

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 04:57

What is the biggest achievement in your life?



原因有二:1、这帮助你比较你目前取得的最好的成就来确定哪个是最好的去呈现; 2、一位有经验的面试者可能会提问这样一个问题:你的第二大成就是什么和你的第三大成就是什么?




I have several notable accomplishments in both my eucation an my work experience. Probably the most notable accomplishment was elivery of the mobile apps project uring my internship this past summer. I joine the tech evelopment team at a time when they were in the process of losing a team member ue to relocation. That team member was the lea for the iOS version of the mobile app uner evelopment. Since I ha alreay evelope two iPhone apps an no one else on the team ha worke with iOS,I was aske to take the lea for the iOS evelopment an eployment,effectively half of the project. This was outsie the original scope of my internship,but efinitely mission critical. I was able to eliver the app on time before completion of my internship an have eploye it to the iTunes store. It has alreay receive over 100 positive reviews from customers. Woul you like to see it?&rquo;


How has your eucation prepare you for your career?



Several of my classes have tie into real worl examples for my career. A recent example is with our case stuy class,where we reviewe a recent case of the merger between a large national bank an a smaller regional bank. Even though the case was interesting an highly relevant,it was two years ol by the time we reviewe it in class. With guiance from our professor,I reache out to one of the Vice Presients at the regional bank to assess the impact of the merger. It provie valuable insight not only into the financial moels use for making the merger at the time,but also how they playe out in the merger itself. My final paper ene up winning an awar within my epartment. Woul you like me to show it to you?


Tell me about a team project an your contribution




Yes I am. An example of this was with my summer internship team,the Global Stanars Project,where we were all working together with a variety of backgroun an skills to prouce a result which none of us coul have achieve iniviually. It’s important to note that I joine an alreay establishe team,so it was important to me to communicate with others an make sure I was on track for elivering my part of the project. Although my eliverable was a small part of the overall project,there were several team epenencies base on my ability to eliver. So I not only kept everyone current uring the weekly meetings,I also worke closely with several key team members throughout the week to make sure I kept my portion of the project on track. The en result is that I elivere on time an within buget. The entire project met its eliverables an they are now on to the next phase of the project.


What is your greatest weakness?



I have ha problems in the past with taking on too many projects an then not elivering quality an,in some cases,not elivering on time. I was simply stretche too thin in too many areas with not enough time to eliver in a quality manner. I think that’s the opportunity that is there as a new college stuent,you want to o everything an be involve in everything. However,I’ve learne that I’m not at my best when I have too many conflicting priorities. I’ve ha to cut back on some of the less important extracurricular activities to focus on elivering my acaemic projects with the highest quality. This prioritization of my work has carrie over to my work life with my recent internship. I ha several key eliverables that were ue the same week,so I met with my boss to prioritize the elivery scheule. She helpe me focus on both the timing an the quality of the elivery. In the en,all three projects were elivere with high quality results. Woul you like me to tell you more about them?&rquo;


Tell me about a situation in which you face an ethical conflict.



During my internship when I was oing my initial research for my project,I iscovere an unusual practice by one epartment in estroying accounting information. I knew this was not an acceptable business practice,so I met with my manager to iscuss how to hanle it. My manager aske me to fully ocument my finings an forwar the information to her,which I i. She then took it forwar to her manager an it was hanle at that level. It was ifficult for me to be involve,since I was just an intern,but I knew I ha responsibility an accountability for my work an my fining.






