

  • 小英话留学
  • 2024-10-23 08:36

咱们以米勒商学院的院长Mark Myring为代表


Mark Myring

在他担任系主任的六年时间里,会计专业的本科和硕士课程在《公共会计报告》 (Public accounting Report) 中跻身前 25 名。最高产量研究。

成功地指导本部门通过 AACSB 国际协会 (AACSB) 的重新认证过程 ——AACSB 国际协会 (AACSB)。

曾在 AACSB 的 7 个同行评审小组 (3 个担任主席 ) 中任职,并曾为寻求重新认证的会计部门担任顾问。他是 AACSB 持续改进会议的受邀演讲者。

Myring 的主要研究方向是金融与国际会计,在学术、实务及教育期刊上发表著作近 50 篇,包括《会计评论》、《当代会计研究》、《会计与公共政策杂志》、《商业财务与会计杂志》、《商业伦理杂志》等。他的研究成果在 50 个学术会议上发表,四次获得米勒商学院杰出研究奖。

Myring 的主要研究方向是金融与国际会计,在学术、实务及教育期刊上发表著作近 50 篇,包括《会计评论》、《当代会计研究》、《会计与公共政策杂志》、《商业财务与会计杂志》、《商业伦理杂志》等。他的研究成果在 50 个学术会议上发表,四次获得米勒商学院杰出研究奖。

Dr. Mark Myring is the Bryan Interim Dean for the Miller College of Business an hols the alumni istinguishe professorship of accounting.

Prior to being name interim ean,Myring serve the college in several aministrative roles,incluing associate ean for grauate programs an strategic initiatives,chair of the Paul W. Parkison Department of Accounting,an irector of grauate stuies in accounting.

During his six-year tenure as epartment chair,the unergrauate an masters in accounting programs ranke among in the top 25 by the Public Accounting Report. Myring also:

Le a $3 million capital campaign to realize Ball State’s first name epartment in honor of long-time faculty member an chair,Paul W. Parkison. The campaign resulte in the creation of a new master’s track to prepare stuents for octoral stuy in accounting an establishe an ‘executive professor in resience’ position to bolster stuents’ inustry connections.

Foune the Mi-American Conference (MAC) Accounting Research Symposium,an annual research conference to provie participants with in-epth feeback about research from colleagues at peer universities.

Successfully guie the epartment through the reaccreitation process with AACSB International—The Association to Avance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Serve on seven AACSB peer review teams (three as chair) an has serve as a consultant to epartments of accounting seeking re-accreitation. He was an invite presenter at the AACSB Continuous Improvement Conference.




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