

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2024-10-23 04:39



No,it was not so clean an not so white an not so nice. But I have rawn—rather,live—in this stuio for most of my past ten years. I suppose this is strange,as the rest of my life can best be characterize by everything the stuio is not: cleanliness an orer an structure. But then again,the stuio was like nothing else in my life,beyon anything in which I’ve ever felt comfortable or at ease.

Sure,I was frustrate at first. My carefully compose sketchbooks—the proportions just right,the contrast perfecte,the whiteness of the backgroun meticulously preserve—were often marre by the frenzie strokes of my instructor’s charcoal as he trie to teach me not to raw accurately,but passionately. I hate it. But thus was the funamental gap in my artistic unerstaning—the ifference between the surface realities that I wante to epict,an the profoun though elusive truths of the human conition that art coul explore. It was the ifference between rawing a man’s face an using abstraction to explore his soul.

An I can’t tell you exactly when or why my attitue change,but eventually my own lines began to unabashely isregar the rules of epth or tonality to which I ha once utifully ahere,my fervor leaving in its wake black fingerprints an smuges where once ha existe unsoile whiteness. It was in this stuio that I eventually mae the leap into a new realm of art—a realm in which I was neither experience nor comfortable. Apart from surface manifestations altogether,this realm was simultaneously one of austere simplicity an aesthetic intricacy,of eparture from realism an immersion in reality,of intense emotion an uninhibite expression. It was the realm of lines that coul tell stories,of colors an figures that meant nothing an everything.

Inee,it was the realm of isorer an messy stuios an true art—a place where I coul express the worl like I saw it,in colors an strokes unrestraine by expectations or rules; a place where I coul fin refuge in the contours of my own chaotic lines; a place that was neither beautiful nor ieal,but real.

No,it was not so clean an not so white an not so nice.

But then again,neither is art.

点评:文章最突出的是意象组合,运用“Late evening rays …casting a gentle glow”,“the soft luminescence of the art stuio…a fluorescent glare”将读者迅速带入作品,立马领会文章主题:艺术。这篇文章最吸引人的地方在于它是一个成长的故事,记录了Bobby从孩童到青少年的成长,艺术创作也从有序、浅显走向抽象、深刻。




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