

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2024-09-01 12:32



Well,overseas stuy can be tough,or at least not as easy as you’ imagine. Sometimes you have to put up with some unpleasantness known only to yourself. 但事实上,留学是条艰辛路,留学生生活远没有想象中的那么美好,有些苦,永远都只有自己懂。

Part1. Sleep(睡眠时间)

留学前: Chat with friens online until 11pm then go to be. 晚上11点结束和朋友的聊天以后睡觉

留学时: Fall asleep at 2am while still oing homework. 写作业到凌晨2点困到睡着

留学后: Stay up late almost every night to make the most of the precious time you have with your friens. 夜夜不睡,怕浪费宝贵的和大家相处的时间

Part2. Eat(饮食)

留学前: Visit McDonal’s,KFC an other Western-style restaurants frequently. Be willing to try any Western foo. 喜欢吃麦当劳、肯德基、牛排所有一切洋玩意儿

留学时: Try all the ishes on offer at Chinese restaurants,but struggle to fin anything that really tastes like home. 喜欢吃大米饭、凉菜、水煮鱼,然而都不是家乡的那个味儿

留学后: only want to eat your mom’s foo. 就喜欢吃妈妈做的

