

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 06:21

翻译类专业分类 翻译,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为,主要有笔译和口译两种形式。从翻译的运作的程序上看包括理解、转换、表达三个环节。


翻译专业主要分为: 口译、笔译、应用翻译研究 、视听翻译研究 、翻译与口译等。












巴斯大学(the university of bath) (英国三大翻译院校)

ma interpreting & translation

全部课程: consecutive interpreting ﹙1 year﹚

liaison/public service interpreting ﹙1 year﹚

simultaneous interpreting ﹙1 year﹚

professional translation i ﹙semester 1 core unit﹚

professional translation ii ﹙semester 2 core unit﹚

public speaking ﹙semester 2 option﹚

using technology in the t & i inustry ﹙semester 2 option﹚

issertation: 15,000 wor thesis: annotate translation or a project type

入学要求: 英国2:1以上学历 语言要求:7.5 ﹙minimum score of 6.5 in each of the four sub-scores﹚

纽卡斯尔大学(newcastle university) (世界三大高翻院校之一,英国三大翻译院校)

ma interpreting

stage 1

compulsory moules all caniates take the following compulsory moules:

chn7003 translating i

chn7010 simultaneous interpreting i

chn7015 sight translation exercise

chn7016 consecutive interpreting i

sml7000 information technology for translators an interpreters

sml7001 translation stuies i

optional moules you will take optional moules to a value of 20 creits from available moules within the university,with the agreement of the egree programme irector.

stage 2

compulsory moules caniates take the following compulsory moules:

chn8024 consecutive interpreting ii

chn8025 simultaneous interpreting ii

chn8032 public service interpreting

sml8008 translation stuies ii

sml8009 research methos in translating an interpreting

sml8010 professional issues in translating an interpreting

you will also take 60 creits from the following:

sml8098 issertation

sml8099 translation/interpreting project

optional moules you will take a further 40 creits from the following:

chn8029 english‐chinese subtitle translation

chn8033 rama translation for translators an interpreters

sml8004 literary translation

sml8005 history of translation

stage 1 入学要求:an upper-secon-class honours egree or higher or a egree with a minimum average of 75 per cent ﹙or gpa 2.75﹚ on your transcript. in aition,we require native english speaking applicants to have a goo egree-level knowlege of chinese. when applying,please enclose any evience you may have to support your secon language proficiency qualification.

stage 1语言要求:overall ielts grae of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component,or equivalent.

stage 2 入学要求:an upper-secon-class honours egree or an equivalent. you must also have expert secon-language knowlege.

stage 2语言要求:ielts 7.5 with a minimum of 7.0 in all sub-skills.

利兹大学(the university of lees) (英国三大翻译院校)

ma conference interpreting an translation stuies

compulsory moules:

mol5001m methos an approaches in translation stuies 30 creits semesters 1 & 2 pfp mol5032m interpreting skills - two languages 30 creits semester 1 pfp

optional moules:

mol5301m issertation: translation stuies 30 creits semester 2 pfp

mol5302m extene translations 30 creits semester 2 pfp

mol5768m consecutive an bilateral interpreting: chinese 15 creits semester 2 pfp

mol5718m simultaneous interpreting: chinese 15 creits semester 2 pfp

mol5312m specialise chinese-english translation a 15 creits semester 1 pfp

mol5322m specialise chinese-english translation b 15 creits semester 2 pfp

mol5003m principles an applications of machine translation 15 creits semester 2

mol5005m computers an the translator 15 creits semester 2

mol5006m introuction to screen translation 15 creits semester 2

mol5007m corpus linguistics for translators 15 creits semester 1

mol5009m english for translators 15 creits semester 1

mol5011m english for interpreters 30 creits semesters 1 & 2

mol5018m genres in translation 15 creits semester 1

mol5212m specialise english-chinese translation a 15 creits semester 1

mol5222m specialise english-chinese translation b 15 creits semester 2

mol5312m specialise chinese-english translation a 15 creits semester 1

mol5322m specialise chinese-english translation b 15 creits semester 2

mol5718m simultaneous interpreting: chinese 15 creits semester 2

入学要求:a goo unergrauate egree ﹙2:1 honours or above,or the equivalent﹚ an an excellent comman of two foreign languages; all caniates must pass an entry test in translation; applicants will also nee to atten an interview to assess their suitability for interpreting training

语言要求: an overall ielts score of at least 7.0 ﹙with not less than 7.5 in speaking an listening an not less than 6.5 in reaing an writing﹚ is require.

萨里大学(university of surrey)(林超伦在这里哦)

ma business translation with interpreting

applie interpreting skills 15 c

economics / business translation 15 c

interpreting stuies 15 c

translation issues 15 c

computer-assiste translation tools 15 o

technical writing 15 o

public service interpreting trens an issues 15 o

issertation 60 c

入学要求:an equivalent to a minimum of a uk 2.2 honours egree in english or another relevant subject. in exceptional cases,alternative qualifications an professional experience may be consiere.

语言要求: ielts minimum overall: 6.5,ielts minimum by component: reaing: 6.0 writing: 6.5 speaking: 6.5 listening: 6.0

杜伦大学(urham university)

ma translation stuies

核心课程: research skills in translation stuies

translation theory

specialise translation

选修课程: history of translation

sociology of translation

introuction to interpreting stuies

translation ethics

translation an technology

online translation resources

translation memories

translation work placement

intercultural project management

eitorial techniques

核心项目 translation stuies issertation

extene translation project

extene translation project with technologies


语言要求:at least 7.0 in the ielts test ﹙with no element below 7.0﹚




  • 英国翻译专业详解


  • 纽卡斯尔大学翻译口译专业详解



