西兰移民部长Iain Lees-Galloway在国会办公室,宣布对留学生毕业后工作权利的最终修改。

取消所有级别课程的留学生申请雇主担保工签的权利;(也就是说,Post stuy workvisa-employer assiste work visa不复存在了!)

为Level 4 - 6和non-egree Level 7课程的学生提供为期1年的open工签;


为奥克兰地区之外、且在2021年12月前完成学业的Level 4 - 6和non-egreeLevel 7课程的学生提供为期2年的open工签;

为Level 7学士学位及以上课程的学生提供为期3年的open工签;



梅西大学提供了一系列的学习方案供你选择:从英语语言、预科、本科(level 7)、研究生(level 8-9)到博士(level 10)和博士后。




(Grauate Diploma学士后学位)




梅西大学GD in Business还接受中国大专生申请喔~毕业后成绩保持在B-以上可以专升硕就读Master of management~

*请注意在入读GD in Business前请联系acaemic avisor,确保所选课程能保证顺利入读接下来的硕士课程。


Grauate Diploma in Applie Statistics

Grauate Diploma in Arts


Environmental Stuies







Grauate Diploma in Aviation

Grauate Diploma in Business Stuies

Grauate Diploma in Design

Grauate Diploma in Fine Arts

Grauate Diploma in Information Sciences

Grauate Diploma in Journalism Stuies

Grauate Diploma in Logistics an Supply Chain Management

Grauate Diploma in Science an Technology (A pathway programme to Postgrauate stuy in Sciences)

Grauate Diploma in Teaching (Primary)

Grauate Diploma in Teaching (Seconary)







Bachelor of Accountancy

Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Business Stuies

Master of Business Stuies (Accountancy)

Master of Management (Accountancy)

Master of Professional Accountancy an Finance

Postgrauate Diploma in Accountancy

Postgrauate Diploma in Business


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Bachelor of Aviation

Bachelor of Aviation Management

Grauate Diploma in Aviation

Master of Aviation

Postgrauate Diploma in Business


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Master of Analytics (Business)

Master of Management (Financial Economics)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Entrepreneurship an innovation(企业家和创新)

Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship an Innovation)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Business Stuies

Postgrauate Diploma in Business


Doctorof Philosophy (PhD)

Finance an banking(金融和银行)

Bachelor of Business (Finance)

Master of Analytics (Business)

Master of Business Stuies

Master of Business Stuies (Finance)

Master of Finance

Master of Management (Financial Economics)

Master of Professional Accountancy an Finance

Postgrauate Diploma in Business


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Human resources an work(人力资源和工作)

Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management an Employment Relations)

Master of Business Stuies

Master of Business Stuies (Human Resource Management)

Master of Management (Human Resource Management)

Postgrauate Diploma in Business


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)

Management an leaership(管理和领导力)

Bachelor of Business (International Business)

Bachelor of Business (Management)

Bachelor of Business (Organisational Technology Management)

Bachelor of Retail an Business Management

Bachelor of Science (Logistics an Supply Chain Management)

Bachelor of Sport Management

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Business Stuies

Master of Business Stuies (Management)

Master of Management (International Business)

Master of Management (Management)

Master of Sport Management

Master of Supply Chain Management

Postgrauate Diploma in Business

Postgrauate Diploma in Logistics an Supply Chain Management


Bachelor of AgriCommerce (Foo Marketing an Retailing)

Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

Bachelor of Retail an Business Management

**Postgrauate programmes **

Master of Analytics (Business)

Master of Business Stuies (Marketing)

Master of Management (Marketing)

Postgrauate Diploma in Business


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)

Meia an communication(媒体和传播)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Business (Strategic Communication)

Bachelor of Commercial Music

Bachelor of Communication

Bachelor of Communication (Communication Management)

Bachelor of Communication (Expressive Arts)

Bachelor of Communication (Journalism Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Marketing Communication)

Bachelor of Communication (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)

Bachelor of Creative Meia Prouction

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication with Honours

Master of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Master of Business Stuies (Communication)

Master of Journalism

Master of Management (Communication Management)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Meia Stuies)

Postgrauate Diploma in Business

Postgrauate Diploma in Journalism


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)

Māori knowlege(毛利文化)

Bachelor of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Māori Stuies)

Master of Māori Visual Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts

Master of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Master of Eucation (Māori Eucation)

Master of Māori Visual Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Eucation (Māori Eucation)

Postgrauate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts


Bachelor of AgriCommerce (Rural Valuation)

Bachelor of Business (Property)

Master of Business Aministration

Master of Business Stuies


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)


Bachelor of Retail an Business Management

Bachelor of Science (Logistics an Supply Chain Management)

Master of Business Stuies

Master of Supply Chain Management

Postgrauate Diploma in Logistics an Supply Chain Management


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)



Art an photography(艺术和摄影)

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Photography)

Commercial music(商业音乐)


Postgrauate programmes

Master of Arts

Master of Design

Master of Fine Arts


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

English,writing an theatre(英语、写作和戏剧)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

Bachelor of Arts (English)

Bachelor of Communication

Bachelor of Communication (Expressive Arts)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Fashion an textile esign(时尚和纺织品设计)

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Fashion Design)

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Textile Design)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Design

Master of Fine Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Design


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Film,animation an VFX(电影、动画和视觉特效)

Bachelor of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Visual Communication Design)

Bachelor of Creative Meia Prouction

Master of Design

Master of Fine Arts


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Meia an communication(媒体和传播)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Business (Strategic Communication)

Bachelor of Commercial Music

Bachelor of Communication

Bachelor of Communication (Communication Management)

Bachelor of Communication (Expressive Arts)

Bachelor of Communication (Journalism Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Marketing Communication)

Bachelor of Communication (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)

Bachelor of Creative Meia Prouction

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication with Honours

Master of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Master of Business Stuies (Communication)

Master of Communication

Master of Journalism

Master of Management (Communication Management)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Meia Stuies)

Postgrauate Diploma in Business

Postgrauate Diploma in Communication

Postgrauate Diploma in Journalism

Māori knowlege(毛利文化)

Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts

Master of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Master of Māori Visual Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts

Spatial an inustrial esign(空间和工业设计)

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Inustrial Design)

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Spatial Design)

Master of Design

Master of Fine Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Design

Visual communication esign(视觉传达设计)

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Visual Communication Design)

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Design

Master of Fine Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Design


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Web,game an interactive esign(网络、游戏和互动设计)

Bachelor of Creative Meia Prouction

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Bachelor of Design with Honours (Visual Communication Design)

Master of Design

Postgrauate Diploma in Design



Biological sciences(生物科技)

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Health Science (Integrate Human Health)

Bachelor of Science (Biocheistry)

Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)

Bachelor of Science (Genetics)

Bachelor of Science (Microbiology)

Master of Health Science

Master of Science (Biochemistry)

Master of Science (Biological Sciences)

Master of Science (Genetics)

Master of Science (Microbiology)

Master of Science (Physiology)

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Epiemiology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Biochemistry)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Biological Sciences)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Genetics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Microbiology)


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)

Environmental an occupational health(环境和职业健康)

Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Stuies)

Bachelor of Health Science (Environmental Health)

Bachelor of Health Science (Integrate Human Health)

Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Health an Safety)

Bachelor of Resource an Environmental Planning

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

Master of Environmental Management

Master of Foo Safety an Quality

Master of Resource an Environmental Planning

Postgrauate Diploma in Environmental Management


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)


Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Stuies)

Bachelor of Health Science (Environmental Health)

Bachelor of Health Science (Integrate Human Health)

Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Health an Safety)

Bachelor of Resource an Environmental Planning

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

Bachelor of Science with Honours (Human Nutrition)

Master of Dairy Science an Technology

Master of Foo Safety an Quality

Master of Foo Technology

Master of Science (Human Nutrition)

Master of Science (Nutrition an Dietetics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Human Nutrition)


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)

Māori knowlege(毛利文化)

Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts

Master of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Master of Māori Visual Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts


Bachelor of Nursing

Master of Philosophy


Doctorof Philosophy (PhD)

Population health an policy(人口健康和政策)

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Health Science (Health Promotion)

Bachelor of Health Science (Integrate Human Health)

Bachelor of Health Science (Rehabilitation)

Master of Analytics (Health)

Master of Public Health

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Veterinary Public Health)

Postgrauate Diploma in Public Health

Postgrauate Diploma in Veterinary Science (Veterinary Public Health)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Bachelor of Arts (Business Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Eucational Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Bachelor of Health Science (Psychology)

Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Arts (Psychology)

Master of Science (Psychology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Psychology)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Social work(社会工作)

Bachelor of Arts (Social Policy)

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Applie Social Work


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)

Doctorof Social Work

Sport an exercise(体育与运动)

Bachelor of Health Science (Integrate Human Health)

Bachelor of Science (Exercise an Sport Science)

Bachelor of Sport Management

Bachelor of Sport an Exercise

Bachelor of Sport an Exercise (Physical Eucation)

Bachelor of Sport an Exercise (Without Specialisation)

Postgrauate Diploma in Sport Management


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)




Development stuies(发展学)

Master of International Development


Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)


Bachelor of Arts (Eucation)

Bachelor of Arts (Eucational Psychology)

Bachelor of Speech an Language Therapy with Honours

Master of Applie Linguistics

Master of Arts (Eucation)

Master of Eucation

Master of Speech an Language Therapy

Master of Teaching an Learning

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Eucation)

Postgrauate Diploma in Eucation

English,writing an theatre(英语、写作和戏剧)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

Bachelor of Arts (English)

Bachelor of Communication

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Communication


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

History an culture(历史和文化)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Classical Stuies)

Bachelor of Arts (History)

Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Philosophy)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Arts (History)

Master of Arts (Museum Stuies)

Master of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Master of Arts (Philosophy)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (History)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Māori Stuies)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Philosophy)

Postgrauate Diploma in Museum Stuies

Languages an linguistics

Postgrauate programmes

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Spanish)

Master of Applie Linguistics

Master of Arts (Spanish)

Postgrauate Diploma in Applie Linguistics


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Languages an linguistics

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Chinese)

Bachelor of Arts (Japanese)

Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics)

Bachelor of Arts (Spanish)

Bachelor of Communication

Bachelor of Communication (Linguistics)

Bachelor of Speech an Language Therapy with Honours

Meia an communication(媒体和传播)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Business (Strategic Communication)

Bachelor of Commercial Music

Bachelor of Communication

Bachelor of Communication (Communication Management)

Bachelor of Communication (Expressive Arts)

Bachelor of Communication (Journalism Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Marketing Communication)

Bachelor of Communication (Meia Stuies)

Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)

Bachelor of Creative Meia Prouction

Postgrauate programmes

Bachelor of Communication with Honours

Master of Arts (Meia Stuies)

Master of Business Stuies (Communication)

Master of Communication

Master of Journalism

Master of Management (Communication Management)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Meia Stuies)

Postgrauate Diploma in Business

Postgrauate Diploma in Communication

Postgrauate Diploma in Journalism


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Māori knowlege(毛利文化)

Bachelor of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts

Master of Eucation (Māori Eucation)

Master of Māori Visual Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts


Bachelor of Resource an Environmental Planning


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Politics an society(政治和社会)

Bachelor of Arts (Geography)

Bachelor of Arts (Politics)

Bachelor of Arts (Social Anthropology)

Bachelor of Arts (Social Policy)

Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Arts (Geography)

Master of Arts (Politics)

Master of Arts (Social Anthropology)

Master of Arts (Social Policy)

Master of Arts (Sociology)

Master of Social Work

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Geographic Information Systems)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Geography)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Politics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Social Anthropology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Social Policy)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Sociology)

Postgrauate Diploma in International Development

Postgrauate Diploma in Social Sector evaluation Research

Postgrauate Diploma in Social Work


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Doctor of Social Work


Bachelor of Arts (Business Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Eucational Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Bachelor of Health Science (Psychology)

Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Arts (Psychology)

Master of Science (Psychology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Psychology)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


梅西理学院的毕业生在世界各地都受到高度赞赏。他们在基础科学、信息与数学科学、自然科学、分子生物科学、自然资源、兽医、动物和生物医学、工程和高等技术等 食品科技、食品创新和食品安全 领域都出类拔萃。


Agriculture an horticulture(农业和园艺)

Bachelor of AgriCommerce (AgriculturalEconomics)

Bachelor of AgriCommerce (Farm Management)

Bachelor of AgriCommerce (Foo Marketingan Retailing)

Bachelor of AgriCommerce (InternationalAgribusiness)

Bachelor of AgriCommerce (Rural Valuation)

Bachelor of AgriScience

Bachelor of AgriScience (Agriculture)

Bachelor of AgriScience (Equine)

Bachelor of AgriScience (Horticulture)

Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science)

Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)

Bachelor of Science (Logistics an SupplyChain Management)

Bachelor of Science (Plant Science)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of AgriCommerce

Master of Agriculture

Master of Agriculture (Agriculture)

Master of Agriculture (Equine)

Master of Agriculture (Horticulture)

Master of Agriculture (Without Specialisation)

Master of Science (Agricultural Science)

Master of Science (Animal Science)

Master of Science (Horticultural Science)

Master of Science (Plant Biology)

Master of Science (Plant Breeing)

Master of Science (Soil Science)

Master of Supply Chain Management

Postgrauate Diploma in AgriCommerce

Postgrauate Diploma in Logistics an Supply Chain Management

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Agricultural Science)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Animal Science)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Horticultural Science)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Plant Breeing)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Soil Science)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Animal an veterinary(动物和兽医)

Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)

Bachelor of Science (Ecology)

Bachelor of Science (Marine Ecology)

Bachelor of Science (Zoology)

Bachelor of Veterinary Sciencepre-selection

Bachelor of Veterinary Science

Bachelor of Veterinary Technologypre-selection

Bachelor of Veterinary Technology

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Agriculture (Equine)

Master of Science (Animal Science)

Master of Science (Conservation Biology)

Master of Science (Ecology)

Master of Science (Zoology)

Master of Veterinary Science

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Conservation Veterinary Meicine)

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Epiemiology)

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Veterinary Public Health)

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Without Specialisation)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Conservation Biology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Ecology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Zoology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Veterinary Science

Postgrauate Diploma in Veterinary Science (Veterinary Epiemiology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Veterinary Science (Veterinary Public Health)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Biological sciences(生物科学)

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Health Science (IntegrateHuman Health)

Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)

Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)

Bachelor of Science (Genetics)

Bachelor of Science (Microbiology)

Master of Science (Biochemistry)

Master of Science (Biological Sciences)

Master of Science (Genetics)

Master of Science (Microbiology)

Master of Science (Physiology)

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Epiemiology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Biochemistry)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Biological Sciences)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Genetics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Microbiology)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Computer science an information technology(计算机科学和信息技术)

Bachelor of Business (OrganisationalTechnology Management)

Bachelor of Commercial Music (MusicTechnology)

Bachelor of Creative Meia Prouction

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Bachelor of Information Sciences

Bachelor of Information Sciences (ComputerScience)

Bachelor of Information Sciences (DataScience)

Bachelor of Information Sciences(Information Systems)

Bachelor of Information Sciences(Information Technology)

Bachelor of Information Sciences (SoftwareEngineering)

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Information Sciences

Master of Information Sciences (Computer Science)

Master of Information Sciences (Information Technology)

Master of Information Sciences (Software Engineering)

Postgrauate Diploma in Information SciencesDOCTORATES

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Construction an built environment(建筑和建筑环境)

Bachelor of Construction

Bachelor of Construction (ConstructionManagement)

Bachelor of Construction (QuantitySurveying)

Master of Construction

Master of Construction (Construction Law)

Master of Construction (Construction Project Management)

Master of Construction (Facilities Management)

Master of Construction (Quantity Surveying)

Postgrauate Diploma in Construction

Postgrauate Diploma in Construction (Construction Law)

Postgrauate Diploma in Construction (Construction Project Management)

Postgrauate Diploma in Construction (Facilities Management)

Postgrauate Diploma in Construction (Quantity Surveying)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Bachelor of Commercial Music (MusicTechnology)

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Chemical an Bioprocess Engineering)

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Electronics an Computer Engineering)

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Engineering an Innovation Management)

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Mechatronics)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Engineering

Master of Engineering Stuies

Master of Engineering Stuies (Electronics an Computer Engineering)

Master of Engineering Stuies (Energy Management)

Master of Engineering Stuies (Mechatronics)

Master of Engineering Stuies (Renewable Energy Systems)

Master of Quality Systems

Master of Supply Chain Management

Postgrauate Diploma in Logistics an Supply Chain Management


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Bachelor of AgriCommerce (Foo Marketingan Retailing)

Bachelor of Foo Technology with Honours

Bachelor of Foo Technology with Honours(Foo Process Engineering)

Bachelor of Foo Technology with Honours(Foo Prouct Technology)

Bachelor of Science (Human Nutrition)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Foo Safety an Quality

Master of Foo Technology

Master of Science (Human Nutrition)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Human Nutrition)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Mathematics an statistics(数学和统计)

Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics)

Bachelor of Arts (Statistics)

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)

Bachelor of Science (Statistics)

Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics)

Bachelor of Arts (Statistics)

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)

Bachelor of Science (Statistics)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Analytics

Master of Analytics (Business)

Master of Analytics (Health)

Master of Applie Statistics

Master of Science (Mathematics)

Master of Science (Statistics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Mathematics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Statistics)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Māori knowlege(毛利文化)

Bachelor of Arts (Māori Stuies)

Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts

**Master of Arts (Māori Stuies) **

Master of Māori Visual Arts

Postgrauate Diploma in Māori Visual Arts

Natural environment(自然环境)

Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Stuies)

Bachelor of Resource an EnvironmentalPlanning

Bachelor of Science (Earth Science)

Bachelor of Science (Ecology)

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

Bachelor of Science (Geography)

Bachelor of Science (Marine Ecology)

Bachelor of Science (Zoology)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Arts (Geography)

Master of Environmental Management

Master of Science (Conservation Biology)

Master of Science (Earth Science)

Master of Science (Ecology)

Master of Science (Geography)

Master of Science (Zoology)

Master of Veterinary Stuies (Conservation Veterinary Meicine)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Geography)

Postgrauate Diploma in Environmental Management

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Conservation Biology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Earth Science)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Ecology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Geography)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Zoology)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Physical sciences(物理)

Bachelor of Science (Physics)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Science (Biochemistry)

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Master of Science (Nanoscience)

Master of Science (Physics)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Biochemistry)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Chemistry)

Postgrauate Diploma in Science an Technology (Physics)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Bachelor of Arts (Business Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Eucational Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Bachelor of Health Science (Psychology)

Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Postgrauate programmes

Master of Arts (Psychology)

Master of Health Science (Psychology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Arts (Psychology)

Postgrauate Diploma in Eucation (Counselling an Guiance)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Doctor of Clinical Psychology





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