

  • 艺术留学大表哥
  • 2024-10-23 17:29

听力学是研究人的听觉功能,听力障碍 的诊疗、康复,以及环境噪声对人耳的危害等的一门科学。听力学的研究范围较广,有以下分支:基础听力学、实验听力学、 临床听力学 、小儿听力学、工业听力学、法医听力学等。与大家利害关系较大的是临床听力学,它又包括诊断听力学和康复听力学两大部分。前者的主要内容包括听功能测试、测试结果分析、听功能状态评价,协助耳科、神经内、外科发现病变,为言语-语言障碍提供诊断和处理意见。后者的主要内容包括药物治疗、听力重建手术、应用助听设备、进行听力言语训练。听力学专业是为适应我国六千万听力障碍者的需要于新世纪在我国高校开设的一门新专业。该学科研究听觉的生理、病理及听力康复方法,乃生物科学、电声学与语言学、医学等学科交叉的边缘学科。全世界范围内,听力师 已经成为最流行的十大职业之一。  因为这个专业在国内外都属于医学类专业的一个小分支,因此,很少有学校开设这个专业。




专业名称:master of science in auiology

课程概述和目标: the ivision of speech an hearing sciences,the university of hong kong,was one of the first in south east asia an china to offer post-grauate training in auiology. the first stuents were enrolle in 1996,an the next entry will be in september 2016.


what is auiology?

this rapily eveloping specialty involves the prevention,ientification an assessment of hearing isorers an the rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairment. hearing loss can have serious consequences for social,eucational an language evelopment if not etecte an treate promptly. auiologists work in a wie variety of settings,incluing ault an paeiatric hospitals,private hearing ai practice,inustrial consulting,schools an in research.

one person in ten has some form of hearing impairment. there is a strong eman for auiologists in many nations,incluing those in asia,an our grauates are employe in a wie range of auiological settings.

the programme

the ivision’s two-year programme provies stuents with etaile theoretical backgroun knowlege of human hearing an hearing loss,as well as intensive clinical practice in a variety of auiology placements. the meium of instruction is english an our stuents are encourage to actively participate in the learning process. assessment is in part progressive an by examination. with special arrangements an permission from the ivision,overseas stuents may be able to unertake part of their clinical training in their own countries. the programme is esigne to provie stuents with high quality clinical skills an an appreciation of research in auiology. stuents carry out a research project in the secon year of the course.




该项目 该学部为期两年的课程,为学生提供有关人类听觉及听力损失的详细理论背景知识,以及在各种听力学场所的密集临床实践。教学的媒介是英语,鼓励学生积极参与学习过程。评估部分是渐进的,是通过考试的。在特殊的安排和许可下,留学生可以在自己的国家进行部分的临床培训。该项目旨在为学生提供高质量的临床技能和对听力研究的鉴赏。学生在课程的第二年进行一个研究项目。


outline of courses

·anatomy an physiology:  general overview of human anatomy an physiology

·biological bases of speech an hearing:  anatomy,physiology an neurology of speech an hearing

·hearing science:  acoustics an psychoacoustics

·auiology i:  basic auiometry,report writing,interpretation of auiological information

·auiology ii:  paeiatric auiology

·auiology iii:  avance auiological theory,iagnostic auiology incluing auitory evoke response an otoacoustic emission assessments

·amplification i:  personal hearing ais an classroom amplification systems - prescription an fitting

·amplification ii:  avance stuies in the area of hearing ai fitting an cochlea implant proceures

·intervention i:  basic counselling approaches,the impact of hearing impairment

·intervention ii:  auitory training for aults an chilren

·intervention iii:  further work in the area of aural rehabilitation

·contemporary issues in auiology:  incluing inustrial auiology an eucational auiology

·research methos:  research esign,statistical methos an critical evaluation of research literature

·clinical practice in auiologyi:  intensive supervise clinical work in a variety of auiological placements

·clinical practicein auiologyii:  intensive supervise clinical work in a variety of auiological placements

·clinical case stuy:  a etaile report on a hearing impaire iniviual an their assessment an rehabilitation nees

·research project:  a research project on a topic relate to auiology or hearing science




















amissions requirements

to be eligible for amission to the master of science in auiology programme,a caniate shall satisfy both the university amission requirements an the programme specific requirements as liste below:

  • shall comply with the general regulations an the regulations for taught postgrauate curricula ;
  • shall hol either a bachelor’s egree in eucation,psychology,linguistics,physics,  meicine,speech an hearing sciences or other subjects relevant to this multiisciplinary profession from the university of hong kong or a egree from another university or comparable institution accepte as equivalent;
  • for a caniate who is seeking amission on the basis of a qualification from a university or comparable institution outsie hong kong of which the language of teaching an/or examination is not english,shall satisfy the university english language requirement applicable to higher egrees as prescribe uner general regulation g2﹙b﹚.

  • score of 550 or above ﹙paper-base test﹚ or 80 or above ﹙internet-base test﹚ in the test of english as a foreign language ﹙toefl﹚ #; or

  • minimum overall ban of 6 with no sub-test lower than 5.5 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚ #; or

  • grae c or above in the overseas general certificate of eucation,the international general certificate of seconary eucation,or the cambrige test of proficiency in english language.

  • shall satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination,if require.

for amission,only toefl or ielts scores recore in the two years before the ate of application will be consiere.






托福成绩为550或以上﹙笔试﹚或80或以上﹙基于互联网的考试﹚; 或

在国际英语语言测试系统﹙ielts﹚中,不低于5.5的最小总分﹙6﹚; 或





non-local stuents : hk$146,000 * 学制为2年,因此费用要乘以2哦。



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