
美本留学Common App网申开启!如何正确填写更利于录取

  • 小白留学
  • 2024-10-23 01:30

美本留学Common App网申开启!如何正确填写更利于录取

近日,美本留学Common App系统正式开放,2025美本申请季正式开启。美国本科留学










●学校名单:你可以选择将【My Colleges】界面的整个所选大学名单滚动延续至新的申请年度,也可以只选择滚动延续某些特定的大学。



需要注意的是,并非所有信息都会滚动延续至新的申请季。【My College】界面上除了学校名单本身,其他东西都不会滚动,包括每所大学自己问题、补充文书、FERPA发布授权和推荐人邀请。



来自哈佛大学官网的填写指南,重点,重点,重点,哈佛的招生官还告诉你,如何解读Common App中你所有的个人信息。

Part 1 Profile(个人信息)



Please fill out your name exactly as it will show up on all materials we receive for your application.Your teachers,college counselors and others should also use your legal name just as it will appear on your financial aid forms,official test score reports,etc.Use of a nickname can cause your application to be incomplete if we cannot match your materials to your application.





Part 2 Family(家庭情况)



Part of an admissions officer’s job in reading your application is to understand your background and how these circumstances have affected your upbringing,the opportunities available to you,academic preparation,and other factors relevant to the college admissions process.

Family life is an important factor in helping us to learn more about the circumstances and conditions in which you were raised,and how you have made the most of the opportunities provided by your family.We want to understand where you’re coming from,not only in school,but at home as well.



Parents almost always have a significant effect on students’lives.Information about parents may indicate challenges you have faced–and overcome.In your essay you might elaborate on your family experiences in a wide variety of ways that can illuminate your character and personal qualities,including the positive aspects of your family life.


Part 3 Education(教育背景)



Interruption in Education

It is not uncommon for students to change schools or take time off during high school.While this information will most likely appear on your transcript,hearing directly from you about any interruption in schooling will help us to fill in any gaps.



We always defer to the secondary school report for information about grades.If yours is not provided by the counselor or school,we will take into consideration what is self-reported,making sure to confirm with your school officials.


Current or Most Recent Year Courses

Please list the courses you are currently taking and/or are planning on taking before you graduate.If your schedule changes after you have submitted your application,please keep us updated by submitting additional materials in the Applicant Portal.


Honors&Level(s)of Recognition

This is a place to highlight any achievements or awards you have received.If you receive any significant honors or awards after submitting the application,you may notify us by submitting additional materials in the Applicant Portal and we will include this information with your application materials.


Future Plans&Career Interest

You do not need to have a ten year plan,but getting a sense of what kinds of professions you have considered gives us insight into your current plans.Don’t fret about it:put a few ideas down and move on with your application.

Since there are some students who do have a developed career interest already established while they are in high school,this question provides an opportunity to indicate such a plan.



在创建CA账户时,学生必须同意Common App的使用条款和隐私政策。这并不是什么新鲜事。

今年还新增了一项最新的“欺诈政策”(Fraud Policy),CA将欺诈定义为在申请中故意提供虚假或误导性信息,比如伪造成绩单,或文书不是自己的原创作品。学生在提交申请时,必须确认他们的作品是自己的。






对于转学学生,在学术历史(Academic History)部分,经过更新后的“高中毕业情况”(High School Graduation Status Choices)选项现在包括GED或同等学历选项。个人信息部分的更新包括增加了家庭问题,并对其他信息部分重新排序,使其更加清晰。

额外信息(Supporting Information)部分也进行了调整,在传统的荣誉类别中包含了荣誉社团(Honor Societies)。

美本留学Common App网申开启!如何正确填写更利于录取

Part 4 Testing(考试情况)



Test Scores

We have always looked at the best scores applicants choose to submit.If you haven’t yet taken the tests,please indicate which tests you are taking and when.



The TOEFL is not required for Harvard,but if you are taking it for another college,you may elect to submit it as part of your Harvard application.Your score can be one more piece of evidence regarding your English language proficiency,so you may choose to submit it if you feel it provides additional helpful information.


AP/IB Tests

These exam scores are additional pieces of academic information which can help us as we think about your preparation and potential for college level work.Sometimes AP or IB scores can demonstrate a wide range of academic accomplishments.

If you have the opportunity to take AP and IB exams,the results may also be helpful for academic placement,should you be accepted and choose to enroll at Harvard.


Part 5 Activities(活动部分)



How we use extracurricular activities and work experience in the admissions process

We are much more interested in the quality of students’activities than their quantity so do not feel you need to fill in the entire grid!Contributions students make to the well-being of their secondary schools,communities and families are of great interest to us.So indicate for us the time you spend and the nature of the contribution to extracurricular activities,the local community,work experiences and help provided to your family.Activities you undertake need not be exotic but rather might show a commitment to excellence regardless of the activity.Such a commitment can apply to any activity in your life and may reflect underlying character and personal qualities.

对比活动的数量,我们更看重学生活动的质量,所以不要觉得你一定要把活动内容全部填满!学生对学校、社区、家庭的贡献是我们最感兴趣的内容。所以向我们说明你在课外活动、当地社区、工作以及给予家庭帮助方面所花的时间以及这些贡献的实质内容。你的活动不需要是奇特的(exotic),但是不管什么活动,都要展示你追求卓越(commitment to excellence)。这种追求能够用于你生活中的任何事情,并能反映你潜在的个人特点和品质。

For example,a student can gain a great deal from helping his or her family with babysitting or other household responsibilities or working in a restaurant to help with family or personal expenses.Such experiences are important“extracurricular”activities and can be detailed in the extracurricular section and discussed in essays.


Some students list only activities they feel will appear significant to the admissions office,while others endeavor to list every single thing they have ever done.Neither approach is right for everyone.Rather,you should think about the activities(in-school,at home,or elsewhere)that you care most about and devote most of your time doing,and list those.


We realize that extracurricular and athletic opportunities are either unavailable or limited at many high schools.We also know that limited economic resources in many families can affect a student’s chances for participation on the school teams,travel teams,or even prevent participation at all due to the costs of the equipment or the logistical requirements of some sports and activities.You should not feel that your chances for admission to college are hindered by the lack of extracurricular opportunities.Rather,our admissions committee will look at the various kinds of opportunities you have had in your lifetime and try to assess how well you have taken advantage of those opportunities.


For additional thoughts on extracurricular activities,please refer to this 2009 article in the New York Times:Guidance Office:Answers From Harvard’s Dean,Part 3.

Positions held,honors won,letters earned,or employer

In this section,please describe the activity and your level of participation.Please note that your description should be concise,or it may be cut off by the Common Application.

Participation Grade Level

The grades during which you have participated are important because they help us to understand the depth of your involvement in that activity and your changing interests over time.Not all extracurricular activities must be a four-year commitment for our applicants.


Approximate Time Spent

We are interested to know how you manage your time and to understand how you balance your life outside of the classroom.Some students dedicate their time to one or two activities,while others spread their time among many.


When did you participate

We know that students are often active both during the school year and the summer–working,babysitting siblings,enrolling in courses,traveling,playing sports,holding internships,etc.Distinguishing school-year activities from summer activities helps us understand how you have spent your time and taken advantage of opportunities available to you.


Plans to participate in college?

Harvard is a residential institution,and our students are actively engaged in college life.This section helps us to understand how you might contribute at Harvard.Some students who were involved in several activities during high school choose to narrow their focus in college and/or to try new activities not previously available.


What if there's not enough space?

Filling out the grid is an act of prioritization:your responses tell us what activities or work experiences are most meaningful to you.And there’s quite a bit of space there,too;almost everyone should be able to convey the breadth and depth of out-of-class commitments on the application.Conversely,please do not feel a need to fill every line!

Part 6 Writing(文书)

Personal Essay

The Common Application essay topics are broad.Please note that Coalition essay questions may differ.While this might seem daunting at first,look at it as an opportunity to write about something you care about,rather than what you think the Admissions Committee wants to hear.The point of the personal statement is for you to have the chance to share whatever you would like with us.Remember,your topic does not have to be exotic to be compelling.

Essay topics include:

Some students have a background,identity,interest,or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it.If this sounds like you,then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success.Recount a time when you faced a challenge,setback,or failure.How did it affect you,and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea.What prompted your thinking?What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way.How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment,event,or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic,idea,or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time.Why does it captivate you?What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice.It can be one you've already written,one that responds to a different prompt,or one of your own design.

Additional Information

Do not feel obligated to fill this space,but some students have used this opportunity to tell us about challenging circumstances in their lives such as illness or other difficulties that may have affected their grades.Any information that can tell us more about the person behind the test scores and grades can be helpful.

Part 7 Harvard Questions(关于哈佛)


General:Submitting Supplementary Materials

Supplementary materials(art slides,music recordings,research papers,etc.)help when they reveal unusual talent.You absolutely do not have to include anything supplementary to gain acceptance to Harvard,and the vast majority of admitted students do not submit supplementary materials with their applications.You can submit art and media files through Slideroom and any documents or articles directly in the Applicant Portal with an uploader tool.


Academics:Fields of Study

When you select from the full list of Harvard's academic concentrations,you give us a sense of the direction you may choose when it comes time for you to choose a concentration at Harvard in your sophomore year.

While we realize that this question is quite similar to the one asked on the Common Application,our own format allows us to fit this information into data fields that Harvard has been collecting for many years.While we know students might well change their minds once they are in college,it is helpful for us to get a sense of their current interests and those academic areas in which they have already spent time and effort.

We do not admit students into specific academic programs,and we have no quotas or targets for academic fields.


Academics:Future Plans

As a liberal arts institution with fifty academic concentrations and more than 450 extracurricular organizations,we expect and encourage our students to explore new opportunities.We understand that as you answer these questions,you may not be entirely sure of your plans,but this information helps us to understand how you might use Harvard.



One of the principal ways students meet and educate each other during college is through extracurricular activities.Your answer to this question gives us a better sense of the interests you might bring to college and how definite your academic,vocational,extracurricular or athletic interests might be.This information helps us understand better how you might use Harvard.Of course,one of the best things about a liberal arts education is that plans may change.There is no“right”answer to these questions.



If you have applied to Harvard before,we want to include your previous application with your current one.We also want to have a record of any other involvement at Harvard you may have had,including the Summer School and the Extension School and associated transcripts.This information adds to the context of your present application.It can be helpful for us to note changes in your application—perhaps areas where you have strengthened the academic and/or extracurricular aspects of your candidacy.


Writing Supplement哈佛补充文书

The supplement includes five required short-answer questions,each with a 200 word limit.We want to ensure that every student has the same opportunity to reflect on and share how their life experiences and academic and extracurricular activities shaped them,how they will engage with others at Harvard,and their aspirations for the future.Our continued focus is on considering the whole student in the admissions process and how they have interacted with the world.







学生还可以访问【REACH Pathfinder】,帮助学生确定与特定大学之间的匹配度,并了解大学的录取流程。


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