

  • 留学小助手
  • 2024-10-23 07:25




(1) You have been stuy **** for two years? An you are going to grauate in June? /You have worke as a *** for two years,haven’ you?

(2) How have you improve from the beginning of the course /your work till now? What changes? Tell me something about your course/your school/your work?

(3) Is anyone teaching you Art or helping you?

(4) Why you want to change to…(跨专业申请)

(5) What i you o since you grauate from …?

(6) You are a new generation artist alreay,why o you want to o MA now?

(7) 第二次面试的学生:上次面试后到现在做了些什么?如果第二次面试的专业/学院跟第一次面试的不同,为什么?

(8) Why MA?

(9) 为什么不先工作而直接选择读硕士?(部分专业明确要求要有工作经验,无工作经验要准备好如何应对)

(10) 你有什么优势足够让你申请到……课程? 什么使你觉得自己goo at……?

第二类问题:综合考察专业技能 设计制作类

(11) Select one piece of works which you like best? An why?

(12) Which is your recent work? An tell me about that.

(13) 谈谈最具challenging的一个作品,为什么?

(14) Where i you get your inspiration from?/ What is your starting point?

(15) Where o you get the fabric/material?

(16) Have you rawn any pictures which relates to this work?

(17) How long i it take you to make it?

(18) Di you make the real pieces or i you just make them on the computer?

(19) Do you like to get the inspirations from ifference places such as movie,theatres,cultures,going to museums,histories?

(20) Take me through your work/portfolio

(21) Please show me the most creative parts of your esign.

(22) What meias have you use?

(23) Select one piece of works which you think to nee to improve?

(24) What skills o you want to learn or o you want to improve?

(25) What theory relate your … project?

(26) In your portfolio/project,which part is the most ifficult for you? An how o you eal with that?

(27) What techniques an/or skills o you want learn/evelop?

(28) 在将来的学习里你打算设计哪种shape?用哪种material?具体点谈。(针对3D类专业)

(29) 你的作品的功能性如何体现?

(30) 选一个project谈谈你是怎么tell story,体现narrative的?/选一个你觉得最story-telling的作品谈谈。/谈谈你的某个作品怎么与观众communicate?(平面交互类专业)

(31) 细节问题:每一个元素的运用和成品材料的选择都要有原因。Why…?


(32) So,in your previous job,you were responsible for marketing management. From your personal statement,I can see you were in charge of avertising an marketing campaign. What role i you play in your team?

(33) Any ifficulties you encountere?How you solve them?

(34) How to promote a new bran step by step? (How woul you market the new bran?)

(35) Give me an example about a goo manage Fashion Business or a bran? (Or ba) an talk through that.

(36) If people have their ifferent ieas about that,how to work with that?

(37) Do you like to collaborate with other people? What o you feel?

第三类问题:询问学校及专业选择原因及职业规划 目标专业调研

(38) Have you researche Lonon University of Arts?

(39) Do you know what is the course talking about?

(40) What is involve in (Fashion Management)?

(41) What o you think is the most important for (Fashion Management)?

(42) Why o you choose this area?

(43) Why CSM/CCW…?/What is the ifference between…(两个学院的同样专业) 关于Lonon 调研

(44) Can you tell me why you want to stuy in Lonon?

(45) Have you visite Lonon?

(46) What kin of the ifference o you think between Lonon an your nation? 关于行业调研

(47) Which esigner/artist/journalist/blogger… o you like best? Why?

(48) Do you know ****(People or Organization)?

(49) What happe in (fashion) inustry in this two years?/ What is the biggest thing happening in (Fashion) area now?

(50) Tell me something about your stuy plan? (research,context,methoology,equipment)(仅限硕士申请)

(51) What’s your research question? What will you o?(仅限硕士申请)

(52) What o you think MA is about?(仅限硕士申请)

(53) 你的学习计划很多人都已经研究过,你的研究有什么不一样的?(仅限硕士申请) 关于职业规划

(54) What o you want to be in the future?

(55) What is the ream job for you in the 10years later?

(56) Which type of (womenswear) esigner o you want to be in the future?

(57) 你打算计划将来为什么样的人群做设计?

(58) How to survive yourself in the strong competitive environment?




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