

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-10-23 11:18



Course Duration5 years full-time5 年全日制课程

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Veterinary Biology + Doctor of Veterinary Meicine (DVM)理学学士兽医生物学 + 兽医学博士

Course Structure - 144 creit points课程结构一共修 144 个学学学分。


Course Structure - 72 creit points

Part I - 24 creit points

Year 1 - 24 creit points

Transition Unit - 3 creit points

BSC100 Builing Blocks for Science Stuents - 3 points

理科学生 BSC100 的积木 - 3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal,S1-external,S2-internal,S2-external

莫道克 : S1 内部,S1 外部,S2 内部,S2 外部

Breath Unit for Degree - 3 creit points

3 度学 学分 的广度单位

BSC150 What is Science? - 3 points

科学是什么? 3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal,S1-external,S2-internal,S2-external

莫道克 : S1 内部,S1 外部,S2 内部,S2 外部

Core Units - 18 creit points

ANS102 Introuction to the Animal Boy - 3 points

ANS102 介绍动物体 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal

莫道克 : S1 内部

CHE140 Funamentals of Chemistry - 3 points

CHE140 化学基础 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal,S1-external,S2-internal,S2-external

莫道克 : S1 内部,S1 外部,S2 内部,S2 外部

(Stuents achieving at least 50 percent in WACE Chemistry will be exempt from this unit an must select another Part I unit in its place.)

(在 WACE 化学中取得至少 50% 成绩的学生将被免除这个单元,并且必须选择另一个第一部 学分 单元代替它。)

ANS101 Introuction to Livestock Science an Genetics - 3 points

ANS101 《畜牧科学与遗传学导论》 3 要 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal,UA6-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部,UA6 内部

(Stuents who have not complete this unit MUST take this unit in the Summer teaching perio,prior to entering secon year.)


BMS107 Founations of Vertebrate Form an Function - 3 points

脊椎动物形态与功能的 BMS107 基础 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部

BIO152 Cell Biology - 3 points

Bio152 细胞生物学 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal (close as the offering has reache capacity)

莫道克 : S2 内部(截至发行量已满)

MAS183 Statistical Data Analysis - 3 points

MAS183- 统计数据 学分 析 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal,S1-external,S2-internal,S2-external

莫道克 : S1 内部,S1 外部,S2 内部,S2 外部Part II - 48 creit points

Year 2 - 24 creit points

Core Units - 24 creit points

VET260 Veterinary Structure an Function I - 3 points

VET260 兽医的结构与功能 I—3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal (quota of 105 places)

莫道克 : S1 内部( 105 个名额)

VET271 Veterinary Structure an Function II - 3 points

VET27 1 兽医结构与功能 II—3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal (quota of 105 places)

莫道克 : S1 内部( 105 个名额)

VET272 Comparative Mammalian Biochemistry - 3 points

VET27 2 比较哺乳动物生物化学 - 3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal

莫道克 : S1 内部

VET273 Veterinary Structure an Function III - 3 points

兽医兽医结构与功能 III—3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal (quota of 105 places)

莫道克 : S2 内部( 105 个名额)

VET210 Veterinary Professional Life I - 3 points

兽医职业生涯 VIT210 兽医 I—3 学分

MURDOCH: Y-internal

莫道克 : Y 内

VET274 Veterinary Structure an Function IV - 3 points

VET27 4 兽医的结构与功能 IV—3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal (quota of 105 places)

莫道克 : S2 内部( 105 个名额)

VET211 Principles of Infectious Disease I - Veterinary Microbiology - 3 points

传染病的 VET211 原则 I 兽医微生物学 - 3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部

VET278 Principles of Infectious Disease II - Veterinary Parasitology - 3 points

传染病的 VET27 8- 原理 —— 兽医寄生虫学 - 3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部

VET310 Preclinical Placements - 0 points

VET310 临床前定位 - 0 学分

MURDOCH: H-internal

莫道克 : H- 内Year 3 - 24 creit points

Core Units - 24 creit points

VET375 Processes in Animal Disease - 3 points

VET375 在动物疾病中的作用 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal

莫道克 : S1 内部

VET377 Systemic Pathology an Meicine - 6 points

VET37 7 系统病理学与医学 ——6 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部

VET380 Veterinary Nutrition an Animal Toxicology - 3 points

兽医营养与动物毒理学 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal

莫道克 : S1 内部

VET392 One Health - 3 points

VET39 2 一健康 3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部

VET333 Animal Behaviour an Welfare - 3 points

VET333 动物行为与福利 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal

莫道克 : S1 内部

VET301 Principles of Surgery an Anaesthesia - 3 points

手术和麻醉的 VET301 原则 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: S2-internal

莫道克 : S2 内部

VET331 Introuction to Clinical Practice - 3 points

VET331 临床实践导论 3 要 学分

MURDOCH: S1-internal

莫道克 : S1 内部Applie Veterinary Meicine (DVM)

A further 6 trimesters of stuy over two years leas to a Masters level egree of Doctor of Veterinary Meicine (DVM) which is a registrable veterinary qualification.

The latter years are irecte to the evelopment of professional attributes an research skills,the acquisition of knowlege an skills require to iagnose,prevent an treat isease in animals an to optimise animal health an prouctivity.

Course Structure - 72 creit points

Part II - 72 creit points

Year 4 - 36 creit points

Core Units - 36 creit points

VET616 Veterinary Professional Investigation - 9 points

兽医兽医专业调查 ——9 学分

MURDOCH: H-internal

莫道克 : H- 内

(This unit to be complete over Years 1 an 2 of the DVM with 3 points taken in Year 4 an 6 points in Year 5).

(该单位将在 DVM 中完成 1 年和 2 年,在 4 年和 6 年 5 年采取 3 学分 )。

VET607 Small Animal Surgery an Diagnostic Imaging - 3 points

VET607 小动物手术与诊断成像 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: TS23E-internal

莫道克 : TS23 E 内部

VET608 Equine General Practice - 4 points

VET608- 马全科 - 4 学分

MURDOCH: TS23E-internal

莫道克 : TS23 E 内部

VET614 Small Animal Practice - 6 points

VET614- 小动物实践 - 6 学分

MURDOCH: TS23E-internal

莫道克 : TS23 E 内部

VET615 Transition to Practice - 3 points

VET615 转换到实践 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: TS23E-internal

莫道克 : TS23 E 内部

VET632 Bovine Health an Management - 4 points

VET632 牛健康与管理 - 4 学分

MURDOCH: T1-internal

莫道克 : T1 内部

VET633 Small Ruminant an Cameli Health an Management - 3 points

VET633· 小反刍动物和骆驼的健康与管理 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: T1-internal

莫道克 : T1 内部

VET635 Pig an Poultry Health an Management - 2 points

VET635- 猪和家禽的健康和管理 - 2 学分

MURDOCH: T1-internal

莫道克 : T1 内部

VET637 Theriogenology - 3 points

VET637 的热原学 ——3 学分

MURDOCH: TS13E-internal

莫道克 : TS13E 内部

VET636 Avian,Willife an Exotic Pet Meicine - 2 points

VET636* 禽,野生动物和外来宠物药物 - 2 学分

MURDOCH: T3-internal

莫道克 : T3 内部

VET684 Veterinary Professional Life II - 12 points

兽医职业生活 VIT68 4—12 学分

MURDOCH: H-internal

莫道克 : H- 内(This unit to be complete over Years 1 an 2 of the DVM,with 3 points in Year 4 an 9 points in Year 5).

Year 5 - 36 creit points第五年36 个学学学分

Core Units - 36 creit points

VET619 Small Animal Practice 1 - 3 points 小动物实习MURDOCH: YU3-internal

VET638 Small Animal Practice 2 - 3 points

VET638 小动物实践 2—3 学学分

MURDOCH: YU3-internal

莫道克 : YU3 内部

VET618 Equine Practice,After-hours,an Diagnostic Imaging - 3 points

VET618* 马实践、小时后和诊断成像 - 3 学学分

MURDOCH: YU3-internal

莫道克 : YU3 内部

VET687 Prouction Animal,Public Health an Pathology - 3 points

VET68 7- 生产动物、公共卫生和病理学 - 3 学学分

MURDOCH: YU3-internal

莫道克 : YU3 内部

Plus one of the following:


VET651 Avance Topics in Mixe Animal Practice - 9 points

VTE651 《混合动物实践高级主题 ——9 学学分 》

MURDOCH: Y-internal

莫道克 : Y 内

VET643 Avance Topics in Equine Practice - 9 points

VET64 3- 马实践高级主题 ——9 学学分

MURDOCH: Y-internal

莫道克 : Y 内

VET644 Avance Topics in Prouction Animal Practice - 9 points

VET64 4 在生产动物实践中的前沿课题 ——9 学学分

MURDOCH: Y-internal

莫道克 : Y 内

VET652 Avance Topics in Small Animal Practice - 9 points

VET652 在小动物实践中的高级主题 ——9 学学分

MURDOCH: Y-internal

莫道克 : Y 内

VET645 Avance Topics in Willife,Zoological an Conservation Meicine - 9 points

野生动物、动物学和保护医学的高级主题 ——9 学学分

MURDOCH: Y-internal

莫道克 : Y 内

VET646 Avance Topics in Veterinary Science - 9 points

兽医学前沿课题 VET64 6—9 学学分

MURDOCH: YM-internal

莫道克 : YM 内部

Aitional Acaemic Progress Requirements

Progression between years

Stuents must successfully complete all require Part I units in the first year of the BSc (Veterinary Biology) course,at the first attempt,to be guarantee progression into the secon year.

Stuents will not be permitte to enter the DVM component of the course until they have complete all units an unit components from the BSc (Veterinary Biology),or equivalent,an are eligible for the awar of the BSc.

Stuents will not be eligible to enter the final year of the veterinary course without passing or having avance staning for all units comprising the previous years of the veterinary course.

Unit Fails an Withrawals

In the BSc component,stuents may fail no more than one unit in each year set of units (that is,the units normally unertaken in each calenar year of the course uner stanar full-time enrolment),regarless of whether these are complete in the same calenar year. Stuents who fail more than one unit in any year set of units,or who fail more than one unit in any one calenar year,will be exclue from the course after a formal interview process with the Acaemic Chair.

In the DVM component,stuents may fail no more than two units in each year set of units (that is,the units normally unertaken in each calenar year of the course uner stanar full-time enrolment),regarless of whether these are complete in the same calenar year. Stuents who fail more than two units from any year set of units,or who fail more than two units in any one calenar year,will be exclue from the course after a formal interview process with the Acaemic Chair.

A fail in any unit means that the unit will nee to be repeate,whilst maintaining the minimal acaemic progression for completion of that component. Permission to overloa will not be given to stuents who have faile a core unit.

Stuents have the option of withrawing from a unit but shoul first iscuss this with the relevant Acaemic Chair. Stuents who withraw after the Census Date,or who fail a unit,can apply for retrospective withrawal.

Stuents failing units,withrawing from units or obtaining retrospective withrawal from units but NOT taking a perio of intermission/approve leave must maintain the following minimal acaemic progression:

i) Stuents must complete the 2n an 3r years of the BSc in 3 or less calenar years.

ii) Stuents must complete the DVM component of the veterinary course in 4 or less calenar years.

Stuents taking a perio of intermission/approve leave must maintain the following minimal acaemic progression:

i) Stuents must complete the 2n an 3r years of the BSc in 4 or less calenar years,incluing any perio(s) of intermission/approve leave.

ii) Stuents must complete the DVM component of the veterinary course in 4 or less calenar years,incluing any perio(s) of intermission/approve leave.Stuents can withraw after the start of a teaching perio,or be grante retrospective withrawal,from a unit only once.

Stuents attempting a unit for the secon time must pass the unit at the first attempt. If a stuent withraws after the start of a teaching perio,or is grante retrospective withrawal,from the same unit a secon time,they will not be permitte a thir enrolment in the unit.

Secon year BSc stuents with avance staning,or those repeating 2n year units after failure,or withrawal after the start of a teaching perio,or retrospective withrawal,may apply to the Acaemic Chair for permission to take one or two units from the 3r year set of units in orer to maintain a balance loa.




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