

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-23 02:06

The Master of Finance is a full-time program lasting 12 months beginning each fall. The program consists of 13 courses – six require core courses an seven electives – for a total of 52 units. You have the opportunity to personalize your egree in areas incluing corporate finance,investment management,wealth management,an real estate through electives from either Master of Finance or MBA offerings. The ProSeminar course,our unique approach to career management,helps you gain the skills necessary for sustaine career success.Program ScheuleFallProSeminar (0 units)Founations of Finance (4 units)Financial Reporting (4 units)Elective (4 units)


WinterProSeminar (0 units)Financial Research Methoology (4 units)Derivatives (4 units)Elective (4 units)Elective (4 units)

SpringProSeminar (0 units)Risk Management (4 units)Elective (4 units)Elective (4 units)Elective (4 units)

SummerCapstone (4 units)Elective (4 units)Require CoursesMF 211 ProSeminarThis course,Coorinate with the Merage Career Center,provies stuents with practical skills for success in the program an future careers in finance by teaching career planning,job search tactics an strategies,resume builing,interviewing preparation,approaches to networking,salary negotiation,public speaking,an business writing skills.MF 203A Financial ReportingInvolves the evelopment,analysis,an interpretation of financial accounting information for external reporting purposes.MF 210 Founations of FinanceThis course teaches the founations of finance. The course begins by teaching financial tools such as time value of money,capital bugeting techniques,an cash flow analysis. The course then examines the founations of investment management. Theory an empirical evience relate to portfolio theory,market efficiency,asset pricing moels,factor moels,an option pricing theory.MF 240 Financial Research MethoologyThis course briges the gap between theoretical financial moels an financial econometrics an empirics. The course will explore the strengths an weaknesses of empirical finance an econometrics,as well as implement many of the methos base on ata the iniviual has rawn from the market.MF 241 Risk ManagementThis course examines moern techniques for managing financial risks. Financial risks are generally classifie into market risks,ue to movement in financial prices or volatilities, creit risks,ue to fact that counterparties are unwilling or unable to fulfill their contractual obligations an operational risks,which arise from human or technical failures.The course will cover measurement techniques for ifferent types of financial risks (equity,fixe income,currency,commoity) an instruments. It will cover tools such as uration,portfolio beta,factor sensitivities,portfolio istribution analysis,an value at risk (VAR). It will also iscuss how risk measurement tools can be use for active management of the risk/return profile of financial institutions.MF 249 DerivativesDerivatives are new financial instruments whose value “erives” from the values of other,more basic,unerlying assets such as stocks an bons. The course will cover major erivative instruments incluing forwar,futures,swaps an options. Derivatives are wiely use for heging,speculation,an arbitrage. The size of this market is several times larger than the global economy. The focus of the course is on unerstaning the instruments,how to use them,how to price them,an basic risk management principles. In particular,the course will show how to implement investment strategies with erivatives. Prerequisite:  MF 210MF 296 Capstone CourseStuents work in teams on an applie finance project,one that is associate with an internship or experiential project. This project shoul be associate with the area of focus of the stuent’s electives,as it will illustrate the stuent’s knowlege an expertise,which stuents can reference when speaking to potential employers.Sample ElectivesAvance DerivativesBehavioral FinanceFinancial InnovationInvestmentsWealth ManagementVenture Capital & Private Equity






