

  • 留学巴士主页
  • 2024-10-23 07:32



Deakin目前正在接受2019年的医学申请,并且将在5月开始接受interview offer。







Dear Value Partner,

Deakin’s Bachelor of Meicine Bachelor of Surgery is officially changing to a Doctor of Meicine for the 2019 acaemic year. This exciting change comes as Deakin’s meicine programs have move into the Top 1% of all universities worlwie in the latest QS Subject Rankings.

Deakin is currently accepting Doctor of Meicine applications for 2019 – an interview offers will start being sent as early as May. The Deakin School of Meicine have create this short vieo in which international stuents speak about what makes the program so special. You can also view our meicine brochure for further information. We hope you will share these with your stuents.

What you nee to know

  • Roun 1 applications will close on 30 June 2018.
  • Roun 1 interviews will begin in early July 2018.
  • Applicants are interviewe at Deakin Meical School in Australia,or in their country of resience. Interviews may be face-to-face or by vieo conference. If your stuent is invite for an interview,they will be contacte either by our local representative or by the Deakin Meical School to arrange a suitable time an location.
  • You can fin out more about the course entry requirements on our website.

about Deakin’s school of meicine

Deakin’s meicine programs are among the best in the worl,an globally ranke in the Top 1% of universities worlwie.

Deakin School of Meicine prouces grauates who are skille an motivate to improve the health an well-being of the communities they serve. Meicine is offere at our Waurn Pons Campus in Geelong,Victoria. The course provies high level expertise in regional an rural meicine,with outstaning facilities,incluing a new teaching hospital on campus.

We are the first choice of Meicine programs among Australian stuents,an our meicine grauates perform extremely well in grauate employment outcomes – 100 percent of our 2015 grauates foun full-time work in 2016.

If you have any questions,please contact us – we’re here to help






