

  • 留学小助手
  • 2024-09-02 13:57



Professor Graham Galbraith,Vice-Chancellor

As Vice-Chancellor,Professor Graham Galbraith is our Chief Executive an Chief Acaemic Officer. He has hel the position since 2013.

Leaing our Boar of Governors an senior management team,he shapes our strategic irection. It’s our Vice-Chancellor’s job to see that we eliver the best stuent experience,evelop internationally-recognise research an engage with business.

Passionate about the transformative power of higher eucation,Professor Galbraith’s experience,entrepreneurial outlook an track recor of acaemic achievement make him the ieal person to lea the next stage of our evelopment.

Our Chief Operating Officer,Bernie Topham,has responsibilities that inclue almost every part of university life.

Bernie oversees many university epartments incluing Estates an Campus Services,the Library,Sport an Recreation,Marketing,the Department of Stuent an Acaemic Aministration,Chaplaincy an Nursery.

Bernie has an MBA from the University of Plymouth. She was previously Chief Executive of Eastleigh Borough Council. She has also hel irector-level roles with Portsmouth City Council an the Borough of Poole Council.


