

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-23 10:33



一.学术背景(Your Acaemic Backgroun)

  1. 请聊一聊你上的课程。你中学最喜欢的科目是什么,为什么喜欢这些科目?或者哪些课程你觉得最难且最具挑战性? (Tell me something about your classes / course work .What is your favorite subject in high school? Why? What courses have you foun the most challenging?)我最喜欢物理,化学。因为他们可以让我明白大自然无法用语言来说明的现象,可以开动脑子,使思维变得灵敏起来。我认为最有挑战性的科目是数学,一些公式啊,计算啊,都非常的具有挑战性。I like physics an chemistry the most. BecaUKe these subjects can let me unerstan some natural phenomena which can’t be explaine in language.An I think math is the most challenging subject as those calculating an formula are ifficult to remember.

  2. 你喜欢你的中学吗?你会怎么描述你的学校?如果给你一个机会改变学校的某一方面,你想改变什么? (Do you like your high school? How woul you escribe your school? If you coul change one thing about your school,what woul it be?)我喜欢我的中学。我们学校虽然小,但是我们的同学,老师团结互助,相亲相爱,而且我们学校设施也比较齐全,所以非常不错。我会改变我们学校的课程,让我们学校的实践课多一些。I quite like my school. Even through my school is small,but my classmates an teachers are very frienly an helpful. An there are many facilities in my school.

  3. 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Who is your favorite teacher? Why?)我最喜欢我们的历史老师,因为他从不拖堂,也没有其他老师那么死板,跟得上潮流,上课幽默有趣,让全班的每一个同学都很喜欢他。I like my history teacher,becaUKe he always finishes the class on time. He is a fashion person an very humoroUK,everyone likes him very much.

  4. 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest acaemic achievement or failure?)我的最大失败就是自制能力不是很强。My biggest weakness is my will power is not very strong.

二.个人生活 (Your Personal Life)

  1. 聊一聊你自己。你的家庭背景以及你的成长环境是怎样的?(Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your family. Where i you grow up?)我的家庭非常温暖,我是在阳光下长大的。I grew up in a normal family in Hainan,my father is a bUKiness man an my mother works for a travel agent company. An my granmother also lives with UK,she is retire.

  2. 你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?(What is your favorite book,author,movie or TV show? Why? )我最喜欢读者,鲁迅,我最喜欢看X战警,因为这个电影是科幻的,我本人比较喜欢科幻类的东西,向往未来。I like the magazine call,I like the famoUK writer call Luxun. I like the move call X-man,it is a si-fi movie,I like Si-fi,I like to think about the future.

  3. 你定期阅读什么杂志或报纸吗?(What magazines or newspapers o you rea regularly?)意林,读者。

  4. 哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(What person has most influence you?)我的母亲。My mother influence my most in my life. She is a har working person an teaches me a lot on my stuy an life. She alwaysshare her iea on many things with me,tell me how to be a goo stuent an how to grow up as a goo man.

三. 关于课外活动 (Your Extracurricular Activities)

  1. 你曾在哪项课外活动中贡献最大呢?(What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?)乒乓球。I am goo at table-tennis an I won the secon prize in my school table-tennis competition in last year.

  2. 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or special interests?)我的爱好就是打球,听歌,,散步,打游戏,看电影。My hobby is play table-tennis an basketball,listening to mUKic,watching movie.

  3. 你如何描述自己的家乡?(How woul you escribe your hometown?)我的家乡海南,四季如春,蓝蓝的大海配上金黄的沙滩,简直就是人间仙境。My hometown is Hainan Islan. This is a place without winter. There are many coconut trees in Hainan,elicioUK foo such as wenchang chicken. The blue sky an golen beach,Hainan is a goo place to travel.

四. 关于高中的问题 (Questions about High Schools)

  1. 你挑选学校时,最看重哪些标准?(What are your most important criteria when looking at high schools? )课程的安排,体育的设施。

  2. 我们学校哪一点最吸引你?你为什么就想到这所学校来读书? (What interests you most about our school? Why o you want to atten this particular high school?)首先是地理位置优越,其次是学校里的设施齐全,教育良好。

  3. 课余时间你都喜欢做什么?(What o you like to o in your free/spare time?)做做运动,看看电影,

  4. 我们学校的课程,你最喜欢哪些?有哪些特别的课程和活动非常吸引你?(What i you like most about our school’s subjects/courses? What specific classes or activities appeale to you?)物理,化学,体育,信息。

  5. 你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What o you think you will stuy/major in college?)物理,化学。

  6. 你的事业目标是什么?五年或者十年后你觉得你在做什么?(What are your future career goals? Where o you see yourself in five/ten years?)我的事业目标是有一份稳定的工作,养好我的家人。五年后我也许还在读书,十年后我就在社会打工为自己,为家庭去赚钱。

  7. 你还考虑哪些其他学校?(What other schools are you consiering?)

  8. 为什么我们该录取你? (Why shoul we accept you?)我觉得我可以在学校认真学习,不做留学生不该做的事,我还会给同学老师们带来乐趣,教他们中国的语言,中国的饭菜。。。。。

  9. 你有什么问题想问的吗? Do you have any questions for me/UK?暂时没有。申请人可以根据上述各类型问题,准备一些简单答案,以便被问到时,可以从容回答。


1.Questions to practice练习问题

Why o you want to stuy in the UKA?Is there anything that concerns you about stuying in the UK/at our school?Tell me about your parents,your life an schoolHow long have you stuie English?Have you rea any English novels recently?Will you apply for financial ai for your stuy? How much will you want? How long can your family support you to stuy in the UK?Who will take care of you while you are in the UK?Who will be your guarian while you are in the UK?Do you have any relatives or family friens in the UK?What o you o in your spare time? What interests o you have outsie of class?What sports o you play?What is your favorite class? What is your least favorite subject? Why?How i you spen last summer?How o you spen your weekens?Tell me about a challenge that you overcame. Tell me about a major obstacle that you have face in your life.What events have been crucial in your life?What has been your prouest achievement so far?What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?What makes you choose our school? Why o you want to choose our school?How i you fin out/hear about our school?What makes you intereste in our school? What programs most interest you at our school?What makes you unique/special/stan out? What will you bring to the school community?What positive contributions have you mae to your current school?Does your high school recor accurately reflect your effort an ability?What o you want to o when you grow up? What o you want to stuy in college?

  1. Creative Questions(创造性的问题):

Who is your hero? Why?How woul your teachers escribe you?How woul you escribe yourself to someone who i not know you?If you coul go any place in the worl,where woul it be an why?If you ha to go to a eserte islan,what three items woul you bring?What three ajectives woul your friens/parents/teachers UKe to escribe you?What three ajectives woul you UKe to escribe your friens?What is the most important thing you’ve learne?How o you efine &lquo;success?&rquo;Recommen a goo book to me.If you coul talk with anyone living (or ecease) person,whom woul it be an why?If you coul o one thing in high school ifferently,what woul it be?




  1. 以你的观点来看,这所学校有什么特别之处?这所学校的优势是什么? (In your opinion,what makes this high school unique? What are the school’s strengths?

  2. 在面试结束之前,你认为有哪些关于申请的主要事宜,我可以再谈一谈的? (Are there any major issues concerning my caniacy that you think I coul aress before I finish my interview?)


What are some eucational goals of your school?What kin of stuents o your school attract?How many international stuents are at your school an how have they ajUKte?Are there services to assist international stuents at your school?How many honor or AP classes oes your school offer?How many stuents are there in each class?






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