

  • 留学二三事
  • 2024-10-23 08:28



When you go into the speaking test,the examiner graes you in four areas:

FC&nash;Fluency & coherence; 流利度与连贯性

GA&nash;Grammar Range & Accuracy; 语法准确性与精确性

LR&nash;Lexical Resource 词汇的丰富度

PR&nash;Pronunciation 语音语调的流畅与清晰度

Now to be honest every examiner knows what the strong an weak areas are for Chinese stuents. They all know that LR,which we can also call vocabulary is generally their strong point an FC an PR are generally the weaker. That oes not mean that all stuents will have the same problems. The average IELTS score for Chinese stuents is 5.5.


If we take an average of these four scores we can see that is 5.5 score. This means that any strategy you use for passing the IELTS test shoul concentrate on FC an PR more than GA an LR. I am not saying that you shoul forget about GA an LR completely,just focus on the typical weak points。

四个分数平均一下就是5.5. 这就意味着如果你想拿到雅思高分,那么你的重心应该更多的放在流利度和连贯性、语音上面,而不是语法和词汇上面。

In the next few parts I will take a look at each area an iscuss how you can increase your scores by looking at what examiners want. On the next page you can see a checklist of basic questions that you can ask yourself uring the exam. If you can manage to pay attention to all of these points,then you are going to succee on the exam。


A point that I want to remin you of,is that it is always your weak points that will pull you own,so remember to maintain your strong points,but really focus on your weak points so that everything evens out。


Fluency & Coherence 流利度与连贯性

a) Can I speak at length on a topic? 我能否详尽地就一个话题侃侃而谈?

b) Have I organise my ieas logically? 我的观点叙述有逻辑吗?

c) Have I use appropriate linking wors? 我有没有用到合适、恰当的逻辑连接词?

) Do I speak clearly an smoothly? 我是否讲得清晰且平顺?

分割线 Grammatical Range & Accuracy 语法张度与准确性

a) Have I use a variety of simple,compoun an complex sentences? 我是否混合着使用了简单句、复合句和复杂句?

b) Have I use a range of structures to convey moality,conitionals,active/passive,cause/effect an tenses? 我是否用了不同的结构去传递语法的正确形式、条件句、主被动语态、因果句、时态?

c) How well can the assessor unerstan me even though I have mae some errors? 在我偶有错误的前提下,考官能多大程度上的理解我所讲的话?

分割线 Lexical Resource 词汇的丰富度

a) Are the wors an expressions I use appropriate an accurate? 我所使用得词和习语是否合适并且准确?

b) Do I have a goo range of vocabulary to cover the topic? 我所使用得词频是否涵盖足够广泛,而非单一只能运用某一个词汇段?

c) Have I use correct wor forms? 我是否正确地使用了单词的形式?

) Have I use some iiomatic language? 我是否使用了一些习惯用语?

e) How well can I talk about personal an familiar topics? 我能多优异地谈论个人和自己熟悉的话题?

f) How well can I iscuss more abstract topics? 我能多优异地讨论更抽象的话题? 分割线 Pronunciation 语音语调

g) Have I pronounce my wors correctly? 我的单词发音是否正确?

h) How appropriately have I use stress an intonation? 我是否正确重读了单词,我们语调如何?

i) How well can the interviewer unerstan me? 考官能听懂我吗?

j) Is my voice strong an clear? 我的声音是否自信并且清晰?



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