

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 09:33

以 Stanfor University 为例,与能源相关的专业主要有机械工程、能源工程、环境工程等。





Faculty in the Thermosciences an Flow Physics & Computational Engineering Groups have a long traition of experimental an simulation leaership for energy systems. These efforts inclue a worl-leaing set of laboratory facilities for the stuy of reacting flows an combustion processes incluing a massive engine laboratory an shock tube facility. Our laboratories also inclue facilities for the stuy of clean coal energy conversion,thermoelectric energy conversion for waste-heat recovery,as well as fuel cell evices an systems. Our faculty are at the forefront of computational engineering of avance energy conversion processes,an have lea the way in the use of parallel computing an the evelopment of strategies for hanling multi-physics energy transport an conversion phenomena. These activities,as a group,provie compelling simulations an ata for systems ranging from fuel cells,thermoelectrics,clean coal,an highly efficient gas turbine engines. In the Design an Mechanics & Computation Groups,faculty are stuying the basic materials physics for novel energy conversion systems incluing soli oxie an PEM fuel cells.




Energy Resources Engineering faculty an grauate stuents conuct research using computational,experimental an theoretical approaches. Research is currently ongoing in the following areas:

• Reservoir characterization,uncertainty moeling an geostatistics

• Computational moeling of subsurface flow (reservoir simulation)

• Enhance oil recovery (thermal,chemical,gas injection)

• In-situ combustion an in-situ upgraing

• Coal be methane an other unconventional resources

• Well test analysis

• Avance well an wellbore flow moeling

• Clean energy conversions

• Carbon capture uring coal combustion

• Geological sequestration of greenhouse gases

• Geothermal engineering

• Renewables such as large-scale solar an marine energy systems

• Moeling of integrate energy systems

• Process optimization an inverse moeling (history matching)




Energy Research

Major focus areas of energy research inclue examining the resource availability of renewable energies,such as win,solar,an wave,an stuying optimal methos of combining renewable energies together to match energy supply with instantaneous eman. This type of work is generally one through a combination of ata analysis,three-imensional atmospheric computer moeling of win,solar,wave,an hyroelectric power resources,an transmission loa flow computer moeling. The research has le to the worl’s first win map from ata base on the height of moern win turbines. Other energy research,performe through three-imensional computer moeling,focuses on the effects,for example,of hyrogen fuel cell vehicles on air pollution an the ozone layer an the effects of ethanol an iesel vehicles on air quality an climate. Stuies also examine the feeback of win turbines to the atmosphere an the effects of climate change on win an solar energy resources.






