

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-22 23:26



心理学在很多人看来一直都是一门很高深的学科,简单概括来说就是研究人的行为以及行为背后的动机,听起来似乎很简单但细想后又无从下手,属于那种 “ 不明觉厉 ” 的专业。

英国的心理学发展很成熟,开设的课程种类广泛,兼具学术研究性与实践性。相信了解过心理学的同学们都知道,在英国想要读心理学硕士,是要有英国心里学会 BPS ( British Psychological Society )认证的 GBC ( Grauate Basis for Chartere Membership )资格的,要怎么获得这个资格呢?那就需要你本科是在英国读的心理学。那作为一个海外留学生,要怎么才能绕开 “ 本科在英国读心理学 ” 这个不可能达到的条件,而成功在英国读心理学硕士呢?——你需要 Conversion 转换课程。

要说 Conversion 课程就要先说下英国心理学会 BPS 的等级构成,分为三级,本科在学会认可的英国院校读心理学后会成为第一级会员 Stuent Membership ;成功读完心理学课程后就会获得第二级 Grauate Membership (也称作 Grauate Basis for Chartere Membership,也就是 GBC,当然也不是所有学心理学的学生都能 “ 连锅端 ” 的获得 GBC 的,也是要完成学业通过考核才行的哈 ~ );再往上就是最高级的 Chartere Membership,必须要达到这个等级才能成为英国的特许心理学家。

对于海外留学生而言,少了第一级 Stuent Membership 的铺垫,要想读心理学,怎么办?

作为一个成熟的学科,心理学专业在各大院校均有开设的,而到了硕士阶段,大多数院校都会要求你要有 GBC 资格才行,但部分学校会为那些想本土想转专业的学生以及海外留学生开设 Conversion 转换课程,在成功完成学业后,同样有机会获得 GBC 资格。GBC 资格对于以后想成为英国心理学家的同学至关重要,但这个资格对于单纯只是想要获得心理学硕士学位,后选择回国发展的海外留学党们就显得有些鸡肋了,但本着多个证书多条路的原则,考取 GBC 资格除了是对自己能力的一种肯定,对未来回国从事相关行业也会有一定的帮助。


伦敦大学学院 UCL

MSc Psychological Sciences 心理科学

The Psychological Sciences MSc is esigne to confer Grauate Basis for Chartere Membership (GBC) with the British Psychological Society (BPS). GBC is the form of professional accreitation that is require for many careers that you may pursue with a psychology egree,as well as for avance professional training in psychology. This is a conversion course.

爱丁堡大学 Einburgh

MSc Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion) 心理健康心理学

This is a professionally accreite new programme that offers you the opportunity to stuy psychology to grauate level an become eligible for grauate basis for chartere membership (GBC) of the British Psychological Society.

曼彻斯特大学 Manchester

MSc Health Psychology 健康心理学

For the MSc to be recognise by the BPS as the Stage 1 qualification for becoming a Health Psychologist,you nee to hol Grauate Basis for Chartership (GBC). You can join the MSc without holing GBC,but for the MSc to be recognise as a BPS-accreite Stage 1 qualification,you will nee to gain GBC.

布里斯托大学 Bristol

MSc Experimental Psychology (conversion) 实验心理学

Grauates looking for a psychology conversion course are often intereste in specific careers as chartere psychologists (eg eucational or clinical psychologists). This programme prepares non-psychology grauates for the further postgrauate stuy neee to pursue these career paths. More generally,the programme provies non-psychology grauates with psychological knowlege an a range of generic,transferable skills that are irectly relevant to a wie variety of careers,such as health,eucation,marketing,scientific an legal consultancy,banking an finance,human resources,meia an the public sector.

格拉斯哥大学 Glasgow

MSc Psychological Stuies (conversion) 心理学研究

This is a conversion egree for stuents who have no previous stuies in the area of psychology. You will have the opportunity of a change in irection,to pursue a career,either acaemic or professional,in psychology. Successful completion of this programme makes you eligible for BPS Grauate Basis for Chartere membership (GBC).

谢菲尔德大学 Sheffiel

MSc Psychology an Eucation (Conversion) 心理学与教育

Our MSc Psychology an Eucation (Conversion) is a unique,intensive,one-year full-time course. It is accreite by the British Psychological Society (BPS). This course is esigne for stuents who on’t have a formal psychology qualification.

雷丁大学 Reaing

MSc Psychology Conversion 心理学

This newly evelope master’s programme has been esigne for those who have an interest in psychology an want to follow a course that is fully accreite by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

萨里大学 Surrey

MSc Psychology (Conversion) 心理学

Our intensive an competitive MSc Psychology (Conversion) course is esigne to let you pursue a career change into psychology. We also welcome applications if you alreay have a egree in psychology an nee another egree to gain the grauate basis for chartere membership with the British Psychological Society (BPS). 





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