

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-09-02 13:11



We provie 47 programs for unergrauates,incluing Social science,Finance,Business,

以下是圣佛朗西斯大学热门专业——会计( Accounting )的课程设置,感兴趣的同学可以关注保存哦!


Major Requirements:

·        ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting

·        ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting

·        ACCT 201 - Intermeiate Accounting I

·        ACCT 202 - Intermeiate Accounting II

·        ACCT 303 - Avance Accounting I

·        ACCT 305 - Cost Accounting

·        ACCT 403 - Feeral Income Taxes I

·        ACCT 407 - Auiting


·        BLAW 301 - Legal Environment of Business or

·        BLAW 302 - CPA Law or

·        BLAW 303 - Sports Law


·        ACCT 310 - Accounting Information Systems or

·        ACCT 401 - Accounting Applications using EXCEL or

·        CPSC 101 - Introuction to Computer Systems or

·        CPSC 110 - Computer Programming with Business Applications or

·        CPSC 121 - Introuction to Programming or

·        MIS 102 - Management Information Systems or

·        MIS 342 - E-Commerce or

·         MIS 350 - Avance Excel with Business Applications


·        BUS 101 - Wall Street 101: Business in a Global Society

·        ECON 101 - Principles of Economics I

·        ECON 102 - Principles of Economics II

·        ENGL 208 - Writing an Communicating in Business

·        FIN 202 - Finance

·        MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics or higher

·        MGMT 101 - Principles of Management

·        MGMT 102 - Prouction/Operations Management

·        MGMT 401 - Strategic Management

·        MKTG 302 - Marketing

·        SPCH 103 - Speech Funamentals an Public Speaking

·        STAT 301 - Quantitative Business Analysis I

·        STAT 302 - Quantitative Business Analysis II

Aitional Requirements:

Two courses from the following:

·        ACCT 210 - Analysis an Interpretation of Financial Statements

·        ACCT 310 - Accounting Information Systems

·        ACCT 398 - Accounting Internship

·        ACCT 399 - Accounting Internship

·        ACCT 311 - Forensic Accounting an Frau Examination

·        ACCT 401 - Accounting Applications using EXCEL

·        ACCT 404 - Feeral Income Taxes II

·        ACCT 405 - Municipal an Governmental Accounting

·        ACCT 409 - Special Topics in Accounting

·        ACCT 410 - Financial Accounting an Reporting (CPA Review)

·        ACCT 501 - Inepenent Stuy in Accounting


