

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2024-10-23 11:29

随着申请 UBC,UT,UVIC,Waterloo,SFU,Mcmaster,Queen’s 等高端学校本科学生越来越多,此类学校的文书要求也越来越高,下面为大家整理了这些经典的问题,方便学生了解为以后的申请铺平道路 


UBC Tell us about an experience,in school or out,that cause you to rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this ha on you? (maximum 200 wors) Explain how you respone to a significant challenge that you have encountere an what you learne in the process. (maximum 200 wors) Tell us more about one of your activities,explaining what your goals were,what you i to pursue them,the result achieve an what you learne in the process. (maximum 200 wors) Please inclue any aitional information that you woul like the Amissions Committee to consier when reviewing your application. (maximum 100 wors)  

U Victoria Bachelor of Commerce   Leaership Skills-Describe what you have one an how you emonstrate leaership skills Extracurricular Activities-Describe your involvement in School an/ or Community Organizations,Clubs or Teams Initiative an Creativity-Describe ways you have emonstrate your initiative an creativity Goals—Describe your goals    

UT  Rotman Commerce     学生在做 Vieo 之前会随机抽取一篇来进行写作,以下是以往的题目,每年可能不同  400 wors Essay 1) once you complete your university eucation,what are your longer term goals? 2) Describe a time when you worke with others? 3) What extra-curricular activity are you most prou of an why? 4) Why o you want to stuy commerce? 5) Why o you choose UT Rotman Commerce program? 6) How o you emonstrate leaership in your school or community? 7) What is your most significant Challenge an Why?

McMaster   Arts an Science Supplementary Form Choose a fictional or historical figure an explain why you woul or woul not like him or her to be a classmate in the Arts & Science Program. Ientify an acaemic subject that has a particular appeal or interest for you an explain why. What book,rea in the past year (but not any assigne school reaing),has ha a major impact on you? Please provie the author an title an explain why this book has spoken to you so powerfully. What qualities,abilities,an/or extra-curricular interests will you bring to the Program?    

SFU  BBA 需要填学生的一些经历,并描述这些经历   1 ) Work Experience 2 ) Community Leaership or Involvement 3 ) Entrepreneurship 4) We all make mistakes. Tell us about a recent mistake you mae an what you learne from it    

Queen’s In an essay of 300 wors,or fewer (approximately 1950 characters with spaces),write about your goals for your time at Queen’s University an beyon. Your answer will be evaluate for content an writing style. In 300 wors or fewer,please emonstrate the research you have one to ensure that Queen’s Commerce program is the right fit for you. The greatest lessons in life ten to come from challenging experiences. In 300 works,or fewer,please tell us about a challenging experience you have face an what you have learnt from it.  

Waterloo   AIF 表  Reasons for choosing your program an Waterloo (*Require) Please tell us about your eucational goals,your interest in your chosen program(s),an your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. If you have applie to more than one program please iscuss your interest in each program. ( 900 字符) Extracurricular Activities - aitional information (optional) Provie any aitional information about anything in the above table.(600 character limit) Are there any issues or circumstances (e.g.,meical,personal,or financial) that may have affecte your acaemic recor?  If YES,please escribe the circumstance in etail below. We are particularly intereste in issues or circumstances that irectly affecte your acaemic performance an that le to a rise or rop in graes or to changes in your acaemic or personal goals.  (900 character limit) In aition to the specific information requeste in all of the AIF questions,please tell us anything else about yourself that you woul like us to know when we review your application. Please make sure to complete all sections of the AIF before submitting this page.  (900 character limit)





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