

  • 留学家长报
  • 2024-10-23 10:27

香港浸会大学,简称浸大(英语:Hong Kong Baptist University,HKBU),是香港成立历史第二悠久的高等教育学府,为基督教浸信会背景的公立大学,以“全人教育”为其教育目标及理想,其校训为“笃信力行”。根据2011年QS世界大学排名,浸大位居全球最佳学府第243位。2012年QS亚洲大学排名,浸大位居亚洲最佳学府第48位。而2011年泰晤士高等教育将浸大评为世界排名第276-300,及亚洲排名第13位。




Taking references from the practice of various MFA programs,the programme requires 66 units,i.e.,19 subjects + MFA Thesis Project. The subjects are structure accoring to the University Film an Vieo Association,U.S.A. on the most esirable istribution of MFA Programme:

Practice oriente=- 65%History,Criticism an Theory=15 - 20%Non-practice supporting course=15 - 20%

The shape of our MFA curriculum is like a pyrami. A stuent receives relatively broa training in film,TV,an igital meia in the first year,an concentrates on a particular track in the latter part of the stuies.

The first two semestersare evote to builing the founation of postgrauate meia training. The stuents nee to be familiar with the practical operations of film,television an igital meia,as well as unerstaning relate issues in theory an criticism.

The thir an fourth semestersemphasize on the specialize creative meia. At present,we offer three tracks:

i. script Writing;

ii. Film an TV Prouction;

iii. Digital Meia Prouction.

Our programme is esigne so that the stuent will have a goo balance of familiarity with one meia an unerstaning of the others. In the fifth an sixth semesters,a stuent will concentrate on one particular meia form. The stuent initiates,evelops,creates an prouces his/her MFA Thesis Project in that meia form.

framework of Stuy

script WritingFilm/TV ProuctionDigital MeiaUnits1st Semester3 common prouction subjects1 non-prouction elective122n Semester3 common prouction subjects1 common non-prouction subject123r Semester2 script Writing1 from other tracks1 non-prouction elective2 Film/TV1 from other tracks1 non-prouction elective2 Digital Meia1 from other tracks1 non-prouction Elective124th Semester2 script Writing1 Professional Workshop elective1 non- prouction elective2 Film/TV1 Professional Workshop elective1 non-prouction elective2 Digital Meia1 Professional Workshop elective1 non-prouction elective125th SemesterMeia Management1 non-prouction elective or1 elective from MACOMM or MMGTMFA Thesis Project I (3 units)96th Semester1 elective (non-prouction or Professional Workshop) or1 elective from MACOMM or MMGTMFA Thesis Project II (6 units)9TOTAL Units66

Stuy Scheule

1st Semester

CTV 7010 Postgrauate Film an Vieo Prouction I* (3 units)

CTV 7020 Postgrauate Television Stuio Prouction I* (3 units)

CTV 7030 2-D Computer Graphics Workshop (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

2n Semester

CTV 7040 Postgrauate Film an Vieo Prouction II* (3 units)

CTV 7050 Postgrauate Television Stuio Prouction II* (3 units)

CTV 7060 3-D Moeling an Renering Workshop (3 units)

CTV 7360 Iea,Story,script (3 units)

3r semester

script Writing Track

CTV 7100 Postgrauate script Writing (3 units)

CTV 7120 Creativity Workshop (3 units)

One prouction subject from other tracks (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

Film an TV Prouction Track

CTV 7140 Postgrauate documentary Seminar (3 units)

CTV 7150 Postgrauate Dramatic Film/Vieo Prouction (3 units)

One prouction subject from other tracks (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

Digital Meia Prouction Track

CTV 7180 Postgrauate 3-D Animation Workshop (3 units)

CTV 7200 Interactive Multimeia Design (3 units)

One prouction subject from other tracks (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

4th Semester

script Writing Track

CTV 7110 Avance script Writing Workshop (3 units)

CTV 7130 Comey: Theory an Practice (3 units)

One Professional Workshop elective (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

Film an TV Prouction Track

CTV 7160 Avance documentary Prouction Workshop (3 units)

CTV 7170 Avance Dramatic Film/TV Prouction Workshop (3 units)

One Professional Workshop elective (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

Digital Meia Prouction Track

CTV 7190 Avance 3-D Animation Prouction Workshop (3 units)

CTV 7210 Soun Design for Meia (3 units)

One Professional Workshop elective (3 units)

One non-prouction elective (3 units)

5th Semester

CTV 7070 Meia Management (3 units)

CTV 7081 MFA Thesis Project I (3 units)

One non-prouction elective OR one elective from MACOMM or MMGT (3 units)

6th Semester

CTV 7082 MFA Thesis Project II (6 units)

One elective (non-prouction or Professional Workshop) or

One elective from MACOMM or MMGT (3 units)


  • Postgrauate Film an Vieo Prouction I & II are esigne to generate the interactions among incoming stuents. They are problem base creative project type workshops. Each stuent starts with his/her own founation an at the en of the year gains the basis to entering into one of the 3 tracks in subsequent stuy.



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