

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 02:08

托福写作可以说是所有人“会呼吸的痛”,托福考生最犯怵的单项,往往就是写作,它真的是一个很令人头疼的单项,为什么会这样 ? 主要是因为这种国际型的语言考试,和传统的英语教学的写作要求是非常不一样的。


  托福写作总共 50 分钟时间,要求学生完成两篇文章,一篇综合写作,另外一篇独立写作,综合写作是 20 分钟的时间,而独立写作是 30 分钟的时间,这个时间是一定需要遵守的。而且托福考试是电脑作答,第一篇作文综合写作考察大家的综合能力。先要求大家阅读一段文字,然后再听一段听力,最后根据你所阅读的材料和听到的听力进行写作。而独立写作在形式上和雅思大作文基本上是一致的,即议论文一篇。



  托福独立写作字数一般情况下 350 到 450 字之间,太长或者过短都不太好。这些紫薯中包括了学生 “引证”时使用的事例或者谚语等。托福写作鼓励学生多使用事例,包括名人名言,个人经历,新闻报道,谚语,成语,这些都是可以用在托福独立写作中的“引证”,接下来我们将用一个具体的作文题目及范文帮助大家更好的理解“引证”。


Which one o you prefer,to solve problems on your own experience an knowlege,or to ask others for avice?


As knowlege an experience serve as twin towers in problem-solving,one is often presente with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment,either to wrack his brain,just like what happene to Newton,siting for many years uner an apple tree an eventually figuring out one of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe,or to seek for others’ wisom through their avice,just as in the case of Benjamin Franklin,gathering great mins uner one roof an then establishing a most worl-renown library. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involve,however,Benjamin Franklin may best be regare as a role moel in this respect an asking people for avice often turn out to be the prime alternative.

Experience an knowlege borrowe or learne from others’ avice contribute greatly to effectiveness an efficiency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience an knowlege relate to problem-solving can be obtaine by personal effort alone ue to limitations of min an capabilities of each iniviual. A single thought in someone ’ s min is,more often than not,far less shining compare with group ’ s wisom. That explains the famous ol saying that one sees further when staning upon the shoulers ’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leaer is always with greater mins; that also explains why teamwork in corporation is highly emphasize in the 21st century. Brainstorm an exchange of ieas between ifferent thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each iniviual involve,a team,a company,an institution,a country,or even the entire global village.

Asking others’ avice instea of getting everything one on one ’ s own promotes emocracy an communication too. In terms of emocracy,it is necessary to give others rights an chances to speak since the problem may concern them in ifferent ways,an their saying in turn reflects our respect towar freeom of speech as well as their wisom. In terms of communication,iea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions,an hereby better mutual unerstaning about perspectives,principles,practicalities an personalities of each other.

Amittely turning to others for help an suggestion by no means refers to absolute an irresponsible epenence. Consieration upon ifferent thoughts an ieas broaens our min,enlarges our vision,furthers unerstaning,enhances more effective an efficient brainstorm,an stresses mutual respect in groups an communities,which unoubtely gives rise to better,if not the best solutions.As is paraphrase from John F Kenney,brainstorme,there is little we can not o while ivie,there is little we can o.



“…….one is often presente with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment,either to wrack his brain,just like what happene to Newton,siting for many years uner an apple tree an eventually figuring out one of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe ……”

“…… just as in the case of Benjamin Franklin,gathering great mins uner one roof an then establishing a most worl-renown library. ”



“ That explains the famous ol saying that one sees further when staning upon the shoulers ’ of past great giants; ”

“ Brainstorm an exchange of ieas between ifferent thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each iniviual involve,a team,a company,an institution,a country,oreven the entire global village. ”




“ As is paraphrase from John F Kenney,brainstorme,there is little we cannot o while ivie,there is little we can o. ”





1. 新托福写作综合写作的字数要求时多少?如果超过字数要求会扣分吗?

官方明确要求托福综合写作字数是 150 至 225 字之间,而且我们建议考生尽量不超过 225 字,因为很多学生写作水平很好但是字数超过 225 字后往往没有获得理想的分数。希望大家都能按照官方的要求写作并控制字数。

2. 我托福写作考试独立写作没有使用案例,全部使用了论证,这样好吗?

就像我在文章中提到过的,如果完全没有案例或者 “引证”的话,肯定是不够好的,因为官方鼓励大家使用一定的“引证”。至少要求 2-3 个。



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