

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2024-09-02 10:54




Are there any personal circumstances we shoul know about that you feel strengthen your application? Are there any circumstances that you feel might hiner or weaken your application? 我们还需要知道哪些会让你更出色的个人事迹?您觉得有哪些个人因素会对自己的申请书有负面的影响?(这些因素可能包括特殊文化、种族、个人经历、或专业背景等。)

What are your reasons for applying to this school in particular? 申请这所学校有什么特殊的原因?

How is this acaemic experience irectly relate to your future personal an professional objectives? 进修与您未来的个人和专业目标有什么直接的关联?

What other eucational institutions have you applie to,or are you intereste in,an why? 您还申请哪些教育院校?或还对哪些学校感兴趣?请说明原因。

What are the most substantial accomplishments from your backgroun? Why o you consier these to be most significant? 您个人背景当中最重要的成就?为什么认为这些成就意义最重大?

What qualities in your character o you consier to be your greatest strengths? Can you give examples of how you have benefite from these strengths in your work? 您认为本身性格最大的优点是什么?请举例说明这些优点对你的工作有什么帮助。

What are your weaknesses? How have you aresse these weaknesses? 你的缺点是什么?您如何克服这些缺点?

Can you tell us of a failure experience,an how an what you learne from this experience?  请举出失败的经历,说明自己从中学到的教训?

What sort of team work experiences have you ha in the past? What sort of role o you most often assume in a team work situation? 您过去有什么团队工作的经历?在团队工作时,你最常扮演什么样的角色?

Can you tell us of an incient in your past in which you stoo up against the majority? 请举例说明自己过去择善固执,独排众议的经历?

Give your thoughts on current international or national events. 对于当今国际或国家事件的观点。(这些事件包括某区域的经济、政治或社会状况。)

What questions o you have for us? Can we answer any of your concerns about the school or the program? 您对于本校有什么疑问?我们能为您解答哪些关于学校或科系的问题?



