

  • 小英话留学
  • 2024-10-23 04:45

香港大学一共有 9 大学院,分别是建筑学院、文学院、经济管理学院、医学院、教育学院、工程学院、法学院、理学院和社会科学学院。


这 9 个学院下面开设的专业分别有:

l 建筑学院

Master of Architecture 建筑学

Master of Housing Management 房屋管理

Master of Lanscape Architecture 园林景观建筑

Master of Science in Conservation / Postgrauate Diploma in Conservation 建筑历史保护

Master of Science in Construction Project Management 建筑工程管理

Master of Science in Integrate Project Delivery 综合项目交付

Master of Science in Real Estate 房地产科学

Master of Science in Urban Planning 城市规划

Master of Urban Design 城市设计

l 文学院

Master of Arts in Applie Linguistics 应用语言学

Master of Arts in the fiel of Chinese Historical Stuies 中国历史研究

Master of Arts in the fiel of Chinese Language an Literature 中国语言学和文学

Master of Arts in the fiel of English Stuies 英语研究

Master of Arts in the fiel of Linguistics

Master of Arts in the fiel of Literary an Cultural Stuies

Master of Buhist Counselling

Master of Buhist Stuies

Master of Fine Arts in the fiel of Creative Writing in English

l 经济管理学院

Master of Accounting 会计学

Master of Business Aministration 商务政策

Master of Economics 经济学

Master of Finance 金融学

Master of Science in Business Analytics 商务分析

l 医学院

Master of Meical Sciences 医学

Master of Public Health 公共健康学

l 教育学院

Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 对外英语教学

Master of Eucation 教育学

Master of Science in Information Technology in Eucation 信息技术教育

Master of Science in Library an Information Management 图书馆和信息管理

l 工程学院

Master of Science in Computer Science 计算机科学

Master of Science in Electronic Commerce an Internet Computing 电子商务与互联网计算

Master of Science in Engineering (Builing Services Engineering) 屋宇装备工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical an Electronic Engineering) 电子电气工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Energy Engineering) 能源工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 环境工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) 岩土工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Inustrial Engineering an Logistics Management) 工业工程与物流管理

Master of Science in Engineering (Infrastructure Project Management) 基础设施项目管理

Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) 机械工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Structural Engineering) 结构工程

Master of Science in Engineering (Transportation Engineering) 交通工程

l 法学院

Master of Common Law 普通法

Master of Laws 法学

Master of Laws in Arbitration an Dispute Resolution 仲裁与争议解决

Master of Laws in Chinese Law 中国法

Master of Laws in Compliance an Regulation 法律和法规

Master of Laws in Corporate an Financial Law 公司法和金融法

Master of Laws in Human Rights 人权法

Master of Laws in Information Technology an Intellectual Property Law 信息技术和知识产权

l 理学院

Master of Data Science 数据科学

Master of Science in Applie Geosciences 应用地球科学

Master of Science in Environmental Management 环境管理

Master of Science in Foo Inustry: Management an Marketing 食品工程科学:管理和营销

Master of Science in the fiel of Foo Safety an Toxicology 食品安全和毒理学

Master of Statistics 统计学

l 社会科学学院

Master of Arts in China Development Stuies 中国发展研究

Master of Arts in Transport Policy an Planning 交通政策和规划

Master of Expressive Arts Therapy 表现艺术治疗

Master of Global Public Policy 全球公共政策

Master of International an Public Affairs 国际公共事务

Master of Journalism 新闻学

Master of Public Aministration 公共政策

Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology 临床心理学

Master of Social Sciences in Eucational Psychology 教育心理学

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Behavioral Health 行为健康

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Corporate Environmental Governance 企业环境治理

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Criminology 犯罪学

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Gerontology 老年学

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Meia,Culture an Creative Cities 媒体,文化和创意城市

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Nonprofit Management 非营利管理

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Psychology 心理学

Master of Social Sciences in the fiel of Social Service Management 社会服务管理

Master of Social Work 社会工作





  • 香港大学最全专业指南


  • 建筑学美国留学最全指南



