

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 08:34


Be careful of using wors that have a negative meaning in American English. The wor “propagana,” for example,means something like “government-controlle brainwashing” in the US. (Your best choice is to use the wors “marketing” or“publicity” if you want to inicate that you organize a campaign to raise awareness of a certain problem.)


Likewise,in the US we o not use the wors“cripple” an “retare”; we use “hanicappe” (or even better,“isable”) an“evelopmentally isable” or “mentally challenge.” We on’t call ol people“ol people”—we call them “elers” or “the elerly.” An we prefer “businessperson” or “business professional” to “businessman.”


同样的,在美国,也不会用“cripple”或者是“retare”之类的词,取而代之的是“hanicappe”(isable更好)以及“evelopmentally isable”或“mentally isable”。我们在称呼老人时也不直接用“ol people”,而是用“elers”或是“the elerly”。我们也不经常用“businessman”,而是用“businessperson”或“business professional ”。


Vary the length of the sentences in your essay. If you have written several long sentences in a row,insert a short sentence to give the reaer a break. Variety in your sentences will make your essay easier to rea (an thus more memorable).

It also emonstrates that you have a superior comman of the English language. An on’t be afrai of incluing a one-sentence paragraph. Aone-sentence paragraph (especially at the beginning or en of your essay) will be very ramatic an grab the reaer’s attention.



If English is your secon language,on’t try to make it har on yourself by writing really long sentences an using large vocabulary wors. (Don’t say “internationalization”; just say“international.”

Why use “metropolis” when you can just use “city”?) Remember that the reaers are not hoping to be impresse by your vocabulary—they want tobe impresse by your story.



If you are applying to grauate school,your personal statement will nee to inclue etaile evience of your research. For example,if you are applying toa grauate program in biology,your PS shoul inclue specific escriptions of experiences you have ha,such as research projects,internships,work in biological laboratories,an such.

The other key elements for grauate stuy applications are what you want to stuy,the fiel you are intereste in,the backgroun you have,why you have chosen this particular program,an your plans after grauation.



Avoi using inappropriate reasons for why a particular college is attractive to you. (I have actually seen essays where the applicant escribe how much he “love” the University of Chicago an wante to ate her,an another where the applicant wrote that NYU was attractive because she just love the color purple on theNYU website.) You must rea the website carefully to iscover specific programs,activities,curricula,istinguishe professors (an the like) that you can point to an say,“THIS is why I want to go to University X.”




Do not tell the school how goo it is. “I want to atten the prestigiousUniversity X because it is a top US college with an international reputation,”just souns insincere.



Catch the reaer’s attention in the first sentence of your essay by writing something ramatic or humorous. In one excellent essay I rea,the applicant (hoping to major in entomology),wrote this: “Ahhhh! There are bugs in the shampoo!‘Doesn’t that make you want to rea more? (He then went on to escribe how his mother ha foun one of his “science experiments” involving insects,an how experiences like this mae him want to stuy entomology.)



If you start with a story,you can en with some reference to the same story. (Our entomology stuent,for example,coul then mention his mother’s shock again in his last paragraph.)



Well-chosen quotations can a powerful creibility to your essay. All you nee to o is ecie what the key concept of your essay is (such as strength,honor,or patience)an then use the internet to fin quotations that use any of these keywors.The best quotations come from persons who are well-known to both Chinese anAmerican reaers,an they must be amirable persons. (Past American anChinese presients are goo examples.) The quote shoul be short,about one powerful sentence in length. Incluing a striking quotation in your essay is particularly persuasive if you are applying to a humanities program or want to be an English major,as it emonstrates the breath of your reaing.




Your purpose in writing your essay is to come across as a unique iniviual,one who stans out from all the other applicants an one whose writing style is lively,fresh,an ifferent. For unergrauate essays,the personal etails of your life an the struggles you have ha to overcome will make goo stories. Goo stories are memorable. You on’t have to be a perfect person; inee,it may be that any “flaws” you have will convince the reaer that you are a muti-facete person who learns from your mistakes. These flaws on’t have to be terrible:You can escribe the time that you mae complete a fool of yourself before your friens. (Americans call this the “My most embarrassing moment” essay.) Then tell the reaer what you learne from this experience.



Always try to make your writing as “concrete” as possible,meaning that you provie specific examples (or stories) to support your main points. Instea of just writing,for example,“I spent two months oing chemistry research,” escribe the nature of that research,what process you use,an what it taught you. Depth is more important than breath.

The reaer will be more impresse by specific etails about ONE of your experiences then a list of twenty experiences. (Save the list of experiences for your resume.)



It is perfectly all right to escribe your particular religion in an unergrauate essay. Reaers in the US come from many ifferent religious backgrouns an the amission officers will most likely be broa-mine an tolerant. The main thing is not to try an “convert” the reaer—you simply want to show how being a Buhist (or a Catholic,or a Christian,or whatever) has ha a profoun impact on your life.





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