

  • 贺老师
  • 2024-10-23 08:41

爱德华王子岛大学的历史最早可追溯至1804年,该校是由创校于19世纪的圣邓斯顿大学和威尔士王子学院在1969年合并而成。1969年,爱德华王子岛大学录取第一届全职学生,共1566名,其中男性学生有914位、女性学生有652位,也共有160名教师指导教学。至今,圣邓斯顿大学、威尔士王子学院、和爱德华王子岛大学的校友总共已过一万八千名。爱德华王子岛大学校园占地1.20 km2,拥有28栋建筑物。其中,学术及行政用地占0.07 km2、住宅用地占0.02平方千米。爱德华王子岛大学的三大校区是夏洛特敦校总区、莫瑞尔校区、和温斯洛校区。



设施方面:Robertson Library的主体建筑中的一部分占地约70,000平方英尺,地下室约有9,000英尺,还有15,000平方英尺为它的增建部分。在每年的秋季/冬季学期,这个图书馆每周都开放近81个小时。截至2005年夏季,Robertson Library拥有藏书314,535册,当前的印刷期刊902种,装订期刊104,071本,政府文件111,072份,还有超过126,557份的微缩胶片、电影、录音磁带、录像带和幻灯片等。数据库可以在图书馆内搜索,也可以通过校园里的办公室和电脑室查找,或者通过由图书馆代理服务器授权的接口进入搜索。所有提供给学生使用的电脑都与图书馆的目录、期刊数据库、电子图书、音像资料、一些软件包以及因特网组成了一个网络。Robertson Library的特别之处在于它有一个媒体中心、一个图书馆学习教室(LINC)、特别托收区、研究室以及可以同时容纳678个组的团体研究室。



奖学金名称:Ambrose Lee International Stuent Prize

要求 :Aware to an international stuent (not incluing the US) who has use the services of the Webster Centre for Teaching an Learning.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:Dr. Vianne Timmons International Stuent Awar

要求 :aware to an International stuent enrolle in their secon year of stuy as a full time unergrauate stuent in goo acaemic staning who emonstrates involvement,both on an off campus.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:International Athletic Fellowship

要求 :aware to an International stuent who is currently a member of one of the UPEI varsity athletic teams an in goo acaemic staning. Stuents will be nominate by their coaches.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:International Continuing Excellence Awar

要求 :aware to International stuents who have successfully complete their first year of stuy at UPEI with a cumulative average of 80% an returning for the next acaemic year.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:International Entrance Awar

要求 : A non-renewable entrance awar up to the value of $2000. for a stuent who grauate in the top 10% of their grauating class an entering first year of stuy in Canaa.

金额 :$500.00

奖学金名称:International Scholastic Achievement Prize

要求 : A non-renewable prize of up to $ 1000 for International stuents who have achieve an maintaine an average of 75% an have contribute to the campus community an has not previously receive an International scholastic achievement prize in the current year.

金额 :$500.00

奖学金名称:PEI Equity Alliance Co. Awar in English Preparation Program

要求 : A non-renewable prize of up to $ 1000 for International stuents who have achieve an maintaine an average of 75% an have contribute to the campus community an has not previously receive an International scholastic achievement prize in the current year.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:Reveren Vincent Murnaghan Memorial Scholarship

要求 :Aware to a qualifie refugee or foreign stuent who isplays commitment to working for social justice an to improving the living conitions in the community an on the planet,an who emonstrates high acaemic achievement or evience of acaemic potential.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:Rotary Club of Charlottetown Bursary

要求 :Aware to International stuents from eveloping countries who are enrolle in full-time stuies at UPEI; selection criteria inclue acaemic achievement an financial nee.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:Royal Commonwealth Society Bursary

要求 :Aware annually to a UPEI stuent from a Commonwealth country other than Canaa in any fiel of stuy. The awar is base on acaemic excellence an nee. It seeks to recognize stuents who will use their stuies to contribute to the evelopment of their country of origin. If there are no applicants from a Commonwealth country,then a Canaian can be selecte.

金额 :$1000.00

奖学金名称:UPEI Society for International Stuents Excutive

要求 :aware to a full time International stuent returning to UPEI for their 2n,3r or 4th year,has a 75% cumulative average; an be actively involve in the UPEI campus community an/or Islan community.

金额 :$500.00




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