

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 13:34








活动将于 2018 年 11 月 13 日(星期二) 6:30-8:30 在坎特伯雷活动中心举行。希望三至十二年级的学生都能与家人一同出席。任何因个人原因不能参加的学生必须在晚上之前以书面形式通知院长有关的领域。学生需要在下午 6 点前到达,表演或领奖的学生须于下午五时三十分准时到达。



所有 3-6 岁的男孩都要穿短裤

3-6 岁的女孩都要穿正式的制服

所有 7-12 岁的男孩都要穿长裤

所有 7-12 岁的学生都要穿运动上衣

10-12 岁的女孩都要穿长袜



As you are aware,our Annual Excellence Awars will be presente on Tuesay 13 November 2018 at the Canterbury Events Centre. The presentation of our Annual Excellence Awars is our celebration of outstaning achievement for 2016 an acknowleges our stuents across all areas incluing acaemic,cultural,sport an other extracurricular activities.

It is an expectation that all stuents in Years 3 - 12 atten this event along with their families.Any stuents not able to atten for personal reasons must notify the Dean of the relevant area in writing prior to the evening. Stuents nee to arrive by 6.00pm in orer to ensure they are seate for the 6.30pm start.

Stuents are to sit with their Form Class in the reserve seating area for stuents. Form Class teachers will irect the stuents to their allocate seating. Year 12 stuents will sit in the reserve seats for Year 12. Stuents from K – Year 2 who atten will be expecte to sit with their family. Out of respect to prize winners an their families,the auience is requeste to remain seate for the uration of the ceremony which will commence at 6.30pm an be complete by approximately 8.30pm.

All stuents are to wear the Formal College uniform an below is an outline of uniform requirements for the evening:

·All Kinergarten – Year 2 stuents attening with families must be inuniform

·All Years 3-6 boys are to wear shorts

·All Years 3-6 girls are to wear formaluniform

·All Years 7-12 boys are to wear long trousers

·All Years 7-12 stuents are to wear their blazer

·All Years 10-12 girls are to wear stockings

·All Musical groups are to wear the correct uniform of their particulargroup

·Hats are notrequire.

Weask parentstopleaseassistbyensuringthat yourchil wearsthecorrectCollegeuniform,thatshoesarepolishe,hair is neatly cut (for the boys) or pulle back with the appropriate College hair ribbons (for the girls). The stanar of ress for members of the auience is business attire. Please o not wear casualoutfits.

Stuents who are performing or receiving a prize are require to arrive at5.30pm sharp.Prize winners will sit in the reserve ‘Prize Winners’ section.

The Canterbury Café will be open prior to the event for tea,coffee,soft rinks an water available.

Please note that parking in the immeiate vicinity of the CEC is limite so families are encourage to park in other car parks aroun the College campus. Appropriate lighting will be on for peestrian traffic in the various areas of the College.

We look forwar to welcoming you to the Annual Excellence Awars evening as we celebrate the wonerful achievements an talents of our Canterbury College stuents.




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协助留学小白, 圆赴日留学梦!
